Video Code Pink: Screaming Pinkos

October 30th, 2007 Posted By Bashman.

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28 Responses

  1. sully

    Aw give her a break…. last time she did that shit was ‘68. Bitch prolly had a cramp in her leg or sumthin.

  2. Armand

    Where’s the baton shampoo’s? I want some pepper spray, Taz’em bro, taz’em

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    This is what happens when you do too many drugs in mommie’s basement. You get a bunch of spoiled mental rejects who belong in a rubber room. Too bad it ain’t 1968 again…or these bitches would get their heads smashed with a police baton…not that it would help their twisted little brains any… but it would sure be fun to watch…

  4. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    With a hat like that, who needs make up? :smile:

  5. chris dean

    I love how they’re calling for the Police and to call they not know whos tackling them?

    And why the hell weren’t they tazed? Taze the shit out of them. They were being more disruptive than the “Dont Taze me Bro” guy!!!

    Someone should just go to one of their meetings with a few cans of spray paint

  6. Mark in WA

    Will there ever be a day when these ass clowns receive the beat down they deserve? Protesting like a human being with reasoned arguments and civil behavior is one thing, but this bunch does not qualify as human as is evidenced by their uncontrolled histrionics.

    Personally, I’d like some of my SF friends, who have given more for this country than these traitors could ever understand, to have the opportunity to be in the same room when these America-haters show up at their next scheduled exhibition of sedition.

  7. sully

    TAZE THE HO!!!!

  8. Sandy K.

    Bash :lol:

    All the comments above. :lol:

    Code Pink . . . ignorant bitches.

  9. Kermit

    I guess that they don’t realize how utterly stupid they look on the everning news. No wonder they are covered very much any longer.

    Bash you have the right tactic, just laugh, there is little else to do with excaped asylum inmates.

  10. Buck Hoff

    Waz up Bash!What I want to know is who is giving blue chip hearing seat to these wackos,they always seem to land the hottest seats in Washington,seats that have to come from the highest ranks of a political party,I smell ass!which ass is it?

  11. John Goodrow

    A mouth full of pepper spray might help. :D

    Police should have gag balls next to their hand cuffs.

    I’m with Sully, taze the bitches. :twisted:

  12. John Cunningham

    Why can’t they just rip their arms out of their sockets, of course after duct taping their pie holes.

    Buck Hoff, I’m almost positive Lantos sponsored the group that had that nut job that got close to Condi.

  13. LftBhndAgn

    LMFAO Bashman - thanks for making my night. I hate these pigs. To bad the police couldn’t shackle them and carry them out hanging off a stick to give the full effect.
    All I could hear was Suewee Suewee.

    :beer: your the man Bash!

  14. dadeo

    Heya Bash,
    I think the old saying “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear” applys here.
    Somebody break out the Haldol….please.

  15. TJ (the Kafir)

    two things: Duct Tape and a taser.

    cover their mouths and bind their hands, then tase the shit out of them.

  16. drillanwr

    Wow! Was that Pee Wee Herman in with Code Pepto near the end?

  17. jak

    110 lb. toddelers. Their parents must be proud.
    Bet you they’re mostly all single or dykes. I think the common phrase is “pychobitch off meds”.

  18. Burglr

    LOL :mrgreen: Give Louie a hug for me!

  19. Lamplighter

    In the gay 90’s, that is, the 1890’s, Dr. Freud had a term for these types: “hysterical.” Yes, in more ways than one. DO taz them, bro! :twisted:

  20. LadyAngler

    Enjoyable little vid, Bashman.

    It’s unfortunate that these women behaved in such a ridiculous manner. Protesting is one thing, but acting out in such a manner one has to be forcedly removed is merely a reflection of this bullchit society where self absorption clouds judgment… assuming that laws are meant for everyone but their stupid azzes. Nice. :roll:

  21. JonnyMordant

    Wouldn’t Society be a wonderful place if Code Pink were in control of the country? Just imagine the orderly meetings that could be held by them as they went about caring for the countries business! They sound like an episode of The View before Trump told Rosie “You Fat Pig, You’re Fired”!!!

  22. slassbag

    I would’ve had such a tough time resisting the urge to beat the crap out of those idiots. Wow

  23. Dazztardly

    Ow, my virgin ears!

  24. iggy

    I have watched this video three times and I can’t stop laughing. They should let some of my boys provide security during these events. They would come face the fist with those they claim to “protect”.

    Great video.

  25. ukatheist

    will somebody please tell those deluded wimmin that bra’s were invented to stop their breasts from falling in their food while eating,spagetti sauce is a bugger to get rid of,radical lesbians dont ya just love em

  26. EvilleGenius


  27. amycakes

    The only group worse than code pink-o, is breasts not bombs. Those old hippy teets are nasty.

  28. Kevin M

    Grab them by their hair, ball-gag them, haul them over a bench in public and give them a taste of a policeman’s belt on their bare asses. Then send them back to San Fran with a healthy glow on their cheeks so they can bake pot brownies standing up. That’s how you deal with a bunch of crybabies who act up in public.

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