Code Pink Defaces And Protests Marine Recruiter In Berkeley

October 5th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Dianne Budd, a Code Pink organizer, pins up a poster in front of the Marine Recruiting Center on Shattuck Avenue Wednesday to protest its existence.

Where’s Bonaduce when you need him? I got two words for these…people, and they aren’t Happy Halloween.

Code Pink took to the streets of Berkeley Wednesday to try to drive the U.S. Marine Recruitment Center out of the city.

Donning pink hats, T-shirts and badges, a group of 10 braved rush-hour traffic on Shattuck Avenue to protest against the recruitment office located at 64 Shattuck Square.

“If there are to be no wars, there can be no warriors,” said Dianne Budd, one of the organizers.

“We found out a few days ago and decided to make their lives miserable,” she said, pinning up “RECRUITERS LIE, CHILDREN DIE” posters on the office windows. “We want people to know that it’s here and we want to shut them down. If people had been in there we were ready to hand out information about GI rights. We just want to speak the truth.”

Budd said that the group had planned the demonstration after noticing the office on the block, and its proximity to UC Berkeley and Berkeley High School.

The recruitment office was closed when the Planet reached the site at 5 p.m. Wednesday and no one was available for comment before press time.

According to Shahin, owner of the Z&S salon located next door, the recruitment center has been there since January.

“I have seen people coming here during the day five days a week,” she said. “It’s not a lot but they go in and out and some have uniforms.”

Berkeley High was recently threatened with federal-fund cuts unless they followed the federal opt-out policy, which allows the military to access students’ personal information for recruitment purposes unless they deliberately opt out of the process.

Marge Lasky, a member of Grandmothers Against the War, said she had no idea that the office was there.

Kali Steel from Code Pink said the group would protest in front of the office every Wednesday until it was shut down.

No one came to drag the protesters away as they stood waving banners and talking for almost two hours.

“It’s my first-amendment right,” Budd said smiling. “Who’s going to stop me?”

Bash Note:These people are so deluded. It is the Marines and the rest of the Armed Forces that allow them to do this crap. Try this in Tehran bitches.


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42 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    What do you expect? its berkley..but what a bitch, someone should have body slammed her on her head. Its gone from disagreeing with the war to actually talking shit about our military, thats going way too far in my book.
    Bunch of dirty ass hippies

  2. sully

    Defacing government or private property is not a “first amendment right”. Arrest them and try them… after a change of venue to… oh, let’s say Jacksonville, NC.

  3. Irish Gal

    Do these people not have a job????

  4. Bashman

    Where’s Bonaduce when you need him, that bitch is ripe…


  5. Q_Mech

    “If there are to be no wars, there can be no warriors”

    That one just made my personal list of the Dumbest Goddamned Things I’ve Ever Heard. The best answer I can think of is delivered at fairly high velocity.

  6. EZRider

    “It’s my first-amendment right,” Budd said smiling. “Who’s going to stop me?”

    That’s my favorite quote from the article. It just shows how frivolous these people are. Let them dance around, who cares. They’re laughable and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

    However, I agree with Sully, defacing governement property is not a right. Give them some highway community service and maybe they can clean up the shit hole they live in.

  7. BlueOval8950

    Honestly, if Berkley was closer I would drive down there and tear that shit down. Those people have absolutely no cocept of reality.

    I sometimes think that Americans have been isolated for too long from the realities of the world. There are bad people out there that want to do bad things to you no matter how understanding you are.

  8. A. S. Wise- VA

    The witches of our time. None of the antiwar protesters has it nearly as tough as WWII, the spoiled brats.

  9. ThomP45

    Morons - That means stupid people if you are from Berkeley

  10. PooleeScore

    It was an Officer recruiting office, not an enlisted recruiting office. Berkeley also has a ROTC program through its high school amazingly. I wish I would have known… I had gotten off work early that day… heads would have rolled.

    Oh well, I’m sure I’ll get to smash some hippie bastard faces when I go to fleet week.

    4 more days until I’m in boot camp…one of the only good things to come out of Commiefornia.

    Why hasn’t anyone had them cited for vandalism? Free speach is one thing, but attaching posters and things to a private building without permission from the owner is against the law….

