Horowitz Blog: Daily Kos’ Tries To Counter Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week

October 25th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Daily Kos Weasel, from Munchkinland.

This is an excerpt from the Daily Kos, yesterday:

This week, David Horowitz and his band of degenerate murderers, religious extremists, and fear-mongering terrorists are polluting the country with their special brand of racism and hatred that we have come to expect from right-wing Bush sycophants. These religious persecutors, war-criminals, and lackeys continue on their project to destroy America from within, while murdering as many brown-skinned people as possible along the way. All who dare not bend automatically to their sick will to power and their destiny to destroy are fair game. Not only the religion of Islam, but the international community, its rule of law, and its respect for human rights are also in the cross-hairs of these sick, demented brown-shirted bastards.

In honor of the Great Professor Horowitz, and to counter-balance his campaign to infect the world with his ignorance, I proclaim this Bushismo-Fascism Awareness Week and will present a series of diaries that describe Bushism and its basis in fascistic ideology.

This, from Horowitz’ blog today:

The fascists came out in force tonight at Emory University and broke up what would have been an interesting conversation. I hardly got through fiteen minutes of my scheduled talk before members of the audience who come to protest rather than to listen became so unruly that it was impossible to go on.

I think most of the students present (the disrupters were outsiders mostly over the age of thirty and apparently belonged to the group United for Peace and Justice) would have found the rest of the evening a stimlating and informative experience, which is what Islamo-fascism Awareness Week was intended to be.

The left merely inflicted a defeat on itself, since civil America, both left and right, will be appalled at the spectacle. Moreover, it’s impossible to shut down Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week which has been the intent of our “critics” from the beginning.

We set out to start a discussion about Islamo-Fascism and the oppression of women in Islam (and the deafening silence of Women’s Studies Departments over that oppression) and we have done just that. On 114 campuses and in the national press on national TV and across the Internet and the talk-radio network, people are talking about Islamo-fascism and the oppression of women in Islam and the silence of Women’s Studies departments about that oppression. (E.g., 383,000 web references and counting.) That was what we set out to achieve and we have.

In the process we have exposed the hateful tactics of the left, including the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (whose pro-Hizbollah founder can be seen on Hizbollah TV here) who organized a national campaign of slander against the students that organized our events and the speakers who came to their campuses.

No sane person will believe their malicious character assassinations and attacks which have become a familiar currency of leftist outrages; their disgraceful behavior will win them no allies.

The full post by David Horowitz is here.

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7 Responses

  1. sully

    Listen to Markos and Pariser from MoveOn and then listen to Reid, Clinton or any other Dhimmicrat and see if they don’t sound the same.
    Vote Dhimmicrat and a bunch of spoiled trust fund babies with a 10th grade worldview and a rich uncle will be runnin the place.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA

    Here’s what a Muslim wrote in my school paper (Collegiate Times) today, this guy is either an apologist or has no concept of reality:

    “A new national hysteria campaign, Islamofascism Awareness Week is celebrated this week, between Oct. 22 and Oct. 26 at Virginia Tech.

    This campaign of bigotry will also be celebrated at more than 100 American campuses, supported by David Horowitz and his organization. Hate and racism come in different forms and target different religions, ethnicities and races.

    It is a shameful and illogical fact of our human history that we must eliminate in order to build common values for all of us. Americans, Turks, Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Chinese, Latinos, Mexicans, Germans and Russians must learn how to live together on this planet in peace.

    I have always wondered what it was like to be a Jew in Nazi Germany in the 1930s; however, today I feel their pain as a Muslim in America. I wonder what it was like to be black in South Africa; I feel their pain too, and wonder what it was like to be a Cambodian when Pol Pot was in power; we are moving in a similar direction in today’s America.

    We must not forget how Nazis treated the Jews; if we understand them and their pain, then we are able to comprehend racism, hate, authoritarianism and fascism. If we understand segregation and discrimination against blacks, then we would be able to overcome what blacks faced in the 1960s and are still facing today.

    I would recommend to all my Jewish friends to read Hannah Arendt, who was a brilliant scholar in 1930s Germany, but could not teach at German universities because she was a Jew. Arendt left Germany in order to understand the origins of totalitarianism and the social background of fascism where we are headed today.

