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21 Responses

  1. John Goodrow

    Sounds like a democRAT to me.


  2. drillanwr

    Anyone else think 2008 doesn’t look so bad for republicans?

  3. StreetDoctor

    Typical California Democrat.

  4. POD1

    But he supports the troops… Really… Stop laughing…He really does.

  5. Jim

    The truth is, you exagerate every little point you try to make beyond any unbderstandable reason… and if you disrespect the president like that again, I would hope that someone their would cold cock you old feable ass like you deserve.

  6. Infidel

    Was Medicaid done away with? What children can’t see doctors? Abortion Dr.’s? That’s highly doubtful.

    This is what the democrats are coming to, spittle-shooting, glaring, growling fuck-wits.

  7. daytrader

    That was his third swing during the debate today on SCHIP.

    One the first he was called down by the presiding member of the house for the content of his speech.

    After this one the Republicans called for a point of order and had the clerk read back the transcript of the statement and the chair ruled no harm no foul

  8. daytrader

    Stark and several other Dems including Pelosi tried to play the old guns and butter card all through the debate today which is exactly what Move On has being doing with their video ads about SCHIP.

  9. CPLViper

    A prime example of a Democrat … and my wife wonders why I keep a list of people who should be swallowed up by the earth. :twisted:

  10. ssgduke54

    Hmmmm…This Political A$$hole probably has FREE DENTAL AND MEDICAL. A very LIBERAL RETIREMENT PLAN! And I bet my meager month pay his children or grand children never, ever gone in to the military! Why that would put them in harms way LIKE MY SON IS IN NOW IN IRAQ!!! Him spouting crap like that when he probably didn’t do the walk! You step into my shoes and seen what have have seen in my 30 odd years in the Army. You step into my Wife shoes where her life as a little girl was in turmoil when the North Koreans invaded her homeland! And… F**k that you politcial Hack you can NEVER, EVER step into my Sons combat boots for you are NOT WORTHY to wear them! For he has to endure what the Insurgents are dishing out to him while your F**king mouth spouting crap that the enemy will use for their propaganda bulls**t! And you call yourself an AMERICAN! Well this American will vote this time and I will make sure NOT TO VOTE FOR YOU PARTY AFFILIATION! May God have mercy on your corrupt soul for not standing up against Tyrants and Dictators!

  11. drillanwr

    ssgduke54 -

    G-d bless you and your son … And your wife.

  12. Lamplighter

    Yep, the standard California dem. We’re used to it. This is what passes for normal around here. :shock:

  13. Kurt(the infidel)

    This guy is an Anti-American, Anti-military nutcase. For someone to even think about saying troops are getting their heads blown off for our Presidents amusement should be held for treason. Fucking communists in training!! Its getting close to coming to blows in this country and I’m glad im on the right side

  14. dadeo

    How do these retreads get elected?

  15. Steven D

    That no Democrats condemned his words means that they condone them.

  16. jam

    My email to this fuckhead:

    Congressman Stark,

    Your remarks to Congress about blowing kids heads off for the President’s amusement went way over the line. Do you know anything at all about decency? You are an embarrassment to your country and to your parents.

    Your comments were disrespectful and hurtful to our brave troops and to those who love them, like me and many more who have children in harm’s way, partly to protect your “right” to spew your hatred.

    You are a coward and a fool. You could not even redeem yourself with an apology…only your resignation will do.

    I would love to discuss this with you personally, but I am sure that you haven’t the courage to call.

  17. jam

    If only someone in that chamber had the balls to jump on this guy’s face and beat the living shit out of him…how about one of the females?

    ssgduke54–Well said, friend. I know exactly how you feel.

  18. Boombop


    Way da slam! I love it. My that wrinkled ass son of a bitch choke on his spew.

  19. drillanwr

    @jam -

    Yeah, don’t hold your breath.

    This morning, if covered at all, Stark is being portrayed as “Old Faithful” and “a harmless court jester” :


    Much like Sandy Burger’s theft of protected archives was played as knee-slapping, chuckling ,”Oh, that sloppy pig Sandy …”

  20. jam


    I know, but I still have to try. His Washington office number is 202-225-5065. Of course all you get is one of his minions, telling you he can’t come to the phone. So then you ask the little darling to give him a message–and unload. The hard part is keeping it clean.

  21. Lamplighter

    202-225-5065: I left a message for him and I hope he gets it. His staffers are going to be mad at him for making them work so hard picking up all the calls. Ha. :mrgreen:

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