Video: Ahhhhhnolt Slams Reporter Looking For Dirt At Fires

October 25th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Let me translate for Arnold: “Shut the Fuck Up, bitch. We got it handled, there’s no ‘what ifs’ here.”

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10 Responses

  1. GF

    The reporters, like this one, are always saying somepeople or someone or people say bullshit. Who? Who the fuck said this? Did you catch a name? Did you manage to write their fucking name down you assclowns of journalism.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The first responders and second responders…the counties and the State of CA, did their jobs…unlike in Katrina. If school bus Nagin and his other incompitent cohert Kathleen Blanco had responded as well as CA has in this natural disaster, Katrina would have had a better outcome and fewer deaths.

    Ca government has done a stellar job…as has the NG Bureau.
    Ahhhhnold should write a white paper on how 1st and 2nd responders should act in a natural disaster. CA has and is
    getting ‘er done.

  3. Lamplighter

    Sorry if I repeat myself: Two things happened yesterday: 1.) my insurance company called unsolicited and left a message to the effect that if I need any help, call them and 2.) my city left a packet of info re: insurance co phone #s, FEMA claim info, Cal. Dept. of Insur. claim info, etc. on my door with a letter and phone # of Gov. Arnold that said to call his office if I have any questions or need anything. So, I was shocked at the response. I don’t really expect this kind of stuff, but for people who do, “wow.” Calif. has plenty of experience with disasters, and this is one area (maybe the only one?)that they have wired. And Gov. Arnold is demonstrating his leadership. New Orleans, LA: are you taking notes?

  4. Jerry

    Typical dumbass demafuck questions. Take the fact that Allied planes when firebombing places like Dresden or Tokyo found the the flames and subsequent updrafts created tremendous turbulence to the bombers in the follow on waves. Those planes were operating at thirty thousand feet! To fight fires they have to operate within hundreds of feet to insure an accurate drop and keep the water or retardent from dispearsing to a meaningless mist. Even under the best of conditions much of the water does not make the ground when traveling thru superheated air. They also have to contend with many time limited visibility, steep terrain that does not lend well for approaches and the possibility of power lines. And yes, days two and three of the fires winds were blowing easily in the range of 6o to 80 mph. Try to fly low level or take off and land under those conditions you stupid bitch!

    San Clemente, CA

  5. JohnK

    City, County and State are first responders. FEMA and Fed Govt are second responders. Here - local government had a refined and rehearsed plan and executed it. New Orleans and LA did not execute their plan, which was not that good anyway. The US Military pulled off an incredible rescue mission with Marine, Navy and Coast Guard helicopters from Carriers that followed Katrina up the Mississippi and which were flying as soon as the winds got down to about 50 knots .(Still incredible skill to fly in that) See Popular Mechanics article April of 06 for details on that. The press at the time hardly mentioned that effort. The Military was ready to roll into the city with food, water, medical care, but Gov Blanco and Mayor Nagin held them up for 24 hours. Those two wanted to maintain control, but had no idea how to lead such an effort. FEMA made some mistakes, but the big ones were local, but amplified by the Bush hating press into lies - there were no ‘bodies stacked like cordwood, no crazed gunmen in the superdome. These lies were never retracted.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    One more Katrina thought: The week before and in the days leading up to Katrina Gov Jeb Bush called both Nagin and Blanco offerin his advice on how to deal with a major natural disaster. Jeb Bush had a great deal of expertise to offer those two pinheads. But they turned down his offer, simply because Jeb Bush was a Republican.

    Three days before and on the day before the levies broke. GW called Blanco and Nagin, asking them “what do they need”. Both hesitated and were unable to ask the President for assistance, because Nagin and Blanco were clueless.

    During a natural disaster…even if you have a plan(N.O. had one), you need leadership at the State and Local level that will not run or panic when disaster strikes…which is what happened in N.O.

    Both FL and CA are great at dealing with natural disasters and if they haven’t already done so…should be writing the book on the subject…The problem with N.O is that they had too many girlie-men at the helm (ie Nagin and Blanco) and no leadership. It took a NG general to get it squared away and to teach Blanco and Nagin how to lead. (Apparently, Nagin skipped that class…and the people of La. were smart enough to vote out the other fool)….much to their credit.

    I don’t care much for Ahhhhhnold’s politics, but in this particular instance, CA and Ahhhhhnold deserve big time kudos.

  7. DMac

    Man I love that guy. Cracked me up when he took her hand and started shaking it, not a crack in that mans’ armor. Love it.


  8. TJ (The kafir)

    reporter playing devils advocate literally. no matter what good is coming someone must appeal the dependent whiners who are the MSM’s favorite cause.

    We can what if it to death. What matters is that passionate minded people jump to service and alow innefficient government to fill in the gaps. Government is a drug, a cure all for the MSM(or should be in their minds), but the people who have a stake in their communities, are the ones who show the true spirit of america by not whining and taking the bull by the horns. I could never sit back and whine but some californians perhaps are like that and are quick to complain rather than “make lemonade” as the old saying goes. Those who leave the lemons alone and ask the government make lemonade for them , are the ones who will always be dissappointed and never find flfillment. :oops:

  9. Right_Is_Right

    Reporter: But Governor, DOn’t you think that if BUSH didn’t screw up…err, I mean, if you had more planes earlier and the sun, moon and Venus lined up correctly; couldn’t you then have saved more homes? :roll:

  10. TerryTate

    Careful Ahhnoold,

    She may sue you for sexual harassment…

    You did touch her hand…


    Did you see that chick giggle like a little schoolgirl when he grabbed her hand? Ya, gubernator work that crowd man.


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