Breaking Video: Anti-War Vets Group Releases Sleazy Anti-Rush Ad

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Daily Kos buddies Vote Vets just put this up on Youtube. Why sleazy? Because its deceitful. Rush Limbaugh.Com

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47 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    They’re really beating the dead horse on this. Can’t believe some would let themselves be used like this.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ah yes…the modern-day Winter Soldiers’ committee. Led by another John Kerry-ite. Fuck them. I turn my back on them in the Vietnam-era way…

  3. tj (the kafir)

    Rush should contact this particular soldier as he suggested and tell him to his face that he was referring to phony soldiers like “cpl” mcbeth who claimed to serve but didnt. Then give him the evidence, then expect that he will come on his show and recant what he accused rush of. the last part likely wont happen but i can dream cant I? :roll:

  4. ssgduke54

    :???: So we now have a couple of veterans against the war. So what! A good 96% solders want to win this war against Islamic Fascists Terrorism! You will always going to find someone against the war, in the military, no matter what. What you got to worry is when you have a vast majority of good soldiers turn against the war. Then you have a good “case not to fight in Iraq. As for the individual veteran on that video clip he has the right of free speech. But they do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPREAD FALSE FACTS! I have read the Rush show transcripts and far as I am concern he did not call so called veteran of Iraq soldiers against the war “phony soldiers”. He was talking about a “A” hole who impersonated a Ranger when in fact he only served in the Army roughly 44 days in Basic Training and failed it. So before you smear someone you better have the TRUTHFUL FACTS because if you don’t we will expose you or any organizations for what you are and will no longer have any dealing with them! :mad:

  5. 3/7dad

    typical anti bush league…just like the gal that claimed to be gang raped in iraq by U.S. troops and when the MSM found out that she never left the states they ran the story anyway..if they jump on rush then what should we do to letterman/daily show/mahr and the rest of the antimilitary clowns to many to name,, there is an ad on tv showing a kid fm minnesota with no legs and hands telling that the mission should continue,,, did anyone see that one??? bet not..

  6. Kipp

    Both sides are doing it and I think they should cut it out. If we want to win the war on terror we need to do it with unity. This ad, Swift boat ads, Cleland ad, Betray us ad, they do nothing but divide us. Rush is guilty, Reid and Polosi are guilty. This is why our politicians are hovering nearer to single digits. Idiots, all of them.

  7. sully

    The Dhimmicrats have such low regard for ‘the people’ that they actually still believe that people don’t (or won’t eventually) see through their paint by numbers approach to elections. It cost them in 2000 and 2004.
    2008 is gonna be more difficult because the MSM has turned up their shamefully blatant ’support’. Thankfully they seem bent on giving us a Socialist as a candidate.

  8. Howie

    Sounds to me like he still has a ways to go on his TBI recovey. The phony soldiers are those douch bags like Kerry, Murtha, what’s his name that was writing for that magazine and the only thing he did not lie about was the fact that he went through Army bootcamp.

  9. 3/7dad

    now fake hero harkin is embarassing iowa again,,

  10. Grumpy

    Who the fuck was that guy anyway?

  11. Matt

    What a waste of bandwidth.. I did go vote it down though. These kind of people aren’t the type that will be reasoned with. They just spout their hate regardless of the facts.

  12. jam

    Claiming to prove an injury by showing a picture of yourself “wounded” is pretty sleazy, but:

    nothing can out-sleaze our senators like Reid and Harkin using the Senate chamber as a forum to attack Rush Limbaugh and even insinuate that he is doing illegal drugs.

    That is school yard shit and it ain’t what I’m paying them for.

  13. Mr. Standfast

    I think this significant. Here we have a medical case that results in liberal thinking. Could there be a link between TBI and liberalism???? :smile:

  14. drillanwr

    Here’s a big idea from somebody who is just an interloping civvie here.

    I know some of you guys/gals are serving right now, maybe even IN iraq or A-stan, or have served tours and are still stationed on bases as active military.

    I’m sure we all recall John Kerry’s stupid-assed attempt almost a year ago to stab at Bush/Iraq war but “missed” and got the troops/military instead? “study hard or you’ll end up in Iraq” ???

    Well remember the troops who made a big banner making fun of Kerry? The picture went “viral” on the internet.

    We need one for this … Troops supporting Limbaugh, and slamming the media and the dems for running with this lie.

    Just an idea … :idea: :smile:

  15. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Both sides are doing it and I think they should cut it out. If we want to win the war on terror we need to do it with unity. This ad, Swift boat ads, Cleland ad, Betray us ad, they do nothing but divide us. Rush is guilty, Reid and Polosi are guilty. This is why our politicians are hovering nearer to single digits. Idiots, all of them.”

