“The Darkness Has Become Pitch Black”

October 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“The darkness has become pitch black” - Osama bin Laden on the Iraq situation

As the full transcript is translated, we learn some key things…

From Bill Roggio’s The Long War Journal:

Recent report from US commanders in Iraq have stated al Qaeda in Iraq has been set back by a combination of the latest offensive and the willingness of local Iraqis to turn on the terror group. Based Osama bin Laden’s latest audiotape, al Qaeda central command agrees that the fight against the US and the Iraqi government is not going well.

A clearer picture of Osama bin Laden’s view on the state of jihad in Iraq emerges after the release of the full transcript of Osama bin Laden’s latest audiotape, Not only does bin Laden admit errors in the Iraqi leader’s ability to unite the tribes and Sunni insurgent groups, he views the situation in Iraq as dire for al Qaeda. Bin Laden accuses his foot soldier of “negligence” for failing to properly employ IEDs, laments the unwillingness of Iraqis who do not wish to attack their brothers in the police and army, and closes his statement by saying “the darkness [in Iraq] has become pitch black.”


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10 Responses

  1. Axem

    Anyone remember Harry Reid telling us WE had lost just a few months ago?

  2. John Cunningham

    I’ll be glad when we don’t have to listen to the daaaveocrat, farrakhan NOIse, ghetto ramblings of of this 7th century throw-back.

  3. Jim

    …and it’s only getting darker for him. He has no more lieutenants to convey the message too in Iraq so he has to go on air.

  4. TerryTate

    Hmm, its become pitch black huh?

    Well, you know what they say eh?

    Lights out bitches…


  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sounds like OBL is admitting defeat in Iraq and the GWOT. Poor OBL, he’s getting his ass handed to him, whenever he fights Americans. Perhaps his false god is sitting on the toilet again; or maybe he has an ear ache and can’t hear anymore?

    In any event, it’s fun watching Hairy Weed eat his words.

  6. Deputy Dawg

    Amen, Terry.
    Just remember — We own the night.
    And we’ll be coming for you.

  7. sully

    Yeah well it is always dark just before you get hit with a hammer. Then it really does go black.

  8. Lamplighter

    “There’s no al Queda in Iraq/no connection between al Queda and Iraq” “The war is lost” “There’s no global war on terror.” How disgraceful to have a major politcal party of this country sell out to the enemy. What happened to the proud dems such as Harry Truman, Scoop Jackson, Sam Nunn, Joe Lieberman, even John Kennedy? This “message” from UBL just reinforces how far the dems have fallen.

  9. Jerry

    The revelation of a major event that finally discredits islam as the sham that it is and leads to its eventual demise…could be the Ass Kicking by America, Fuck Yea!

  10. NV Sailor

    I have one thing and one thing only to say in reply to this…Do you know who you’re fucking with? :!:

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