Islamofascism Awareness Week Causes Uproar At Berkeley

October 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Terrorism Awareness.Org:

During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses.

The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat. Nothing could be more politically incorrect than to point this out. But nothing could be more important for American students to hear. In the face of the greatest danger Americans have ever confronted, the academic left has mobilized to create sympathy for the enemy and to fight anyone who rallies Americans to defend themselves. According to the academic left, anyone who links Islamic radicalism to the war on terror is an “Islamophobe.” According to the academic left, the Islamo-fascists hate us not because we are tolerant and free, but because we are “oppressors.”

Berkeley Video at

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Another fine example of the left using whatever means necessary to paint the people who disagree with them whatever term that is necessary to stifle any kind of intellectual discourse.

    If you disagree with the left you’re either a bigot, some kind of phobe, a racist or whatever name that has been memorized in some college course that allows for ad hominum contempt for dissenters such as Howitz, Spencer, Prager, et al.

    These leftists are so sophmoric in their views that they are unable to stand up to the kind of intellectial arguments that Howowitz, Spencer and Praeger are able to muster. So they’re left with only ad hominum attacks.

    The truth is less important than making people feel good about themselves. Whether that truth is US History or Islamofacism, it doesn’t matter.

    These universities seem to be engaged in argumentum ad ignorantiam without any care whatsover about intellectual discourse, or the truth.

    Pathethic. Simply pathethic.

  2. Top Ward

    Way to go! Stand up to these pukes!


  3. Clyde

    Since when is muslim a race?

  4. Jim

    ” 200 university and college campuses”

    Breeders of sociopaths through Professors of academia’s perverted and flawed social sciences

  5. JonnyMordant

    David Horowitz Rocks! My question for this subject is why have the Liberals been so successful at using blanketed statements of racism to their advantage? Is it solely the effects of Liberal teaching at College campuses over the past 3 decades or a combination of media interests and programming of the sit at home public that can’t find anything more interesting to watch than Rosie O’Donnell?

    The standards set by Television are deplorable; we have come to a place where Logic and Reason are considered to be the enemy of Political correctness! If I’d known in high school, that by throwing away my belief in the necessity of scientific proofs to form a balanced opinion, I could be a college professor today? I’d join the military instead! That is where the true Heart and Soul of our nations great minds reside!

    The Left is on a Mission that will turn even the most peaceful of Muslims against this country, by shoving “Victimization” down their throats, The Muslims in the Linked Video aren’t holding protests because they HAVE been victimized by America, but because they’ve been told they’ve been victimized by America; And who’s telling them this? It’s The Marxist Professors and The Lexus Liberals!

    When was the last time you heard of an American that Bombed a Muslim Shop, Mosque or Anything else in This Country or any other Country for that matter?

  6. Muslims Against Sharia

    Muslims Against Sharia congratulate David Horowitz FREEDOM CENTER and Mike Adams, Tammy Bruce, Phyllis Chesler, Ann Coulter, Nonie Darwish, Greg Davis, Stephen Gale, David Horowitz, Joe Kaufman, Michael Ledeen, Michael Medved, Alan Nathan, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Daphne Patai, Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, Luana Saghieh, Rick Santorum, Jonathan Schanzer, Christina Sommers, Robert Spencer, Brian Sussman, Ed Turzanski, Ibn Warraq and other speakers on the success of the Islamofascism Awareness Week.

    Islamofascism (or Islamism) is the main threat facing modern civilization and ignorance about this threat is astounding. We hope that this event becomes regular and reaches every campus.

    A great many Westerners do not see the clear distinction between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism). They need to understand that the difference between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism) is the same as the difference between Christianity and Christian Identity Movement (White Supremacy Movement).

    Original post


    @Muslims Against Sharia:

    This is a fair distinction. However, when one asseses the threat risk the comparison disolves. Until the practitioners of Islam take qualified action by whatever means neccessary to remove the Islamists influence themselves, the difference is moot. We will continue to kill Islamists until the threat to Western interests is gone. The West in general, and America specifically, has no quarel with peaceful practitioners of Islam.

  8. Muslims Against Sharia

    “Until the practitioners of Islam take qualified action by whatever means neccessary to remove the Islamists influence themselves”

    That task would be much easier if the West did not provide financial support to radical Islamic regimes in the Middle East and political support to extremist Muslim establishment in the West.

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