Airing Now: Mike Moseley’s “Our Enemy”

October 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Our enemy in the war on terror is vicious and will attack our men of honor with words that are met to kill, maim and destroy. This propaganda comes hard and fast from every direction. Our soldiers are well arm and protected with today’s finest armor but our enemy fire not bullets or bombs at them. The enemy fires at the soldier on the battlefield, his spouse and parents at home, and their children in school.

The enemy has attack our soldiers with words that are met to wound his pride, damage his honor, and question his integrity. Our men of honor have volunteered to cross the world to fight an enemy that is viscous and hides behind women and children. Al-Qaeda doesn’t have a uniform and never will. Al-Qaeda knows in a fair fight they do not stand a chance. The most dangerous enemy to the American soldier doesn’t where a uniform, fire a AK-47, plant IED, live in Iraq or Afghanistan. The most dangerous enemies are the one’s that ambush their own. America’s finest have taken wounds not from the front, the known enemy Al-Qaeda, but from the ones that have sent them to fight half a world away. The enemies have said that “the war is lost”calling for defeat. They have called our soldiers “Soviet gulag guards”, the butcher “Pol Pot’s finest.” A great cheer is raised from the camp of Al-Qaeda, and their brothers in terror as America’s men of honor have been betrayed by a fellow marine, that fool called our soldiers “cold blooded murders”. America’s enemies have called Gen David Petreous dishonorable, and Gen. Peter Pace ” incompetent”. To call these men dishonorable and incompetent is without reason and thought. For it is the liberal’s attack on the battlefield soldiers that bring Al-Qaeda and the left together as allies in the war on terror.

With each attack the parents cringe and pray for strength for their uniformed child. The children of soldiers are not protected from liberal hatred but are shown the disease that it is. The left trots out a weekly tool that calls President Bush a Hitler and yet a soldiers child must show no pain and be a stronger prouder American for this trash.

The Democrats have been wrong all along, they said that Iraqis would not choose freedom, but they have. The enemy said that Iraq’s constitution would not be approved, but it is. They said they the Iraqi’s would never leave their alliance with Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda is being hunted down like the dogs they are. The Iraqi’s have learned that America’s men of honor are not the “cold blooded murders” that Democratic leaders say they are. The Iraqi’s have witnessed strength, bravery, integrity, and the honor that causes freedom. The Iraqi’s military is learning from history finest soldier. The world’s standard for all time. Al-Qaeda has shown that they are everything that the Democratic leadership have said our men of honor” are. “Cold blooded murders”, “nazi’s”,”Pol pot’s finest”, and “Soviet gulag guards”. The recent 11% congressional approval rating seems extremely high from our soldiers point of view, I’m sure.

The Left has undermined the mission, and are attempting to legislate defeat before our own eyes, but more importantly the eyes of the men on the battlefield. Congressional Democratic leaders have forgotten this is not “Bush’s war”. But a war that belongs to the all of America’s leaders. The UN security council’s voted 17 times to stop Saddam Hussain. The world’s intelligence agencies ( Israel, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France, etc, etc, etc.) has their hands in this. And of course, the support of the 9/11 commission was essential. The Democratic leaders have proven again that they can not and will not support men on the battlefield, not in the past, or in the present and I doubt, the future.

The options in Iraq are victory and victory alone. To choose defeat at this or any other time proves the enemy lives within. As this war has played out the Democratic leaders have done everything possible to break the will of American victory and her men of honor. As the successes in Iraq continue to multiply and all of Iraq stabilize, I’m sure that our enemies within will not celebrate.

If you can’t find stories about Iraq in your daily newspaper, don’t be confused. The fighting in Iraq has taken a turn because of the surge. Al-Qaeda is being hunted down and will be defeated in Iraq. The Iraqi’s are standing up for freedom. For they have watched our men of honor and learned how to be free. It is the American soldier that has and will transform enemy nations to freedom loving allies. Thanks to every man and woman that has ever worn a uniform.

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34 Responses

  1. Howie

    Here, here!!

    The only thing that you have forgotten is when you take the oath at enlistment and reenlistment every service member swears to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC!!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The left’s ad hominum contempt for the American serviceman and woman is a testimony to their memorization of a sociopathic methodology likely learned from some Prof at Berkley, or Emory or any of the other universities in the land of progressive libistan.