    No Kippster. You’re side is doing it. The difference is your side lies. We expose their lies. Then you try to lump it all together and put the onus on both sides. No.

    Your side continues to play the same games that they played in VN. They were wrong then. And they’re wrong now.

    Our side nailed Kerry, because he betrayed his fellow vets.
    We nailed Harkin because he lied about his service. We nailed MoveOn because they lied about Gen Petraeous. And to get even, your side takes Rush’s comments on a real phony soldier and the many other phony soldiers out of context and dares to play that lie in Congress.

    Your side is the phony. Your side is the yellow-bellies that continue to undermine this war effort and the troops.
    Not ours.

    Stop playing the equivalence game. It doesn’t work here.
    You and the rest of Komrade Soros’s minions are getting your asses handed to you.

    So your side’s reaction is to legislate away any chance that our side has to refute your lies. Your side lost that debate…But you keep playing games anyways. And you’re going to lose every fucking time.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)


    A number of troops called Rush’s show today and expressed their appreciation for his unyielding support of them.

    One troop commented that Rush was doing the thing that is just as important as actually serving in the military, and that is supporting both the troops and their mission. The troop said that any civilian that doesn’t support the mission is lying when they say they support the troops.
    The mission and the troops are one and the same as far as he was concerned.

    Oh yeah, and he castigated the Dhimis in Congress. He also said that there are “phony soldiers” and that while some of the real ones are against the war…96.7% of them support their brothers and sisters in the GWOT and especially Iraq (his stats not mine).

    The troops know who supports them and who doesn’t. The Reid’s Peloskis, Murtha’s Kennedy’s Harkins, et al, are anathema to all that they do on a daily basis. The vast majority of the troops hate the Dhims with a passion.

    Look out Dhimis when these people get out. Watch how many of these vets run for office and start displacing the pussies in Congress…that includes Rhinos.

  17. libNOTSr

    As a recipient of a Purple Heart - I am appalled that this guy in the video above allowed himself to be used by the far left…but - - it’s his own fault - obviously he did not investigate this controversy before he opened his mouth.

    LibNOTSR has been closely following the recent uproar manufactured by the extremists in the US Senate regarding Rush Limbaugh. We have carefully and objectively listened and read the material related to the “phony soldier” story currently all over the news. Jesse MacBeth, the “soldier” and subject of the controversy, has claimed to have served in Iraq, said he was awarded a Purple Heart as an Army Ranger and witnessed numerous atrocities committed by US soldiers while in Iraq….served a total of 44 days in the Army!! He couldn’t even graduate from boot camp!

    Do we call Jesse MacBeth a “hero?” How about “brave?” Or do we call him what he is: “a counterfeit PHONY soldier?”

    The phonies clearly are those that are on the floor of the United States Senate. The liars are clearly those on the floor of the United States Senate.

    Jesse MacBeth is a fake….pure and simple.

  18. sully

    “Both sides are doing it.. blah, blah, blah”

    But “it” is not ‘the same’.

    Boy it must be fun being a lib. Get to wake up each morning and make shit up, revise the previous day if it suits you, have imaginary friends…..
    kinda like the first grade.

  19. Ranger

    A shame. All these “anti-war” soldiers end up looking so stupid. Even if you are legitimately so, how can you back this ad when its such an obvious intentional misinterpretation?

  20. Ranger

    I really can’t believe the libs would misuse somebody with TBI so badly either. Oh wait, yes I can.

    And no offense meant, but I wonder if the dude had a change of perspective that corresponded with the TBI?…. :roll:

  21. Dan (The Infidel)

    Let’s re-visit this tactic of the Winter Soldier just for education purposes shall we? This is why the false accusations against Rush are NOT the same:

    “Many American soldiers returned home from the war(VN) to find they were spat upon in the streets, reviled as baby-killers, and treated as pariahs by former friends. For decades the standard media image of a Vietnam veteran — murderous, addicted, and too damaged psychologically to cope with civilian life — was taken directly from the dark canvas painted by John Kerry and the VVAW in 1971.

    But strangely, all those horrific accounts of rape, torture, arson and slaughter that the VVAW had recorded in Detroit seemed to evaporate once the real investigation demanded by Senator Hatfield began. As recounted in Guenter Lewy’s 1978 book “America in Vietnam,” few witnesses agreed to talk with military investigators, even after being assured that they would not be asked about their own crimes. Many of those who did permit interviews turned out never to have been in combat. Some of the most gruesome claims came from men who were imposters using the names of real Vietnam veterans. One Marine who had been in combat eventually told investigators that a member of the Nation of Islam had helped prepare his statement, and admitted that he had never witnessed any of the atrocities he had testified to in Detroit. In the end, the Navy was unable to verify any of the hundreds of war crimes alleged by the Winter Soldier Investigation. Neither has anyone else during the 33 years since, including journalists, historians, and military and Congressional investigators.

