Airing Now: Robin Ridley’s “Sympathy For The Devil”

October 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. POD1

    Sponge Bob’s civil rights were clearly being violated.
    Someone call the ACLU.
    Oh the humanity!

  2. Luke

    Good Video its great to see the soldiers having a little fun while over seas. :lol:

  3. Howie

    You barbarians should be absolutely ashamed of yoursevles for putting such filth on the net!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fuck the ACLU, someone call Rep. John Murtha!!!! Those Soldiers shot that poor Iraqi childhood hero in cold blood!!!

    Those murderers!!!!!!!!!!

    The guy zapping his balls was cool too.
    Someone call Waxman for that part, maybe he’ll get aroused!

  4. GF

    Don’t taze me bro!

  5. Jim

    Yea thiough I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no menacing evil jihadi sponge Bob nor tazer, of my misbehaving testicles…good vid :beer:

  6. gatorbait

    Killer Angels. Get some ,GI.

  7. tom

    GF, you beat me to it. Great video, btw.

  8. rockin robin

    Thanks ya’ll! Your comments are hilarious. I can’t wait to share them with the men . . . gotta love it!

    These men will be coming home within the next couple of months. They’ve served in the sandbox for 15 months now with only two weeks off. I for one think it’s great that they were able to do something between missions to let off some steam. God knows after what they’ve all been through, it was certainly needed.

    I did have the opportunity to speak with some of the guys in the video, my son being one, and I can tell you from personal experience, they are absolutely 100% true American heroes through and through! Each of them have served their country with honor, pride and integrity, and each of them have done a damned fine job. I am humbled to no end by having the opportunity to have been able to talk to some of these heroes, knowing they have given up their lives and their liberties so that we may have ours. There are no words to describe the gratitude I feel for ALL the heroes who have served our country.

    Thanks for your support! God bless you all and God bless our military!


    Pat, THANK YOU so much for the venue you have provided to us all and thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  9. 0311inOhio

    Awesome.. Gotta love you guys. I just have to becareful and not let any of my grandkids see Sponge Bob get wasted.. :lol:

    Thanks again for being there and kicking some ass.. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    Fucking animals. Nothing cooler than being a “grunt”. Gen Swartzkof said “God loves an infantryman”. That’s no shit.
    Being a infantryman is strictly a manly man’s game. And these guys got way better hardware than I had. As an ex 11c and sometime “11-boo” type myself, I can appreciate these guys. And I see that the jive talking has only gotten more refined. LOL

    Get some…. :beer:

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