Video: McCain on Woodstock: ‘I Was Tied Up At The Time’

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

Commenting on Hillary Clinton’s spending policies, Sen. John McCain jokes about Woodstock and his time as a hostage during Vietnam:


MCCAIN: In case you missed it, a few days ago, Senator Clinton tried to spend one million dollards on the Woodstock Concert Museum. now, my friends, I wasn’t there, I’m sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event. I was tied up at the time, but the fact is –

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19 Responses

  1. John Goodrow

    That man is a true patriot. He went through hell for this country. Strength wins my vote.

  2. CPLViper

    I think he would make a great VP. The VP is the one who can speak his mind and John has a strong understanding of the world and communicates it well. I would like to see Fred on the top of that ticket. Domestic strength backed by foreign strength.

  3. John Goodrow

    As long he is in there somewhere I will sleep well.

  4. One Shot

    “one million dollards”

    Is that some new form of currency :mrgreen:

  5. Jim

    That was awesome …John Goodrow, I agree with you…his resolve and political savy would make him a great president…

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    My only beef I ever had with McCain was his attempts to endear himself in the eyes of the MSM, well and his support for amnesty for illegals. Nonetheless, no one can question his manhood for what he had to endure. He has truly served his country in office and in uniform.

  7. Professor Bill

    That was a real zinger, take that Hilldabeast. However I will never vote for him in a primary, chiefly because of McCain/Feingold. Which was the single largest attach on first amendment liberties in decades.

  8. Future0311 (the infidel)

    “one million dollards”

    It took a minute for that to register as a typo. lol

    Aside from the amnesty bill and his support for gun control, I think he’s a pretty good candidate.

  9. John Cunningham

    Incredible sense of humor.

  10. Brian H

    “one million dollards”. Pat! Who knew you were from such a large family! Christmas shopping must be hell.

  11. mindy abraham

    I love that line-it is so true to form for him. :lol: I like him, maybe because I am not a strict republican. I wish he would be vp if he does not win.

  12. Kurt(The infidel)

    John McCain is a true American patriot. I have always had so much respect for this guy and am respecting him more and more all the time. Im proud to have him running for the President of the United States.

  13. Kurt(The infidel)

    And LOL @ one million dollards. I read that too. giant family :lol:

  14. Lamplighter

    He’s really funny. I’ve always liked him although I don’t always agree with him. I’d take any of the repub’s over Billary, you can bet on that! Meanwhile, I’m a bit tied up now, with smoke and flames billowing over the hill behind my house (Cal. is burning)…got a bag packed if I have to leave in a hurry… :shock:

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    Lamplighter, if you check this i hope things are alright for you. been watching those fires on the news and it looks pretty bad.

  16. Lamplighter

    Kurt: we were in the thick of it. Amazing. By the time they told us to leave, it was too late. Luckily, no houses burnt in my neighborhood. We went through this in 1998, but this was worse! I’ve been told it passed by, so…

  17. franchie


    youd better try to sell your house and move in a cooler place, don’t you have montains around ?

  18. Lamplighter

    franchie: my house backs up to some “mountains.” I was just listening to Rush Limbaugh and he was minimizing the fire in SoCal, saying the media was blowing it up. No, they are not. It is bad. Some of the fires set by arsonists. We were lucky yesterday, I have a family member that is a firefighter, that’s why we stayed. Otherwise, we would have left earlier.

  19. Jim


    How much of San Diego’s north county ie San Marcos, Escondido, R Bernardo, Poway, R penasquitos(where I lived growing up)

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