Video: Murphy’s Family And Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell Speak

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

President Bush presented the nation’s highest military honor for valor today to the family of Lt. Michael Murphy of Patchogue, N.Y. Murphy, Luttrell and two other SEALs were searching for a terrorist in the Afghan mountains on June 28, 2005, when their mission was compromised after they were spotted by locals, who presumably alerted the Taliban to their presence.

I’m sure most of you are aware of this.

One little side note I would like to add…Murphy wore an FDNY patch on his uniform and I was reminded of this video my 3 year old son watches. It’s a DVD of Firemen at a firehouse in Manhattan. The video is one of those “Hi boys and girls, I’m Firefighter Bob!” type deals, and my son has watched it thousands of times, he knows the whole thing by heart (so do I, unwilling repetition). The video was made about 5 years BEFORE 911 and upon research I found that a few guys from Engine 16 Ladder 7, including one of the guys that appears in the video, actually perished on 911.

The guy’s name was George Cain, he died in the towers…maybe someday I can tell my son. I know I will save the DVD, and someday, when he’s old enough to grasp the whole thing, I’ll let him know…

Salute to Lt. Michael Murphy, a hero who died with a hero’s patch on. ~Bash

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5 Responses

  1. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    I feel a heaviness in my chest and tears are welling in my eyes. There is no higher honor. May God bless him, his family and all the others who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

  2. cclezel

    What can one truly say when you hear about such heros. It makes my service of 20 years seem so small compare to what this young man gave. I am honored to have heard of his sacrifice and to his lone survivor and the family, my prayers and heartfelt thanks.

  3. Mindy Abraham

    I saw the ceremony on t.v. and I started to cry a little :cry: because I wish people like himn would live a long time. He was brave, and we all owe him and those like him a lot. To the family all I can say is thanks, and you raised a wonderful person. :cry:
    p.s. lone survivor is, so far a very good book. It supposedly is going to be a movie. Can anyone confirm that?

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    I saw this live on tv today too. What a brave American this man was. He will be remembered in history, the story will no doubt be retold and he will always be alive throug this. A medal of honor recipient, wow! thats an accomplishment right there.

  5. TJ (The kafir)

    america lost an heroic son, who paid the ultimate sacrifice. R. I. P. :cry:

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