Armenian Genocide Bill Dem Stunt

October 15th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

pig and cunt
Just my two cents on this Armenian Genocide bill the Dems are pushing.

This is a purely political stunt to make the current administration seem weak. Why in the hell would they put forth a bill like this NOW?

At a time when we need Turkey as an ally for many reasons, not the least of which are airspace priveleges, and an ally on the War on Terror.

At a time when it seems the tide in Iraq has finally turned and we are actually considering shuffling the Marines off to Afghanistan and bringing the Army over to Iraq.

At a time when Turkey is rattling it’s sabre, hell, they’ve pulled out their sword already, and is pointing it into Northern Iraq.

The Dems are truly truly truly straddling the line here. All in the hopes of gaining the Oval Office next year?

If this lame, unpopular party is conducting itself this way now, how in the world do we think they are going to handle this country if they take the White House.

Heavens to Mergatroid, folks, we can not let these nuts get behind the wheel.


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15 Responses

  1. Steven D

    The whole lot of them should have been charged with treason long ago.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nice pic. Who’s whose bootlick? Yeah, another non-binding resolution designed to do nothing, by a do-nothing Congress.

    How these sanctimonious fucks ever got anywhere in life is beyond me. I’m reminded about a principal that these people seem to emulate…something about some people tend to rise to his/her level of incompetence? Oh yeah, these two are the best examples that I can think of…of the Peter Principal.

  3. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    Just another attempt by the leftinistas in our government abusing & using the Senate floor to secure our defeat! :mad: as hell!

  4. sully

    Well they did say that it would be very bad for them if the war started going well. So the fucks decide to do something to make it harder to win… rat bastards.

  5. gypsy

    You guys watch too much Fox News or other tainted right-wing media.

    Fact of the matter is it was genocide…sad thing is them Republicans are too busy selling weapons instead of sticking up for peoples rights.

    I guess I am painting for the blind here…oh well…worth a shot.

    BTW: this Bill was attemped before, but Newt and his cronies stopped it getting anywhere…they were too busy trying to go after a guy for a blow job…that is what I call sad.

    Foxnews :twisted:

  6. franchie

    Nice pic

    a reference to the “american gothic” :

    who do look sympathetic

  7. Mark Tanberg

    I’m not so sure, if the Turks attack the Kurds across the border, this measure might make a counter more palpable to the american people and if you’ve been watching Turkey as of late they have been steadily tolerating jihadist factions. BUT never trust a democrat. As for being our ally that rope has been fraying for some time now.

  8. NMMI 83

    Redeploy the troops to Washington and frag these BASTARDS.
    They should have been shot long ago for treason.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hey gypsy, tramps, and thieves:

    So if we watch too much Fox news then what do you watch? Keith Doperman, CNN or any the other whores of George Soros? Read Chomsky perhaps? Zinn?

    Got news for you leftist…Two bills were passed aginst the Turks in 1999 and 1916. And what exactly did those bills change? History maybe?

    They changed nothing.

    So what’s the point of this bill? Oh right, undermine the GWOT, and close down the place where 95% of the MRAP’s are comming from and the 30% of all other “log” items come from.

    Instead of wasting time on non-binding resolutions about an event that can not be changed, altered or erased or fixed, why not spend time on a binding resolution against the IROC, and Darfur?

    Slither on back to your hole fucktard.

  10. franchie

    one thing is sure, Dan, youv’ got a temendous instructive vocabulary, I love it :lol:

  11. Dan (The Infidel)


    Yeah, and I can write, read and speak English…which is more than I can say for you. And BTW, that pic is not American gothic. American gothic art doesn’t include a man in a faggy french beret and a woman dressed as a Dhimi.

  12. franchie

    I can’t challenge you on your mother tongue, but you can’t challenge me on the pics language !

    this painting, called “American Gothic”, is from Grant Wood, an american painter, who was famous for reproducting America’s rednecks landscapes( :mrgreen: ) before WW2, (it has nothing to do with the gothic, gore or wathever you have in mind)

    and as you remarked the pic, I was wondering at what you were thinking, but of course, to nothing, just congratuling :lol:

    as far as me, dunno who made the pic, but it was evident that this person must know Grandt Wood, or it is just a happy hasard

    valà, valà, at your service :lol:

  13. mshatto


    Check out Reagan’s Proclamation 4838 made on 4/22/81 concerning the rememberance of the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, and Cambodian victims of Pol Pot. The US has already addressed this issue, a Republican president no less. The party of Al-Qaeda is 26 years behind the curve. It’s old news. What isn’t old news is the fact that the Democratic Party is simply attempting to cut the legs out from under our troops in Iraq. How can that be when people like you are so supportive of the troops? You and those like you should be ashamed but we all know that’s not possible.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)


    Damn you’re dumb. I’m perfectly familiar with American gothic art dingbat…And the art form had nothing to do with rednecks… The art was a celebration of American life at the time. Stick to criticing all things french. You don’t know zip about America, past or present. Consider yourself challenged.

  15. franchie


    why am I laughing ?

    because your a good pupil :smile:

    when it comes to history of Art, Civilisations… military facts

    there are no borders

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