    In fact, the entire Winter Soldier Investigation that John Kerry represented so memorably before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was a fraud; a propaganda effort designed to horrify America into abandoning the war in Vietnam by poisoning public opinion against a generation of American soldiers.”

    WE ARE NOT GOING TO STAND FOR THIS AGAIN. The only same like same going on here is that same damned Winter Soldier lies that went on then, are going on now. Not this time Dhimis…not this time…

  22. Mike F

    To Libnotsir,

    Thank you for your service.

    Fuck the DailyKos, Senators Reid, Harkin, and the rest of those anti-military, sabotaging liberal “vet” groups shilling for the democrats!

  23. Clyde Conneer

    Were it not for the Swift Boat ads the TRAITOR Hanoi John might be President, then what would happen to America with an anti military, ass’le as Comander In Chief?

    Can you say “Please Mr. Cutthroat!” ???????

    Aside: Saul Alinski, Hill’s mentor and Lardass Ted Kennedy were Kerry’s advisors during his protest career.

    The whole D’rat surrender crowd had better keep their head down for the forseeable future.

  24. Dan (The Infidel)


    The only dreamer in here Frenchy is you. We already have read the transcripts and/or heard the show. We know what he said. We don’t need your links.

    Have you figured out yet, that maybe the reason why you can’t use your previous names (ie Frenchy, Asterix) is because you aren’t welcome here?

    Think about it. You’re good for a laugh, same is the other couple of libtards that stop by here, but that’s about it.

    Say Au revoir Frenchy.

  25. Kurt(the infidel)

    Everyone has made great comments and points as usual..but i just need to go on record here..Rush Limbaugh is a patriot for this country and would never ever say anything negative about our military..For this group and many other groups like it to come back and blast him for something he said and completely take it out context, well shame on them..Bunch of lying, deceitful, Anti-American bastards! he was referring to the ones who pretended to serve but didnt, not the real troops..these men and women have every right to share their opinion about this war..Rush knows this and so do we

    Screw DailyKKKos and and their leader Sorros!!!

  26. Steve in NC

    Obliviously the far left loony moonbats will not change or succumb to reality, but I hope that a good share of those ‘in the middle’ are taking a clear eyed look at this event, along with the Petraeus ad, the false claims against O’Reilly and more and are taking in the lies and deceit used by the d’rats and their minions.

    This kind of bullshit will fade away once the nomination is made, and the nominee (hillary) will try to be center left during the campaign. She will be excused by the media sluts and not confronted by them.
    It will be important to take her own words and actions, without distortion, and keep them in front of the public during the run up to the election.

    If the Republicans run another pussied campaign as before she will win.

    If you are passive in this election cycle you deserve the fucking you will get.

  27. sully

    “is that guy a “dreamer” ?”

    Don’t know nor do I care if he is a dreamer. What he IS is wrong. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt though. In this instance, being fed false information and forming a resultant false conclusion. In logic this is referred to as a non sequitur or ‘fallacy of false cause’.

    As his first paragraph reads:
    “Blue Girl directed me to a very interesting story about Rush Limbaugh, who called veterans opposed to the war phony soldiers.”

    Rush did not call veterans opposed to the war “phony soldiers.” He called out “phony soldiers” that opposed the war based upon false ‘experience’ with the war.

    BTW…. what IS life like on the planet Uranus???

  28. sully

    “this soldier was hurt by rush comments though”

    But since Rush’s comments were mischaracterized, him being “hurt” would be the fault of those that did the mischaracterizing. Not Rush.
    Duh… does truth hold no sway in your world? Or is it just ‘relative’ to what suits you?

  29. Jim

    Its just being dishonest and they have the same tactics as AQ

  30. Dan (The Infidel)


    “this soldier was hurt by rush comments though”

    No he wasn’t. Rush didn’t make negative comments aginst him. You don’t read very well do you dipshit. That’s the LIE that this article is all about.

    “and your neither a serious or a fair commenter too, plus your not funny or of good laugh”

    Your English is still piss poor. Much like your intellect huh Frenchy?

    Like sully said: How does it feel to live on planet Uranus?
    When you get to the moon dippy, have some cheese.