    And yet the left’s soft jihad has failed thus far to stop renlistments and first-time renlistments. They have failed to cut off funding for the war. Even their guru Komrade Soros has been unable to buy a defeat.

    We’re winning…both wars. We dominate talk radio and the alternative media. Soon we’ll be hanging the left with their own petards…. unless they get really stupid and choose violence to further pursue their marxist aims. Word to the lefties…not a good plan.

    Good stuff Mike.

  3. chaos

    Excellent post. Even if there are so many people who would laugh at it.

  4. Steve in NC

    My son, a U.S. soldier is aware of who we are at war with. I have seen him scoff at the d’rats words and at the rantings of the neo-coms in the media. He shrugs them off but he still hears this shit. Enemies both foreign and domestic is right.

  5. Paul Hausser

    Dan check yourself in. You are delusional

  6. Jarhead68

    Could NOT have said it better myself. I think it’s time for some treason trials, don’t you? When’s the justice dept. going to get real on these traitors?

  7. Howie

    Paul would you be so kind as to point out which points make Dan delusional?

    Reenlistments are up. New recruitment quotas are for all branches of the military are being met and exceeded.

    And the left attacks our troops at their every opportunity. Murtha called five Marines that did a very good job, it is not easy to pull off a text book assault while being shot at, cold blooded killers. Harry Reid has told them that they have lost. The chorus from the left continues to call the war in Iraq, as well as the bumper sticker Global War on Terror, Bush’s war; but the House and Senate voted to give President Bush the authority to use the necessary force in Iraq.

    So please point out where Dan is wrong, please show me what makes him delusional.

  8. Indy

    Howie, you don’t really expect and idiot like that to answer those questions? Every word written by Dan was the truth, something liberals are allergic to.

  9. Howie

    Do they big pharmacutecal companies make a sort of zicam or benedryl for this kind of alergy?

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    Paul Hauser:

    Still got a chip on your shoulder huh? What’s a matter, not man enough to join the military, so you come in here fucking with those of us who did or are still in?

    You are in the bloviating minority here. In sum, you ain’t shit.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Let me give you the low-down on this Hauser puke. He’s only here because he was never man enough for the military. He was too busy sucking his boy friends dick when the rest of us were serving our country. So, since he ain’t man enough to join the military he comes in here and fucks with men who are more manly than he his. In short he’s here to compensate for his lack of integrity and manliness by fucking with us.

    He’s a punk. Shit on him as much as you can. He hates everyone in here that served this great country. Consider him your enemy.

    He has no conception of selflessness or sacrifice to country, and thinks all of us who aren’t like him are fools.

    How am I doing so far Hauser? Does that about sum it up?
    Why don’t you tell everyone in here that you’re a liberal fag? Come on out of the closet chump…I’m calling you out.

    That’s no shit boys and girls.

  12. LadyAngler

    Dan, are you implying those who have not served in the military are cowards and not worthy to have opinions? :???:

    I certainly hope I merely misread the intentions of your previous remarks.

  13. Howie

    I am going to step out on a limb for Dan, and I do not think that I am stepping very far.
    As a Former Marine I do not look down on those who have not served. I come from a family of Marines, 1 Army 1 Squid but we let that slide at Thanksgiving. I think along the same lines as Dan, although I don’t feel the need to point out that I am an INFIDEL, and it is not that Hasser did not serve it is that like many in Washington D.C. they like to armchair quarterback the bad things that happen in war.
    I would be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that Pauly will more than enjoy the alleged film “Redacted”, while the silent majority here in America will see it for what it really is, Al Quada propaganda.
    I fought and was wlling to die so that the majority of Americans would never have to pick up a gun to defend this Great Nation that we all enjoy.
    And I am sure that Dan will agree with me.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    Lady Angler:

    Boy are you confused. Did I direct those remarks to you? I don’t see your name anywhere in those remarks…so WTF are you talking about? How in the hell, could you possibly arrive at your conclusions?

    Do I agree with Howie? Yep, I do.

  15. Dan (The Infidel)


    Yep. You’re on target as per usual.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    I don’t want to steal any of Mark’s thunder or detract from his fine work…but I’m going to change the subject just slightly.

