Explosive Footwear

October 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


According to a bulletin issued originally last spring and reissued yesterday the “Dram Sandal” by Reef, is capable of holding approximately 2-3 ounces of liquid in a hidden compartment, located in the heel of each sandal. The Dram Sandal became available March 1, 2007, and can be purchased online and at most shoe stores, the bulletin stated.

U.S. authorities have been told to be on the lookout for thick-soled shoes that could be used to conceal explosives, following the seizure in Europe of highly sophisticated, hollowed-out shoes containing blasting caps.

According to a Department of Homeland Security-FBI bulletin issued Wednesday, European authorities in September 2007 discovered this pair of shoes that were used to smuggle electric blasting caps across international borders for use in a terrorist attack.

U.S. authorities issued another alert, containing a warning for a variation on the shoe bomb. That alert warned of terrorists using socks soaked in explosives, pictured, and hung from a cord around a terrorist’s neck as a way to avoid bomb sniffing dogs and conceal the explosive from airport authorities.

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4 Responses

  1. Dean Wormer

    If terrorists don’t want to use that flip-flop, James Bond might.

  2. Blutscheiss

    Hey, terrorists could put, like, a bunch of some kind of stinky liquid in their mouths, like liquid dog waste or something, and then get on the plane and then spit the liquid dog waste all over the passengers and gross everyone out and then everyone would, like, puke or something! The pilot would have to land the plane to get more vomit bags!

    Terrorists could, like, only have one eye but then they could put, like, an exploding eye in the empty eye socket and then get on the plane and then, like, blow up their eyeball or something by remote control! The pilot would have to land the plane to clean up the gross brains that would be all over the ceiling of the plane and stuff. Or maybe he would crash the plane because the exploding eyeball would be just too gross!

  3. Axem

    Stepped on, not stirred.

  4. Ranger

    A great way to sneak my whiskey places, but of course perfect for terrorists.

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