Airing Now: John L. Howell’s “Iraq = Afghanistan”

October 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Iraq = Afghanistan

Looks like Iraq has gone the way of Afghanistan. I mean a week ago the big non-story was that there was no news (American deaths) coming out of Iraq.
Wait…..did I say non-story?

Well yes I did! That does not make much sense, or does it.

If you have been following the news reports over the past few years this would count as a big story. All we have heard from the big “Mainstream Media”, MSM, news (cough, cough) organizations is that we are losing the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. They emphasize this with a body count. They will not reveal how many bad guys our brave men and women have killed. Or how many new recruits have shown up for training to become Iraqi Police Officers, or have joined the Iraqi Army. That would more than likely be because that would not fit the agenda set by the MSM. It would not go along with the “Bush is Evil” agenda.

The fact that attacks by Al Quada is not an insignificant fact. It is not non-news. In fact it is big news, or bad news for the likes of John Murtha, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, I apologize to all of you Democrat Representatives and Senators that I have failed to mention.

I believe that Rush Limbaugh has said it best “………the left is married to defeat……..”. If it isn’t dead Americans at the end of a De Palma film it is not worth talking about, well if we did it would only point out how wrong we have been over the past four years. And why would I want to tell you that I was wrong but I am still the best person for the job of running our country.

The latest in the long line of those that border on treason is Representative Stark from California. In his speech on the floor of the House of Representatives he said that kids if they were to grow up healthy enough without Government run health care were just going to be sent to Iraq to kill innocent people. He also said that they would end up being killed for President Bush’s enjoyment. To date I believe that he has apologized for dishonoring the President in his speech; I have not heard a single word of remorse from him for pulling a “Murtha”. He did say that our sons and daughters were being sent to Iraq to kill innocents. I believe he even went as far as to call Iraq and illegal war.

When does the slander of our troops by the left end? In 2008 when Hillary or Barak promise to pull them out? How about after they take control of all three branches of government, like in the early 90’s, when they coasted off of the economy put in place by President Reagan and President Bush? I think that all this will do is give Osama another opportunity to show the world that we are paper tigers. Face the facts we can not even call a spade a spade anymore without being berated for being insensitive. Where will our next crop of Marine leaders come from?

You can bet your bottom dollar that they will more than likely come from this years recruits, seeing how the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines have all met their respective recruiting quotas. And I would bet the dollar under that one that they will all be great Americans, to steal a phrase from Sean Hannity.

These are the men and women that will eventually leave the armed services and some, hopefully, will seek the offices of those that have slandered and worked so diligently against them. Men like United States Marine Corps Captain Duncan D. Hunter.

Capt. Hunter is currently running for his father’s office, while he is actively serving in Afghanistan. The unfortunate part of this equation is that he will be taking the office of an honorable and humble public servant instead of a traitor like Senator Dick Durban, or Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. I bet that Capt. Hunter would not go off half cocked and call Marines doing what is asked of them cold blooded killers like some have.

So the mere fact that Iraq is becoming more and more like Afghanistan is news in and of itself. The news is good for the American people as well as those who are wearing the uniforms of the Armed Services. The good news will continue to go unreported by the MSM and the Democrats because it will only serve to show their ignorance of world events once again. The good news will be downplayed and pooh-poohed by the Moveon’s and Code Pinks that misuse the very freedoms that have been secured for them with the blood of good men and women throughout the history of this great land.

Hopefully, one day the Iraqi people will look back at the last few years and honor all of the noble American and Iraqi men and women who have fought and died for their right to live in a free and peaceful nation just as we do here in America.

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3 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    All the good news is not completely lost. Not on any conservative internet site that I’ve seen lately…anyways.
    It’s all over talk radio, and places like “Dollard Nation”. These sites and those radio programs are where smart people go for news. And it’s the smart people that keep getting the word out and thereby leaving the left to hang by their own petards.

    On the plus side even ABC has reported recently on the lack of bad news comming out of Iraq. And CNN got into the act last night.

    But all of the LLMSM is giving all of the great stories on the GWOT away to the conservative media. The stuff about worrying more about amounts of trash trucks needed rather than IED’s isn’t making it into liberal TV news.

    In 2004, the libs tried running the media show vis vis the election and lost the media war. Pollsters played the same game and looked like complete fools on election night.

    The average Joe or Jill American is still smarter and wiser than the average reporter for the LLMSM. And talk radio is dominated by smart hosts and smart listeners.

    The media has lost the battle of hearts and minds. So they resort to lies, misinformation and drowning out the opposition in an attempt to supress thought and debate.

    It’s not working. The more the leftist progressives and their anarchist allies talk and act stupid on college campuses, the more influence is taken from them and given to the conservatives.

    The left has lost. They have lost in Congress, on the campuses, and in the hearts and minds of Americans. And the more I talk to life-long Dems the more I believe that I’m right.

    Conservative Republicans need to just keep up the fight. We’re winning…despite the dominance of the progressives in the LLMSM and the campuses of America.

    If all these people got is Lou Dobbs, Bill Maher, Hollywood, and Code Fink, DailyKostic, and Arianna H, the left and the anarchists are destined to lose every fight they get in. My hope is that the leftists escalate their rhetoric into something violent…which I believe is on their agenda. When that happens, it will be a target rich environment.

  2. Howie

    Dan you are absolutely correct about the fact that some of the non-story is slipping into a few news reports, but it is still terribly under reported.

    There are still Sunday news shows that periodically run the names of servicemembers that have made the ultimate sacrifice. They say this is a tribute to them, I believe that if that were true they would spend more time covering the successes as well.

    They would spend more time reporting the Al Quada casualty estimates to contrast our own. They would remind the American people that 4,000 KIA’s on our side, although sad, is nothing when put in the context of history.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)


    The left will never eat their words on Iraq. They’ll throw out a story on Iraq and put whatever spin on it that their editor or writer wants. Do they really give a crap about those who have given the ultimate sacrifice? By no means.
    The left is too busy counting US dead and injured, they’re not interested in the big picture or in the great under-told success in this war. So, I take their reports with a grain of salt.

    I just like the fact that Murtha, Hairy Weed and the rest of the kindergarten children in Congress have basically been shutup by our successes.

    Poor Hairy is having a really bad year…(cough, cough).

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