    I was talking to my buddy the other day who in another life was an Infantry Brigade commander. And we were discussing the fact that the many of the people that we work with do not understand the military or the military ethos.

    He said that it is because the military is a brotherhood. Those who have not shared those hardships, haven’t a clue.
    To those of us who have served…or who are serving, we have a different take on service, country and war.

    There are exceptions. Pat Dollard, Evan Sayet, David Horowitz…and a few others…are as important to victory as is a new missile or rifle.

    But, when I meet a guy for the first time, and he tells me that he never served his country, I am always not as interested in knowing that person as I am when I meet a fellow former Soldier or Marine. I might respect them as persons, but they are not part of my “hood”.

  17. LadyAngler

    Dan~ No… no… no. I didn’t mean it as you have taken it. It seemed your primary argument against this Paul guy’s validity was his lack of service ie… he was not man enough to serve. I was just attempting to point out, in my age group, our nation was primarily at peace throughout our high school and college years (main recruitment times). Many great men and women did not serve merely because our nation was not at war. Then by 9/11, we were starting and raising our young families, which makes service an even greater sacrifice. I was just hoping to point out that service is noble but not the sole requirement for bravery. I AM sorry to have offended you.

  18. Dan (The Infidel)


    No you didn’t offend me at all. But bravery is not the issue. Selflessness, Duty and Honor is…I gre up during the hippie era, when selfishness, honor and service were tossed out the window in favor of drugs, and selfishness.

    Even though that spoiled brat Pepsi Generation was taught better, they ignored the previous generation’s teachings on the subject.

    Fortunately for me and many others, since that time, we were “called” to service. Many are called, few are chosen is a fact.

    But it remains for many of us that asking what we can do for our country is more important than self. Duty, Honor and Country isn’t just a pithy saying, it is an ideal that we lived up to with our time, our blood and our sweat.

    The concept of service to country is anathema to many. It is understood by few. And excused by away by many.

    I heard Sean Hannity once say that “there are many ways to serve your country without being in the military”. I use to hear the same thing from hippies who wondered why I would risk my life in a very dangerous job like the Army. Or they would further excuse their lack of understanding by throwing the wrong interpretation of Scripture in my face “Thou Shalt not kill”.

    Anything that excuses selflessness, sacrifice and duty seems to be the norm for most people…even Hannity.

    What sets apart a Soldier or a Marine from the rest of the pack…is not just the selfless sacrifices that they and their families make for our country, but the ability to overcome fear of death..and injury in the the pursuit of a higher cause that transcends mere “self”.

    It is something that wussies like Hannity and many others in America will never experience or ever understand. Despite their good works and good intentions, they just aren’t in our “hood”.

  19. LadyAngler

    A couple points… “hood” is ebonic slang for “neighborhood.” You are looking more for terms such as “da homies I roll wit’” or “my boyz.”

    Now, You make some good points, however… I must, at the risk of pissing off everyone in this place, point out I know personally several young men who joined the military for the benefit provided to them. It is not accurate to make the assumption that all those who joined the military enlist with the premise of “selflessness.” I mean, c’mon. The military was primarily sold to my “Pepsi” generation as a career program. Many of us, who had other opportunities, did not enlist because there was no specific purpose at that time. I DO believe one can serve their country in many ways. Some through serving politically, socially and privately. People can serve mankind in vast aray of manners. Selflessness is a common practice in many services.

    Now, I can understand that selflessness is learned throughout one’s military service. Sacrifice for the greater good. I understand. I do, however, believe serving in the military for a period of your life does not mean one’s work on earth is done. I hope they continue to practice selflessness throughout their lives in an attmept to achieve their true purpose in life.

    I hope you realize judging immediatly based on military service, may be comfortable, but will often be inaccurate.

  20. Dan (The Infidel)


    That’s your opinion…but you are one of those folks who don’t get it either. And the “hood” reference is to brotherhood…not neighborhood.

  21. LadyAngler

    :lol: I do not feel you know me well enough to determine what I do and don’t get. Not that it will change your opinion, but my father and his three brothers all served in the military during Vietnam. My grandfather along with his five brothers all served in “The War.” I recall as early as a child sitting and listening to them tell stories. I remember thinking that the WWII vets were the greatest generation that ever lived. I still believe it to be true.

