“Don’t Tase Me, Bro!” Cops Cleared Of Any Wrongdoing

October 24th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

loudmouthed pussy
Loudmouthed pussy got what he deserved. Ok, he really deserved to have his ass kicked, but cameras were rolling…word is this guy planned it all out like this.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has released a 300-page report on the infamous zapping of University of Florida senior Andrew Meyer, whose rowdy actions, catch-phrase and police Tasering during a John Kerry town hall forum made international headlines.

”Don’t Tase me, Bro,” Meyer, 21, squealed after police put the screaming, combative student down on the ground and relaxed him with 50,000 volts from a Taser.

FDLE has determined that University of Florida police did nothing improper in subduing Meyer after he resisted arrest.

A statement from University of Florida President Bernie Machen and links to the FDLE report can be found at www.president.ufl.edu/incident/.

”While I am pleased that the FDLE review is complete, we still have work to do on a separate front. As an academic institution, it is our responsibility to continually review — and improve– how we foster an open environment that is also safe for our ever-changing campus community,” Machen wrote.

The infamous incident, whose footage has been viewed thousands of times on youtube.com, took place on Sept. 17 during a forum hosted by Sen. John Kerry at the university in Gainesville.

During a question and answer period, Meyer, who grew up in Broward, caused a stir while asking Kerry a line of questions ranging from voter fraud to the senator’s alleged membership in a secret society.

After Meyer refused to stop his line of questioning, and his microphone was cut off, the student became agitated when police tried to escort him out of the room.

He resisted arrested and was eventually pinned to the ground, where he continued struggling.

At that point, after seeing that a police officer had taken out his Taser, he uttered the words that have become a pop catchphrase: “Don’t Tase me, Bro.”

Miami Herald article by Roberto Santiago here.

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3 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah he is known by people as a smart mouth little punk who pulls pranks all the time. glad the cops were cleared and too bad we always have cameras around these days

  2. franchie

    “don’t tase me, bro” has become a must on utube, different musical versions, he should get kickbacks

  3. Bobcat

    According to the police report by the officers involved in the incident and witnesses, he handed a video camera to a girl in front of him and asked her to film him right before he stepped up to the mic. He also refused to be taken down in an elevator and wanted to be taken down the stairs instead (to be seen getting dragged off by the cops no doubt). Apparently, upon being placed in the back of the police cruiser he instantly calmed down and was trying to be friendly with the police officers. He made comments along the lines of, “I don’t really hate you guys. I know you’re just doing your job.” He also wanted to know if there would be cameras at the police station once they arrived.
    It should also be noted that one officer’s sunglasses were broken during the struggle. Shoulda known better than to mess with a cop’s shades, buddy. :idea:

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