  11. libNOTSr

    Real name: Code Pink-o!

    The only one missing from the party was Jimmy Carter….unless that’s him holding the girl up on his shoulders.

  12. Jim

    “IFthere are to be no wars, there can be no warriors,” said Dianne Budd”

    Okay Peter Pan, now be nice and clean up your toys and go hme

  13. Humble Janoslav

    “If there are to be no wars, there can be no warriors,”…What a thought! Perhaps she would have protested in front of the Reichstag before WWII to keep Hitler from trying to take over the world. Imagine that! Of course she would have succeeded and we wouldn’t have had to spend billions to revamp our US military. She shouldn’t protest our military unless she’s willing to protest every other military worldwide.

  14. Howie

    Wow!! I feel so much safer knowing that she is out there protecting us from invasion. Code Pink has done such a good job make the world a safer place to live. When is she going to Philidelphia, they have a big problem with crime and murder. Maybe she can go around preaching about “If there are no crimes there can be no cops!” Maybe that would work with the gangbangers and murderers like it has with the ragheaded terrorists!!!

  15. Steve in NC

    amid the bullshit floating around about secession from the United States by crackers and moonbats I have this thought, why don’t we force the secession of the far west coast?

    maybe let Venezuela annex them? we have a base on Cuba, why not let them have those areas? Sean Penn could become the mayor. It would be the utopian society they dream of.

  16. Dannyboy

    Hey PooleeScore…good luck with things at bootcamp. Too bad there aren’t more people like you and less people like the Anti-American pukes at CodePink.

  17. Scotty

    lol they talk about their rights? They are trying to stop people from joining the army/navy etc, why do they get to control people?

  18. Howie

    Poolee do you kow your basic MOS yet? Hopefully you won’t be an 03 seeing as how we no longer need warriors.
    Semper Fi brother to be from an antiquated 0313.

  19. Bobcat

    Maybe they’re at least giving the recruiters something to laugh about. I would laugh my ass off if there was a protest going on outside the Army recruitment center when I enlist next year, but I live in Texas so I highly doubt that will happen. Also, is there anything stopping the recruiters from just coming outside and at least taking those signs down? I know people can’t put signs in our windows without permission where I work. How do these people think willing recruits are going to enlist without recruiters? The concept of a patriotic young man or woman willingly enlisting in our volunteer military without somehow being weak-minded and brainwashed by a recruiter is too much for these 10 people, who were so brave in taking on the rush hour traffic to help their country, to understand.

  20. Dan The Infidel

    Since our last Code-Pinko report, these people have reached rock bottom and have started to dig.

  21. MIkeP

    Get out of the way, bitch. There are heroes out there, even in Berkley, who want to fight to protect your treasonous ass. They need access to that office you and your fucked up friends are obstructing–so move over bitch and let the heroes through.

  22. Steve in NC

    corrected link ^^^

  23. الٲمريكى (The American)

    it sucks they are doing it and it’s a below the belt hit.
    but it’s Free speech, a constitutional right.
    the rights of people to do this kind of thing is what us members of the Armed forces have sworn an oath to protect.
    to remind, Free Speech is a distinctly AMERICAN right. We must uphold it.

  24. Grumpy

    Fuck this pisses me off.

    “…a group of 10 braved rush-hour traffic on Shattuck Avenue to protest against the recruitment office…”

    Even the article makes them sound brave and courageous. Fuck these cowards.

  25. GBU43

    I didn’t realize we had a first amendment right to deface property…

    Christ the liberals think the first amendment gives them god like powers.

    For all you liberal’s that never even looked at the constitution, here is the first.

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

    The key point in this that the lib’s miss is.

    You can say whatever you want.. And we can hold you equally responsible for what you say.

  26. drillanwr

    Cindy Sheehan -

    I’m still waiting for you to publicly release Casey Sheehan’s letters and emails home from his two tours in Iraq.

    YOU made Casey the public symbol of your antiwar movement. You made Casey a stage prop in your drive for celebrity.

    I demand to know Casey’s thoughts.

    Full disclosure … nothing less.

  27. Boombop

    If California keeps going the way that its going God will have to raise up Sodom and Gomorrah and apologize.