  31. Jim

    Those democrats are looking more and more foolish by the day… I’m almost embarrassed for them…

    They have created so many news stories with the transcripts…These people belong in a 3rd world country

  32. idefix

    sully, truth is as relative as the perspective, well, anyway I got the answer

    dany boy, I am glad that US has a genie like you ; sure, your place is on the very ground, you won’t get to the moon, even with fuzzy beer bocks

  33. Dan (The Infidel)


    Frenchy reads English about as well as she writes it: Not worth a fuck. Of course when one is a socialist commie moonbat like her, her idiotic comments are not unexpected.

  34. Dan (The Infidel)

    “dany boy, I am glad that US has a genie like you ; sure, your place is on the very ground, you won’t get to the moon, even with fuzzy beer bocks”

    Pathethic response fucktard. What’s a genie? Is that like Alladin and his lamp? LOL

    “your place is on the very ground” Yes, unlike you dipshit I am well-grouded.

    BTW dumbass Dany is spelled Danny not Dany. I keep telling you stupid shit. your English sucks. Your spelling sucks, your views sucks and you suck…

    Truth is not relative. That’s a socialist view. Truth is truth for all or it is truth for none. Perfect example of truth: One day, everyone will die. That’s not just a truth dumbass but it is also an absolute truth.

    Stick to wine and cheese Frenchy. Maybe you’re better at that.

    “you won’t get to the moon, even with fuzzy beer bocks”
    LOL…you fucking idiot.

  35. sully

    “sully, truth is as relative as the perspective”

    Uh, no, it’s not. C’mon frenchy… follow your ‘logic’ to its inevitable conclusion that since there are ~6 billion people on the planet that’s an equal number of truths.
    Morals the same for you??
    Glad you got your “answer” though… :roll:

  36. sully

    “Of course when one is a socialist commie moonbat like her, her idiotic comments are not unexpected.”

    You left out ‘moral relativist’. :wink:

  37. Dan (The Infidel)


    Good catch. You’re right. Frenchy is all Zinn and no cow.

    Incidently, Levin just finished one of the prosecutors involved in investigating “phony soldiers”. The guy who was speaking is only handling the Western region (VA). In the West there are 8 phony soldiers, and 2 more under investigation. They are VN, Korea, WWII and GWOT phonies.

    They claim VA benefits they are not entittled to. They forge their DD214’s, or like Reggie Buttle, just wear a uniform and medals that they are not entittled to wear.

    Thus they make all of us who have worn the uniform, and those who are still waering the uniform look bad.

    MacBeth got 8 months for falsifying his DD214, Buttle got 500 hours of community service.

    Guess Rush was right? Fucking “A” tweety-bob…

  38. Obelix

    it’s funny how you deblatere on aleatory phenomenons

    at leat, I learn some subtile language

  39. idefix

    6 billion people on the planet that’s an equal number of truths.
    Morals the same for you??

    how can I get a sense of moral when my answers are differed or vanishing ?

    so, I make my deductions

  40. Dan (The Infidel)


    it’s funny how you deblatere on aleatory phenomenons

    at leat, I learn some subtile language

    Sounds like the words of a grade school kid who still hasn’t mastered the English language yet. You’re such a putz shitbird.

  41. libNOTSr

    Way to go Dan(The Infidel)! Who in the hell is this “guy” idefix anyway?

  42. Dan (The Infidel)


    6 billion people on the planet that’s an equal number of truths.
    Morals the same for you??

    how can I get a sense of moral when my answers are differed or vanishing ?

    so, I make my deductions

    Those 6 Billion people don’t share your views fucktard. Your problem, much like many of those 6 Billion people is you are working with a broken moral compass.

    And it doesn’t matter what those 6 Billion people think today. One day they will all die. AND THAT is truth for everyone. Not just truth Frenchy the fucktard, but absolute truth….and that includes you…and that includes everyone…irrespective of view…

    Your problem dipshit is that your “deductions” as you say are dead wrong. They’re wrong because you have not developed a working moral compass. You will not find that in any socialist university class. And you will never find that until you want to find it. And you ain’t there.

  43. David Ross

    Dan, you da man! :beer:

  44. Lamplighter

    Like I said in another vein, these “Rush Protesters” get their info from Media Matters and NEVER actually listen to him. If they did, they would know his show is a continuing conversation, and everyone who listens to him knows what he was talking about–that phoney guy Jesse who washed out of boot camp in 44 days and pretended to be an Army Ranger. So, I feel sorry for that guy in the video who has gone public based on not enough due dilligence.

  45. asterix

    Dan, your Lecture is ubforgettable, (I am thinking of recording some of your writings) :neutral:

    in a few years, your talks will be used in a satyre :lol:

  46. sully

    “in a few years, your talks will be used in a satyre”

    Yours already are. Right here. Right now.

  47. frenchy


    I can’t miss your enlightening talks too

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