Iran Joins In The Fight Against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week In America

October 23rd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


From IRNA:
When David Horowitz returns to Columbia University next Friday to mark his organization’s much-hyped “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” (IFAW), he will find a determined opposition, coming from a coalition of concerned students and up to nine of Horowitz’s “101 Most Dangerous Professors.”
“The week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever? a wake-up call for Americans, “claims the Terrorism Awareness Project, which is sponsoring IFAW together with the Young America’s Foundation. Between them, the sponsors have tens of millions of dollars in their war chest for occasions just like this.

The week will feature petitions denouncing “Islamo-Fascist jihad,” pamphlets like “The Islamic Mein Kampf,” “teach-ins” and “sit-ins” at Women’s Studies Departments, and speeches by the likes of Horowitz, Ann Coulter, Rick Santorum, and Daniel Pipes. Doing their part for the war, the sponsors urge their foot soldiers: “If you want to help our brave troops who are fighting the Islamo-Fascists abroad - bring Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week to your campus.”

With IFAW, Horowitz, an ex-Leftist-gone-Right, is taking on two of his favorite enemies: Left-wing faculty and Muslim youth. In a recent statement, he claimed that “the progressive left is the enabler and abettor of the terrorist jihad,” and in the same document, he called the Muslim Students Association (MSA) a “front for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.”
Nationwide, Muslim students and other advocates have launched a rapid response to IFAW and the Horowitz offensive. The MSA recently announced its “Peace Not Prejudice Campaign.” As national organizer Asma Rehman put it, “The MSA is trying to reclaim the discourse from the hands of intolerant extremists who smear and distort Islam to further their own racist agendas.”

Full article HERE.

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7 Responses

  1. sully

    “The MSA is trying to reclaim the discourse from the hands of intolerant extremists who smear and distort Islam to further their own racist agendas.”

    So it’s “racist” to hold people responsible for the oppression and murder they commit in the name of their ‘god’ just because I don’t like their ‘religion’?

  2. Vigilante

    The fact that your blog has chosen to ignore Bigfoot Awareness Week speaks volumes about your lack of commitment to the war on giantopithecus blacki. It is obvious that liberals like you will not be satisfied until our schools, hospitals, churches, and other institutions are overrun by hirsute bipedal cryptid infiltrators. You, sir, should be ashamed.

  3. sully

    “….lack of commitment….”

    How DARE you!!! It is YOU sir that lacks commitment!! This is not the Bigfoot blog. Now get yourself back over there where you belong. Here’s your link for easy transportation….

  4. sully

    :lol: ….. I forgot that they call themselves “kossacks” on your planet. How appropriate is that???? :lol:

  5. DMac

    Islamic Terrorists is a race now?

    What about Neo-Nazi’s, do they get protected status too?

  6. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Vigilante = typical liberal. Can’t actually argue a point, has to resort to making stupid, off-the-wall, irrelevant comments like the one he just posted. Pathetic.

    Not to mention they usually don’t really HAVE a point to argue…

  7. Brian H

    The link to the full article is broken, and it can’t be found on the archives listing. This has been happening a lot, and is kind of a PITA.

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