Koran Toilet Seat Maker Raided By Italian Police

October 28th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


ROME — Italian Muslims have swiftly acted to stop the sale in local stores of toilet seat covers that feature verses of the Noble Qur’an in an unprecedented blasphemous act, reporting the matter to appropriate authorities and politicians, who proved forthcoming.

“I would like to thank Italian authorities who responded positively to our complaints against this profanity,” Samir Al-Khalidi, the head of the Islamic Centre (Al-Huda) in Rome, told IslamOnlin.net Saturday, October 27.

“We reacted astutely to this provocation and threw the ball in the court of security officials and politicians, demanding them to seize the products immediately to head off angry Muslim reaction,” he added.

The Lazio-based Orizzonte Company unveiled this month a new collection of bathroom products including the offensive toilet cover seats.

They feature verses from the Noble Qur’an printed on the double face of the cover seats and intersected by colorful flowers and Latin words.

Following Muslim complaints, police raided the four braches of the company in the town of Latina, 60km south of Rome, and seized 2,000 such pieces on sale.

Interior minister Giuliano Amato met Friday with Italian Muslim leaders at the main Rome Mosque to reassure them that Italy would not tolerate such outrageous acts.

“This is an insult to the Muslim faith,” The imam of the Lazio town of Latina’s mosque, Sheikh Yusuf, told Amato.

Amato reassured Yusuf, saying: “I would like to tell our friends from Latina that we have been informed of this matter and are taking action because it is offensive.”

Italy has a Muslim population of some 1.2 million, including 20,000 reverts, according to unofficial estimates.


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15 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Self censored.

  2. GregGS

    If this were bible verses would the authorities do shit? Pardon the pun.

  3. Jarhead68

    I agree with Greg. It’s okay to put the crucifix in urine, crap on the virgin Mary, wipe you a** with pages from a bible (as the Palestinian scum did when they occupied that church in Jeruselem a few years back) and do just about anything you like to Christian icons or beliefs. Screw the Queeran and screw Muhammed the GoatFucker and child molester. May he rot in Hell…

  4. Clyde

    “This is an insult to the Muslim faith,” The imam , Sheikh Yusuf, told Amato.

    The Muslim faith is an insult to the human race, goat fucker.

  5. tedders

    Remember the crucifix in a jar of urine? They called it art. Christians=tolerance. Muslims=intolerance.

  6. Tincan Sailor

    I think it would look better inside 1 SHEEEEET at a time…
    Question?? If a Infidel sits on this seat will it burn a
    hole in his/her A$$,if not fart away!!

  7. Grumpy

    While this is funny, i don’t see how anyone would want to see a bunch of durka durka squiggle first thing in the morning when they go to take a leak.

  8. Ranger

    Where do I get one?

  9. Yoni

    “This is an insult to the Muslim faith,” no it is an insult to crap and were can i get one

  10. obstreperous

    Does anyone know the internet address of the company?
    I would like to see if they go to court or get them returned that I’m on the list to buy one!!!!

  11. mindy abraham

    while I can them being offended by it, I wonder if they would have banned it, if had been torah or bible verses. I think satire is satire, either insult everyone or insult no one.

  12. Jim

    ” police raided the four braches of the company in the town of Latina, 60km south of Rome, and seized 2,000 such pieces on sale.”

    IT SOUNDS LIKE A DRUG BUST…Italy is a muslim beotch :mrgreen:

  13. John Cunningham

    Next they’ll be selling prayer rugs at the entrances to Saint Peter’s Square.

  14. Brian H

    “Either insult everyone or insult no one.” Whaaaa… ? What an inane statement! I’ll insult whom I please, when I please. And be very selective indeed about it.

    The point is to PERMIT insults to everyone, or to no one. The leftoids have managed to make Islam out-of-bounds, off-limits. Fuggem both.

  15. Brian H

    For example, I’d buy one saying, “He rode his ass into town.” How ’bout you?
    :razz: :lol: :twisted:

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