    In short, to me, Islamofascism Awareness Week is a celebration of racism. If I were a Jew in America today, I would be first to oppose racism and the celebration of racist events such as Islamofascism Awareness Week.

    They would be sensitized to this because of their own painful past, and I share their stories and I take lessons from them as a member of humanity. We must not forget the Holocaust in order to understand today’s social and political realities; however, we must also not forget the social and political background of racism in Germany, which was the breeding ground for the Holocaust. Today, people following causes such as this one are building the social and political foundations of racism.

    In 1945, the anti-Nazi German pastor Martin Niemoller wrote, “First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

    Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.”

    Turgul Keskin

    Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sociology

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I don’t see how anyone would want to drown out Horowitz. The guy is an old school lib. He’s into the intellectual side of arguing a point rather than the progressive “let’s drown him out side” \. The guy has a lib pedigree more credible than the munchkins at the Daily Kos could evewr hope to achieve.

    Howowitz is the kind of teacher that I had when I went to school. He lectures and debates, and then demands that his audience do the same…..

    He’s an interesting speaker and lecturer…the kiddies at this University missed out on a great opportunity to see and hear what a real lib is like in the classroom. That’s their loss.

    You can find more of David Horowitz at frontpage.com. His books are worth a read too.

  4. Jim Jam

    I was on the emory campus today and no shit - there was flyers everywhere smearing horowitz…all condemning him for being some vile scumbag.

    i just don’t get it - how these idiots who did this can slam a journalist but defend a brutal killer like ama-douche-ajad and his cry for protection of his regime. where is the logic?

    the left in america are fascist - much more so than anyne they denounce as such. make no mistake folks - we are at war with these people.

  5. Jim Jam

    what also makes me sick, is that when one of the islamofascists comes to campus and speaks - no one dmeonstrates b/c they would be called “racist” and probably get bus bombed on their way home.

    people on the right (who are right) behave with class - look at what happended with ama-dineajad when he came to columbia - those who loatehed him attended and let him make as ass of himself.

  6. USpace

    That student is nuts. Like Muslims in America are being beaten-up, slaughtered and led off to concentration camps.

    Do so-called ‘Liberals’ really support GLBT Rights?! Apparently not. Fight back against those that stone gays to death! Democracy NOT Theocracy!

    STOP KUFFARPHOBIA Demonstration at Whitehall in London, 12pm Friday 10/26/07!

    I think we all must start calling the Islamofascists ‘racists’. We should scream that they are hateful towards the Christian race, and the Jewish race, and the Hindu race, and the Atheist Race, that they are Christianityphobiasts. They will scream that Christianity is not a race, and we’ll say:

    “See, Islam is NOT a race either.
    And by the way, the Bible doesn’t say to convert, conquer or kill non-Christians; like the Koran says to do to non-Muslims. So there YOU RACIST hater of non-Muslims! You’re a Kuffarphobic!”

    Be careful all you in London Friday 10/26!

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    don’t call a spade a spade

    Islamist terrorism
    not related to Islam

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    you have NO rights

    to hate religions
    that demand to convert you

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe calls
    for sick ideologies

    that deny human rights
    KILL adulterers and gays

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    be very afraid…

    of saying the wrong things
    TRUTH is especially BAD


    :) . .

  7. Muslims Against Sharia

    Muslims Against Sharia congratulate David Horowitz FREEDOM CENTER and Mike Adams, Tammy Bruce, Phyllis Chesler, Ann Coulter, Nonie Darwish, Greg Davis, Stephen Gale, David Horowitz, Joe Kaufman, Michael Ledeen, Michael Medved, Alan Nathan, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Daphne Patai, Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, Luana Saghieh, Rick Santorum, Jonathan Schanzer, Christina Sommers, Robert Spencer, Brian Sussman, Ed Turzanski, Ibn Warraq and other speakers on the success of the Islamofascism Awareness Week.

    Islamofascism (or Islamism) is the main threat facing modern civilization and ignorance about this threat is astounding. We hope that this event becomes regular and reaches every campus.

    A great many Westerners do not see the clear distinction between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism). They need to understand that the difference between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism) is the same as the difference between Christianity and Christian Identity Movement (White Supremacy Movement).

    Original post

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