Feds Recommend Closing Saudi School in Va.

October 18th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


McLEAN, Va.— A private Islamic school supported by the Saudi government should be shut down until the U.S. government can ensure the school is not fostering radical Islam, a federal panel recommends.

In a report released Thursday, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom broadly criticized what it calls a lack of religious freedom in Saudi society and promotion of religious extremism at Saudi schools.

Particular criticism is leveled at the Islamic Saudi Academy, a private school serving nearly 1,000 students in grades K-12 at two campuses in northern Virginia’s Fairfax County.

The commission’s report says the academy hews closely to the curriculum used at Saudi schools, which they criticize for promoting hatred of and intolerance against Jews, Christians and Shiite Muslims.

“Significant concerns remain about whether what is being taught at the ISA promotes religious intolerance and may adversely affect the interests of the United States,” the report states.

The commission, a creation of Congress, has no power to implement policy on its own. Instead, it makes recommendations to other agencies.

AP article by Matthew Barakat HERE.

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9 Responses

  1. CPLViper

    All schools funded by foreign sources should be shut down. I ask … What foreign entity that opens (or funds) schools in the US is REALLY our friend, not just an ‘ally’?

  2. Lamplighter

    Yeah, madrassas in Fairfax County! Note this is where George Mason (state) Univ. has footbaths installed. Fairfax is a suburb of DC–wow, we’ve come so far, haven’t we? :roll:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    These schools are so shut off from the public for one thing. Who the hell knows what they are really teaching these kids, could be death to America for all we know..no more Madrassas in the US

  4. sully

    “The commission, a creation of Congress, has no power to implement policy on its own. Instead, it makes recommendations to other agencies.”

    That tells you right there that it’ll never actually be shut down.
    Some poor dipshit will be demoted or transferred for re-education for even making the ‘recommendation’.

  5. mindy abraham

    Mark Steyn mentioned the school briefly in america alone. Appaently it did breed at least one extemist-could’t hurt to shut it down, for now until we know for sure. I don’t trust the saudi curriculum anyway-they practice extreme islam.

  6. Cridhe Saorsa

    Saudis are starting to look like the Klan

  7. TJ (The Kafir)

    these kinds of things would nipped in the bud if we just past a law reconizing the IDEOLOGY of Islam as hostile to democracy. In other words, those who persuade people to practice the 5 pillars of islam and other teachings of mutual respect would be teaching Islam as a religion, but the teachings of islam that call for muslim domination of democratic institutions and the undermining of democracy are to be prosecuted as traitors. :idea:

  8. TJ (The Kafir)

    by the way, that picture is displaying muslim child abuse dont you think? :twisted:

  9. beb

    When Iraq bombed Iran in the 1980s, Iran eventually responded by sending very young males onto the front lines. I know this to be true because an Iranian friend of the B’hai faith lost a male relative this way. He said that young boys from non-Muslim backgrounds were targeted first.

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