Hillary Accused Of Illegal Fundraising

October 31st, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.


Two conservative bloggers filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday alleging that Hillary Clinton accepted illegal contributions to her presidential campaign.

The complaint, filed by Matthew Margolis and Mark Noonan, cites stories published in the Los Angeles Times and New York Post questioning contributions to Clinton’s Democratic presidential campaigns from impoverished Chinese neighborhoods in New York City.

The stories dovetailed with the Clinton campaign’s refunding more than $800,000 in donations solicited — or bundled — by Norman Hsu, who used his influence in Asian-American circles to help raise millions for Democrats, all while he was considered a fugitive from a 15-year old grand theft conviction.

The Los Angeles Times looked at 150 donations made to Clinton after fundraising events targeting the Chinese community. It had trouble tracking down many donors.

Most had not registered to vote, many held low-paying jobs that would make it difficult to scrounge together cash for political contributions and some said they said they were instructed to give by community leaders, the paper reported.

A cook in New York’s Chinatown neighborhood told the New York Post she was reimbursed for her $1,000 contribution to Clinton, a senator from New York.

Federal election laws prohibit donors to be reimbursed for donations or to allow others to give on their behalf.

That’s what occurred with the donations to Clinton, Margolis and Noonan allege.

They also charge that Clinton took cash from illegal immigrants, which would also be barred by election laws banning donations from foreign nationals.

The Federal Election Commission had yet to receive the complaint Wednesday afternoon.

When it does, it will have five days to mail it to the Clinton campaign, which will have 15 days to respond.

The campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the complaint.

This is not the first time Margolis and Noonan have pointed an accusatory finger at leading Democrats.

They co-authored a book published this year alleging rampant corruption in the Democratic Party, “Caucus of Corruption: The Truth About the New Democratic Majority.”

Politico story by Kenneth P. Vogel here.

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6 Responses

  1. Paul Hausser


  2. Lil Mac

    Ohhh Please,, please Lord in Heaven
    We read this story the other day about Hillary’s Chinese friends ,, Please let this be the one , please let this be the story that catches this bitch once and for all ,, The filthy Clintonistas gotta go down ,, I know it wont happen but I gotta say it again ” Why doesn’t anything stick with these people ” ??? Blech,, I hate this Bitch !! !

  3. sully

    “…. Hillary Clinton accepted illegal contributions to her presidential campaign.”


  4. Lamplighter

    Well, it’s about time! I was wondering when the FEC complaint was going to get filed! She already has several complaints pending, but this one’s a whopper. People have gone to prison for less. :razz:

  5. GF

    Patti Solis Doyle: Mrs. Clintons dirty little secret.

    It’s no wonder Mrs. Doyle likes to keep a low profile. Mrs. Doyle, the very person soliciting campaign donations for Clinton from the likes of Mr. Hsu and $1,000 dollar contributions from dishwashers has some skeletons of her very own. It’s not hard to see why she’s a devotee of the so called “immigration” issue. Mrs. Doyle’s own father was an illegal who was deported twice before he got the golden ticket and sent for his family so they could relocate from Monterrey, Mexico.

    So, if you are wondering why Hillary does not care about illegal drivers licenses here is your answer. A vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same illegal immigration.

    More about Patti Solis Doyle:

  6. retro

    As much as I’d like to see a woman president, I don’t trust Hillary as far as I can throw her.

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