    People can understand commradary without being in the military, Dan. Geez. Broaden your scope, man. You might be surprized.

  22. Dan (The Infidel)

    Thanks for the critique…but the concepts sailed right over your head. Broaden my horizon? LOL.. Broads….LOL some more….

  23. LadyAngler

    Xactly. You know what they say about old dogs.

  24. Dan (The Infidel)


    Me: “…but the concepts sailed right over your head.”

    You: “Xactly. You know what they say about old dogs.”

    Glad you agree.

  25. LadyAngler

    I do agree to some extent. I do not understand your close-mindedness, just as my comments seem ridiculous to you. I am not your enemy, Dan. The differences between us seem significant to you, but I don’t see it that way. I will tell you, I support my family and friends in Iraq… I support our nation… I support our country’s mission to defeat terror. I’m sorry you choose to alienate people, with common interests, outside of your “hood.”

  26. JEM

    More to the point of Mike Moseley’s fine essay, our military men and women are under constant attack from within our own government…

    Their traiterous and treasonous words are meant to harm and demean the very people who would and have died in service of this great nation so that these scumbags can spew their venom from halls of congress.

    Unfortunatly, many of these who are the loudest and most vicious in their attacks are also members of the “hood”. Jack Murtha and John Kerry come imediatly to mind.

    It is truely a shame that these guys would put the politcal agenda of their party ahead of loyalty to their brothers in arms…

    But then again we must remember, to them this is “Bushs War” therefor these must be “Bushs soldiers” and fair game in the politcal wars…

    So sad.

  27. Dan (The Infidel)


    Again that’s your view. Going back to my original missive, it had nothing to do with you. It was not adressed to you…yet you took exception. And the more you comment on my essay, the more you prove my points.

    If you don’t like my comments, feel free to move on to something else. But if you choose to challenge me on a point, I’m more than happy to reply in return.

    If that alienates you…that’s your problem. Have a nice day.

  28. Dan (The Infidel)


    Those two aren’t in the “hood”. Go ask any member of the GOE. They’ll all tell you the same thing: Kerry betrayed his “hood” and so did Murtha. If we could we’d take Murtha’s Globe and Anchor away from him. At the very least, if either one of those two clowns ever came to speak at a veteran’s convention, damn near everyone would do an about face and fold their arms across their chest.

    No they’re not in our “hood”. They’re in their own “hood”. You know…that “hood” of traitors and liars. They have more in common with Jane Fonda and Cindy Sheehan than any “hood” member in here.

  29. LadyAngler

    Dan~ Enjoy living in your box. :wink:

  30. Dan (The Infidel)


    Right back at you dipshit.

  31. LadyAngler

    Dipshit?!? That was pretty rude. :lol:

    I do find it humorous you resort to calling me names. I will not return the favor. However, for an older man, you are atypical to speak so disrespectfully to a woman. Interesting.

    Best wishes.

  32. Dan (The Infidel)


    I call ‘em as I see ‘em. Best wishes to you too.

  33. Thunderbolt

    My brother Dan doesn’t need LadyAngler to do his talking for him. Dan’s words echo my sentiments perfectly on many issues and when he doesn’t, I won’t attempt to reinvent the meaning of his words through meaningless banter.

    Howie, I’ve been quoting my oath of enlisment (taken 9 times) and emphasizing the DOMESTIC ENEMY part for more than 20 years as I am a firm believer that the Marxists have fully infiltrated our media and government representatives since McCarthy (and Shawn Penn and Jane Fonda are among the Hollywood moron/elitists I consider DOMESTIC ENEMIES too). I’m glad more of my brothers in arms are taking their oath literally rather than symbollically.

    Dan, my trust and interest in an individual is extended with the same benchmark…….. if you’ve served on active duty for more than just training, you are part of my “hood” and from there on, I am more likely to maintain contact with that newfound “brother”. On the other end of that spectrum would be some puke with an entitlement mindset who has given my country nothing and expects all the freebies he/she can get and expects his/her opinion to count. That includes the majority of Marxist educated “journalists”.

  34. Judith

    Too bad for the nastiness, we all need to be on the same side as we have an uphill fight against enemies from within and outside.

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