Anti-War Flick “Rendition” Bombs

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Pile of Shit Rendition

Turning in a dismal $4 million and coming in 9th place this weekend was the anti-war tripe waste-of-celluloid-and-good-money film “Rendition.”

Good, fuck ‘em.

Let’s see, we know Witherspoon gets about $29 million per flick now, Jake doesn’t come too cheap, either…I smell big loss. Who says there’s no justice? ~Bash

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18 Responses

  1. deathstar


    It will be cool to watch “Young Americans” blow past this anti-American crap in terms of box office takings. Anyone know how much this shitty little film cost to make?

  2. Rick

    Pay attention ou asswipes in Hollywood. You might want to get used to this. :razz:
    And a whole buncha :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: for all those who found something worthwhile to do ever the weekend and ignore this kind of crap

  3. Kurt(the infidel

    Wow Bash, you been over my house after white castle and beer night? haha!

    But yeah great news. and it just proves that people dont want to see this shit, there is a very small market after all. I would rather stare at that nasty crap picture :lol:


    You mean that picture ain’t normal?? :shock:

    This is awsome news, I think the new ‘anti war’ flick ‘Lions to Lambs’ will do the same. Stupid lefties.

  5. Mike in Dallas

    I wish I had of known what that in the photo was before I clicked on it…… much for lunch.

  6. Brian H

    ren·der (rndr)
    tr.v. ren·dered, ren·der·ing, ren·ders

    12. To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating.
    ren·di·tion (rn-dshn)
    1. The act of rendering.

    5. A surrender.

    Render now, de Palma; your rendition is almost complete!

  7. Tom

    They’ll be claiming Bush censored them or something like that.

  8. One Shot

    Another Hollyweird “Stink Pickle”.

  9. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    Looks like they could use a little less fiber in their diet! :lol:

  10. Ranger

    :beer: :beer:

  11. Greg M

    Haha fucking ass holes deserve it!

  12. Mindy Abraham

    The only way i’ll see this, is if I get a cheap bootleg copy. I would rather see a movie version of lone survivor. Why are the war movies coming out all making the US look bad :?: I am sick of this, as I happen to like this country.

  13. boots

    when is young Americans coming out?

  14. Jim

    :mrgreen: :!: :beer:

  15. jeb

    The numbers to look at are the international box office. The problem is these films make money outside the U.S.

  16. Mark Tanberg

    for a second i thought someone chewed up a steak and then spit it out, but then saw the toilet seat. Whoever did this should be slapped for desecrating the toilet, but given a medal if they did it in one sitting. the man on the toilet did a better job than the director of “rendition”.

  17. drillanwr

    Not very nice, Bash … Showing a picture of a Koran in a toilet …

  18. Turambar


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