Mother Tries To Stop Suicide-Bomber Son, Blows Up Family

October 15th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Child Abuse

KABUL, Afghanistan — A mother who tried to stop her son from carrying out a suicide bomb attack triggered an explosion in the family’s home in southern Afghanistan that killed the would-be bomber, his mother and three siblings, police said Monday.

The would-be bomber had been studying at a madrassa, or religious school, in Pakistan, and when he returned to his home in Uruzgan province over the weekend announced that he planned to carry out a suicide attack, Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said.

Surviving family members told police that the suicide vest exploded during a struggle between the mother and her son, said Juma Gul Himat, Uruzgan’s police chief. The man’s brother and two sisters were also killed.

Family members said the would-be bomber gave his family $3,600 before telling them he intended to carry out the attack, Himat said.

Bashary said the explosion happened on Sunday, but Himat said it occurred on Monday morning. It was not clear why the two accounts differed.

In a second accidental explosion, another would-be bomber killed himself Friday in Paktika province when he tried to take off the bomb vest he was wearing and it exploded, Bashary said. The man told authorities he had been instructed by his handlers in Pakistan to launch a suicide attack, but changed his mind when he saw people praying in a mosque.

Full AP article by Amir Shah HERE

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10 Responses

  1. Ranger

    “Bashary said the explosion happened on Sunday, but Himat said it occurred on Monday morning. It was not clear why the two accounts differed.”

    Cuz to one guy it was “late Sunday night” and to the other “early Monday morning”? Just a guess…

  2. John Cunningham

    How’s this for cold. Better they blow themselves up at a young age than have them live long enough and we have to listen to them on Dr. Phil or on one of Oprah’s couches. At the rate they’re indoctrinating we’re going to have to wait a whole generation until they’re all dead.

  3. radgy

    allahs will,be done

  4. GREG G. S.

    That’s some photo… for the “just do it” crowd.

  5. E4Puke

    The irony in this one is hilarious.

  6. Steve in NC


  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    What a courageous mother. She tried to save her son and died in the process. I guess the jihadi Hitler Youth Scholl is proud now, that they caused a tragedy for an entire family. Oh, wait, that statement would presuppose that the Hilter Youth school admin has a soul. My bad. Rot in hell kid. The mother is a hero…and her son is a zero.

  8. Lamplighter

    Look at that poor kid, the adults are ruining his life already. Cult of death!

  9. deathstar

    Would be sweet to know the total number of suicide bombers that have died since 9/11 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Must be a nice big number by now. This natural selection of the population of our enemies has got to be beneficial in the long run.

  10. Guy

    Does anybody notice the corporate sponsorship going on here?
    This is good old American blatant Capitalistic Greed! Those smart ad execs on Madison Avenue are always thinking of new ways to push their product. The next kid will have Simon Cowell’s red Coke Glass in his hand. The tag line will read- “Blast off to Allah with a Coke and some C-4!”

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