Christian Couple Flogged In Iran For Being “Mortad”

October 16th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


London — A Christian couple were flogged in Iran for participating in an “underground Church”, an Iranian Christian group said in a report on its website earlier this week.

The unnamed couple were arrested on September 21, 2005, the report said, adding that a Revolutionary Court reviewed their case in July 2007.

Even though the couple had decided to marry seven years ago, the country’s marriage laws - which prohibit the union of ex-Muslims and members of other religious minorities — prevented them from obtaining a certificate of marriage.

The report said that the woman was born a Christian in an Assyrian-Iranian family and the man was a convert to Christianity prior to getting married.

The court ruled that both the man and the woman were Mortad, a description of someone who has committed apostasy by leaving Islam.

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7 Responses

  1. Top Ward

    Gotta love that “religion of peace”!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    This is the kind of crap that makes someone say “I hate Iranians”. This their government and their religion? Fuck the Iranian government. Time to put an end to it.

    How much you want to bet these two get hung? The Koran says that “Anyone who leaves Islam should be killed”. In his case, he’s looking at getting stoned to death. And she would be a co-conspirator and found equally guilty under the Sharia laws of Iran.

    Unless they escape Iran, their lives are worth nothing. Neither one can get an ID to get a job. Nor will anyone do business with them.

    This is what Sharia and Dhimnitude look like. And people actually think that we can sit around and wait for some MLK revolution to develop?

    No. Let’s not wait anymore. Unfortunately these poor souls haven’t got a chance.

    This is the face of totalitarianism, of Nazism and Stalinism. This government needs to be crushed.

  3. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Christian Couple Flogged In Iran For Being “Mortad” […]

  4. patriot

    Iran pisses me off.

    ‘Nuff said.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im sorry to say this but if the people of Iran do not rise up against this ever present danger known as their government then i will consider them complicit to the crimes they commit. I mean we’re talking about a population of 65 million people with an average age for males being 25 years old. Something could be done by them if they truely wanted it. Im at my wits end with muslims, “peaceful” ones or not

  6. TJ (The kafir)


    you are right on with your assessment although, I havent been able to find where it says directly in the quran that the penalty for apostasy is death, though the hadith (baukari) does so: it says “if a man changes his religion, kill him.” either way, historically, apostates have been killed all over the muslim world. This is dhimiitude in relaity, and when the iranian government parades around iranian christians or jews(not bahai’s) as proof of religious pluralism, we dont see the enormous restrictions to their lives and the penalties incurred for the outward expression of their faith.

    Bahaiism and zorastrianism were originally iranian religions that have been cast out of iran and persecuted. so much so that the bahai’s are headquartered in haifa, israel, and remnants of zorastriansim exist in and around India. :wink:

  7. A Christian

    The Iranians will reap what they have sown, as will all of us when Christ returns. The question we need to ask ourselves as Christians is “have we done our part?” These Iranian Christians are probably more certain of their faith in Christ, especially after being persecuted, than most of us in the west will ever be without being tested as they have. May G*d almighty bless them and hasten Christ’s return. And may the followers of the false prophet fall into their own pits that they have dug to snare the righteous.

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