More Left Lunacy: Randi Rhodes Blames Blackwater For Cali Fires

October 26th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

oink oink
Randi Rhodes, you may remember, there was a claim she was mugged recently, when she might not have been. Well, at first someone said she said she was, but, then someone said she said she never said she was, and then…someone said she said she had an unfortunate accident walking her dog, and then someone said she said…

Wait wait wait…

Just STFU already you stupid cunt. ~Bash

Fresh off her recent assault in which many suspect the culprit to have been 14 Bloody Marys, Air America radio talk host Randi Rhodes has now wandered into Moonbat conspiracy territory with her suggestion that Blackwater was the the cause of the current wildfires in California. Here is a partial transcript (audio available here) of what Randi said on the air on Wednesday:

I started just doing Google searches to try and figure out. You know, arson, arson, it was like crazy trying to figure out why is that being downplayed? Why is that, you know, just a small part of the story? And you know, every time I look for it what comes up, believe it or not, is that Blackwater wants to move to San Diego and build this giant complex in San Diego right where most of the evacuations are taking place and you know.

You just know wherever there is fire, this administration will be out there doing what it does best and that is fanning the flames, you know. It just spooks me, I can’t explain to you how creepy this whole thing is that you know, you’ve got these fires. Some of them are thought to be the work of arsonists and in the same breath you’ve got a community that’s on fire that just recently protested Blackwater West. Just recently said no to Blackwater and apparently you don’t do that.

I mean, I don’t even know what to think. You know, nobody is saying Blackwater set the fires, that is nobody that doesn’t want their house burned down. Nobody is saying that, but it is all so bizarre that this is America and you have to sort of sit there and wonder … arson, same place Blackwater West wants to be, people protesting. And then you find out that some of the guys that used to work for Blackwater are now in Schwarzenegger’s administration.

It’s all so creepy.

Perhaps Randi needs to take some time off work and volunteer to douse those Calfornia fires with copious quantities of Bloody Marys while wearing a double layer tinfoil hat to protect her leftwing conspiratorial mind from the heat.

Newsbusters article by P.J. Gladnick here.

See the rest of the Tin Foil hat Crowd jump on this one here.

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6 Responses

  1. sully

    “…I mean, I don’t even know what to think….”

    I mean, like duh… who doesn’t know that?

  2. JayMS

    Is this a joke? That has to be the dumbest load of crap I’ve ever read. I feel less intelligent from having read it.

    And then they act surprised that their ratings have always been in the toilet? True story. Air America bought out a NY radio station that played all Carribean drum music. Once they took over, they actually had LESS listeners than before.

  3. Jim

    “Americans to finally wake up”

    These SOB’s are beginning to concern me. A pre-emptive strike may be needed :shock:


    c’mon now, the poor girls suffered a head injury. They take time to heal :lol:

  5. Zachary

    Why do a lot of people these days search for weird, elaborately complicated conspiracy theories instead of choosing the most logical answer? Is it too much CSI? Too much Scooby Doo? It’s so breath takingly stupid.

  6. Future0311 (the infidel)

    More conspiracies! LOL

    ““…I mean, I don’t even know what to think….”

    “What” should be “HOW”.

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