Bash Vid: Islamic Brainwashing

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Bashman.

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10 Responses

  1. Hank

    Good video, Bash. You hit the nail on the head, education is the key for those children.

  2. mindy abraham

    I told you to not hold back how you feel :twisted: seriously, we need to get the kids while they are young and give a opportunity to work, go to school, a real school not a madrassa, and let them see that life can be good while they learn something useful.

  3. JonnyMordant

    That sounds a lot like some of the University students I’ve met, only they have to cough up a couple hundred grand to learn to hate America and Israel!

  4. Jack

    Great bit.
    One question though:
    How do you propose we change their education system without forcibly doing so? Clearly, forcing people to change in that region is not working. It’s wrong and violates their rights to choose for themselves, as perverted as their choices might be…Hasn’t forcing western values on middle eastern society too early been met with violent consequences? Change has to come from the inside….So how do we get inside?

    Something to think about….

  5. One Shot

    You’ve convinced me…kill every last one of them and the sooner the better. Sure seems like a quicker way to put them out of our misery.

  6. dadeo

    @ Jack, getting to the inside and changing is exactly what they have done to the US.

    They (muslims) have invaded our universities, our media, government, and our culture in order to do exactly as you have said; change us from the inside. “Islam is the religion of peace.” “There’s only a few bad apple muslims who are causing the trouble.” “Be tolerant, American muslims have the right to practice their religion (jihad), and jihad is an internal spiritual struggle.” BULLSHIT!!

    A PART of the muslim jihad plan is to peacefully corrupt from the inside; AND IT’S WORKING IN THE US.

    We have overslept the alarm and it’s time to look differently at the “civil liberties” we have graciously handed to our muslim “friends.” They are using our culture and values to destroy from within!


  7. Jack

    I agree that it is politically taboo to speak out about Islamo-fascism, but I don’t think the answer is to curtail civil liberties for them, as I gather you are suggesting. (and I apologize if I am wrong) We have to hold strong to the TRADITIONAL values of America. Namely Liberty, Freedom, Privacy, Limited Government, and the Republic. The real way to combat this new fascist threat is to set the example. It’s already beginning to happen in Iran, where the former president Mohammad Khatami is speaking out against Ahmadinejad on economic issues, and university students are beginning to oppose the president calling him a “mean dictator.” Freedom is a popular idea to the populous, but not to dictatorial government or hardline religious sects.

    If we are to call upon the world to embrace the principles of our government, then we cannot falter on our commit to those principles by engaging in political hypocrisy here at home.

    So how do we get inside? By staying true to the principles of the Republic here at home.

  8. Support Your local Jihadi Killer

    Reminds me of the Democrats and liberals in this country.
    They’re doing the same thing here.


    Your pacifist arguments fail on several levels.
    1. Principles that are not worth fighting for are not worth having. The use of force, or violence (war), is the extension of policy by other means, such that when nonviolent policy fails, force is used. It is the nonviolent policies of the left which have failed in the region for the past 60 years. It is the use of force (war) which is beginning to effect positive change now.
    2. It is the traditional values, which you enumerate, which are the principles worth fighting for in the GWOT (remember, we were attacked). Therefore, it is not inconsistant, or your words ‘political hypocrisy’, to use force to preserve these principles.
    3. In WWII, NAZI Germany indoctrinated its youth in much the same way as the Madrassas of today. It was the overwhelming use of force, or total war concept, which dismantled the NAZI government and ultimately led to a free Western Germany. Likewise, the use of the total war concept in Iraq/Iran will dismantle the Islamofacist government(s)and permit the introduction of traditional priciples of freedom into the region (during reconstruction). This also occurred in Italy and Japan during the same time-period. This is how you “get inside”.

    Bash..outstanding vid!

  10. John Goodrow

    Well done as always Bash.

    The source is Islam and the only alternative is faith in God’s only son Jesus.

    He is the way, the truth, and the light.

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