LOL: Miami Man Wields Butcher Knives, Molotovs, Charges Airbase MPs

October 23rd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

He was screaming “Death to America” the whole way…

Wielding two butcher knives bought at Wal-Mart and vodka bottles to use as explosives, Tahmeed Ahmad chanted ”Death to America” and told Homestead Air Reserve Base guards he wanted to kill soldiers.

But Ahmad was no terrorist, authorities believe.

Rather, the Miami Central High School math teacher wanted to ”commit suicide by cop” when he attacked military policemen stationed at the west gate just before midnight Sunday, the FBI said.

Ahmad did not get his wish. One officer fired his handgun at Ahmad. He missed.

”We take security very seriously at the base, but this was quite an unusual event,” said Lt. Col. Tom Davis, a base spokesman. “Our security forces are well trained and responded appropriately.”

Police quickly arrested Ahmad, 22, whose mother says is mentally ill and had recently been in a mental institution. The FBI charged him Monday with assaulting a U.S. government employee.

Miami Herald article by David Ovalle here.

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15 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Durka, durka.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Who knows how many like it exist in our nation.

  3. Jim

    Look at the mouth on that Looney Toon…no need to pull out the firearm. This is a job for my Louisville Slugger.
    “Fastball, high and inside”

  4. Grumpy

    Man, math nerds always get such a bad rep. Way to go Ahmad.

  5. Future0311 (the infidel)


  6. Mike in CA

    This guy figured the only way he was going to get laid was to meet his 72 virgins. He was just looking of a little help.

    Fastball, high and inside, that’s funny!

  7. One Shot

    “Our security forces are well trained and responded appropriately.”

    Not if he shot at him and missed. Somebody well-trained would have kept shooting until he ceased and desisted (ceased to exist works for me).

    Now we have to try this putz, house him and feed him on our nickel. Back to the firearms range for a bit more practice boys.

  8. Howie

    “One officer fired his handgun at Ahmad. He missed.”
    Just read these two sentences and you would know it was an Air Force base with Air Force Guards. Semper Fi!

    Jim that is not a picture of the guy from the story. I forget what they were calling this idiot but he is in a ton of “Death to America” pictures, always with the same open mouth pose. Looks like he’s had some dental work done.

  9. Howie

    Go to and they may still have this up on the site.

  10. House 6

    I’m a little disappointed that the “officer” missed. I miss MPs at the gates. If there had been one on duty, this a-hole would be doing a meet and greet with Allah right about now. I’m glad to see that the mother confirmed my suspicions that Islamofacism = insanity. Thanks, ma!

  11. Mike In Dallas

    You’re damn right about it not being guarded by Marines. They would have sent him to hell in a hurry.

    Hell, the Marines that guarded NCTAMS Med Det Rota, Spain scared the shit out of me and I was on their side (US Navy)AND on watch IN uniform and STILL got put on the ground with loaded weapons pointed at my head during a security alert.

    If that dude were to have shown up there, they would have shot him until he looked like a pair of boots with burnt matches coming out of them.

    Whenever we had a security alert and I wasn’t on watch….I would hide. Hell, they put our CO in the dirt once…..only once though LOL.

  12. Top Ward

    deathstar you’re killin’ me man. :lol:

    “We take security very seriously at the base”, HELLO he MISSED! How serious is that!

  13. Snarfybobo

    this guy is teaching kids and he’s previously been in a mental institution. anyone else see something wrong with this?

  14. Ranger

    They’re all mentally ill. And why can’t the chair force shoot straight? :lol:

  15. martymar

    I’m in the navy and have been working with the air force security forces for the last 3 years. well trained my ass. LMAO!! we had a guy come to the clearing barrel to draw his m9 when we had intel some disgruntled guy supposedly headed to the base to try suicide by cop with the gate guards. (we had to go beef up the posture cuz civilian guards suck) , he was shaking so bad i thought he would never get the barrel in the damn thing. Sweat dripping down his brow and everyhing. we asked him “what’s wrong with you?” he goes “i’ve never had to do anything like this before”
    My reaction :?: “WTF” We asked him “so you never shot anyone huh?” (not like i have either, i just wanted to see him squirm) he goes “no” so i said “well maybe today you’ll get to join the club.” I thought he was going to piss his pants and go home and cry to mommy.

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