Is Giuliani Really Bush On Steroids?

October 26th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


WASHINGTON — Rudy Giuliani, to quote a Democratic rival, would be like President Bush on steroids in the way he would go about protecting the U.S. from terrorists.

In reality, Giuliani doesn’t seem very different from Bush on the issue.

The former New York mayor says the government shouldn’t be shy about eavesdropping on citizens. He is prepared to use military force to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and root out terrorists in Pakistan. And he opposes a U.S. pullout from Iraq.

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh, a Giuliani friend and adviser on homeland security issues, said in an interview: “I would say they’re very much joined at the hip on these policies, and particularly the mind-set and commitment of both the president and Mayor Giuliani to stay on offense.”

Giuliani sounds more muscular.

Bush talks about terrorism, while Giuliani doggedly refers to “the terrorists’ war on us.” It is the first item on a little card he carries with him listing 12 things he would do as president: “I will keep America on offense in the terrorists’ war on us.” He constantly accuses Democrats of being afraid to use the term “Islamic terrorists.”

His tough talk prompted Democrat John Edwards to quip that Giuliani would be George Bush on steroids.

Many Republicans like that idea, although the party’s libertarians find it alarming that a GOP president would vigorously pursue expanded government power.

Giuliani’s message is, “‘I’m a tough SOB; you give me the power, and I’ll protect you,’” David Keene, who heads the American Conservative Union, said of the former New York mayor. “I’m not overly pleased with Bush, but I get the impression Rudy would be far more enthusiastic about it than some in the Bush administration.”

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11 Responses

  1. Jenfidel

    Gee, I sure hope so!
    That’s why I can’t wait to vote for him!

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    He sure as hell did a great job cutting crime in New York City. Imagine that on a global scale. The dems worst nightmare? I think so HAHAHAHAHA! :twisted:

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Gulliani was a great Fed Attorney. When he was in DC he was constantly making the news. He kicked the mob’s ass. He also cleaned up NYC and cleaned up their crime problem…and that was before 9-11. He’s no slouch when it comes to executive management. It’s his social views, and his anti-gun views that I can’t support.

    However, if he gets the nod…he’ll get my vote and I’ll drag all my Republican AND Democratic friends to the polls with me and we’ll all vote for him over Hillary.

    Hillary has manged by herself to toss every Dem that I know into the Republican corner. Please Hillary, keep it up.

  4. Clyde

    Sorry to rain on this parade folks but you should know more about Rudy than what the MSM and Louis Freeh are williing to tell.

    Rudy was Assistant Attorney General in the Clinton administration where “ends justify the means” decisions he and Freeh made facilitated the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

    A dirty FBI Supervising Special Agent named Lin DeVechio was being investigated by FBI internal affairs. The chief witness against DeVechio, Greg Scarpa Jr.,was incarcerated next to a very bad dude named Ramsay Yousef, mastermind, bomber, coordinator of the first WTC bombing.

    Scarpa Jr. was recruited by Yousef to involve the mob in terrorist acts within the US. Scarpa took his intel to the Feds, disclosing a rich pile of information including the schematic for the Bojinka trigger using a Casio watch and gun cotton. The bombing of TWA 800 was probably a Bojinka mission ordered by Yousef on a phone provided by the Feds.

    DeVechio’s outing would queer all those RICO and Murder cases, in the SDNY, Rudy’s Cases. Some of those murders were facilitated by SSA DeVechio so Assistant Attorney General Rudolph Giuliani quashed the Internal Affairs investigation, reniged on the deal with Scarpa, stuffed Greg in Supermax for 40 years and let DeVechio retire. Neat huh?

    Except the Mussies around Yousef’s Brooklynn mosque were ignored by Justice. Yousef is in Supermax for WTC-I but hundreds of unindicted co-conspirators were allowed to conduct jihad as usual. So far as I know they are still out there plotting the next attack.

    Nowadays the SSA is on trial in New York (State Beef) for 4 counts of 2nd degree murder. Bet Rudy, Freeh, Fitzgerald. Sandy Berger, Richard Clark and the Clintons are sweating the DeVechio trial out, hoping old Lin keeps mum.

    Read about the whole case with some very powerful evidence at Jack Cashill has covered all this also but thinks TWA 800 was shot down by SAM.

    Same perpetrators, same enablers. Main point Rudy is Clinton’s pal. You might say “partner”, pardner.

  5. Brian H

    Ah, a visit by the para-nutjobs! Thanks, Clyde, for reminding us of the fact that it’s a full moon tonight …


  6. Future0311 (the infidel)


    Come on, honestly, Clyde. Where do you people come up with these crazy ass conspiracy theories?

  7. Clyde

    Take the time, you obviously have some, to go to and/or Educate yourself.

    Jeezum Crow! Facts suck sometimes.
    Shit, I might even have to vote for Rudy if he’s nominated but he shouldn’t be.

    You people?
    I’ve been posting here for sometime now, never been called any sort of “nutjob” but because I reveal what you don’t want to know, what you are afraid to discover, you characterize me as “moonbat” Go read up on SSA Lin DeVechio.

    Hells bells, Google it.

  8. Clyde

  9. Ranger

    McCain. Both because he’s electable and because he deserves it.

  10. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Clyde: I mistook you for the nutjobs that drop in here occasionally and leave their shitstains all over the place. I’m looking over the links you provided.

  11. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Peter Lance seems to have a lot of information on exactly how 9/11 was allowed to occur. Nothing like the usual conspiracy theories I hear. It’s actually credible. I do apologize for coming at you the way I did.

    I haven’t seen anything on Rudy though.

Respond now.

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