    Hey Howie,
    You left out DC, Baltimore, L.A, Oakland, S.F and Atlanta.
    Wow! now that I think about it maybe the sports teams in these cities is really a community service program.

  28. boots

    are these the same dykes who do the vagina monologues?

  29. John Cunningham

    Poolee Score, cool it with the fists. You will be arrested on the spot. Don’t give that to them. This will be good training because what I see is you being a briefing officer and you have to take leading questions from a rabid press corps. They will ask the same question from twenty different directions and you have to know how to matter of factly toss it back at them. Touch one of them and you’re done and you gave them exactly what they want. Besides, you might catch something if you touch one of them.

  30. sully

    “to remind, Free Speech is a distinctly AMERICAN right.”

    to remind, defacing government and/or private property is not ‘free speech’.

  31. John( The Infidel)

    People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf- George Orwell

  32. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Fuck them. This is one of the only times I wish I lived in Cali - I’ll tear that shit down and burn it!

  33. Dan (The Infidel)

    الٲمريكى (The American):

    No. They don’t have the right to deface property. If they want to protest, get a permit and do it legally. If they want to disrupt the day-to-day operations of any business, then they have exceeded their rights and should be arrested.
    The constitution IS NOT a suicide pact, nor does it give unlimited rights or “special” rights to anyone.

  34. Lamplighter

    Free speech, not quite. There are laws against defacing private property, trespass, vandalism. Can we get them cited for eye pollution?

  35. drillanwr

    “If there are to be no wars, there can be no warriors,”

    No-o-o-o, how about: NO WARRIORS, NO PEACE


    Marge Lasky, a member of Grandmothers Against the War, said she had no idea that the office was there.

    Damn military … [hiding] their offices! They should be made to put up a McDonalds-sized sign and a Bob’ Big boy-like figure on the sidewalk!

  36. Dannyboy

    It’s high-time some marines payed a visit to their HQ with some signs and sidewalk chalk to exercise their free speech:

  37. steve m

    Maybe the “American” should join code pink. Both seem to have as much sense, logic, and education. The mental transmission keeps slippin’ ..can’t get it into the thinking gears, stuck in emotion and bumper sticker mentality…

  38. PooleeScore

    Dan thank you for pointing out exactly what I was going to say.

    I plan on showing up with little more then a camera and cell phone this Sunday, and documenting anybody who puts a sign on a gov’t building without written authorization to do so, then calling the police and providing them with the evidence they would need to issue tickets for vandalism. I’ll let them argue what classifies free speech with Oakland PD. I had no plans on touching any of them (but I swear to God if one of them moves a hand above the shoulder too fast, I may have to claim self defense :lol: ) They wouldn’t be worth me missing my ship date over.

    Oh and I’m going 0311, I know my exact MOS because I will be a reservist…and I was just informed today that my unit is going to be activated next November. 13 months until I go to the sandbox.

  39. Corey Wayne

    Pardon my french guys… but that makes my blood fucking boil. There should be a law passed against defacing any house of our military and that includes recruitment centers.

    As for these pink idiots and their feminine pussy husbands, that’s an example of the feminization of American that has turned so many men into pussies in this country.

    These guys have no balls or masculinity. Real men would not endorse or support their wives or girlfriends if they even brought up this code pink bullshit.

    We should round all of them up and send them to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda so they could get to know these kind and wonderful human beings they carry the banner of peace for up close and personal.

    As they watch each other’s heads being sawed off by the peaceful jihadi’s they will be crying for guess who to come and rescue them? The Marines!

    Semper Fi!

  40. Dan (The Infidel)

    Poolee Score:

    Great idea. Look forward to the pics. I’d like to punch out a few Code-Finkos myself. But I resist the urge. And you my friend are just embarking on your military career. We want you to have a long and productive career…topped off with an honerable discharge. We’re with you. But don’t get yourself in any hot water. You’re better than they are.


  41. Zachary

    God bless these protesters. Raising awareness about the location of a recruiting centre that apparently most of the locals didn’t know was there like that.

    Hopefully now people who are considering enlisting in that area will know where to go.

  42. RIchard Quinn


    The only reason fire and brimstone haven’t decended on this particular west coast geographical area is that at least one good person lives there.

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