Fraud Ward Churchill Holding Anti-Semitic, Islamofascist Rally

October 17th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Hey! He gets endorsments from guys like Chomsky and Zinn! Where’s the suicide bombers when ya need them?

From Adam Holland’s Blog:

Let’s remember who Ward Churchill is. Churchill has built his career as an activist and professor on the lie that he is an American Indian. According to Indian Country Today:

He has claimed membership in the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, but reliable representatives from the tribe deny Churchill is or ever was, or has blood relatives on their rolls. He was granted an ”associate certificate” by a former leader of the tribe (later impeached) for services supposedly rendered, not due to blood relations - but even the tribe declines to exactly identify what that means.

The University of Colorado conducted a thorough investigation into Churchill’s bizarre and troubled career as an academic. This report really has to be seen to be believed — the extent of Churchill’s charlatanism is simply astounding. He has on numerous occasions, plagiarized scholarly writings from other academics, and has resorted to silencing them with threats. He has published papers based on shoddy, sometimes wholly fraudulent, scholarship (more here). He has plagiarized artwork that he has then sold as original. He, most notoriously, has slandered the victims of the World Trade Center as “little Eichmanns” (later taking what he must have considered a moderate position, saying that only SOME of the victims were like Nazis). He has spoken in favor of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, saying in an interview on the February 12, 2005 “At Large w/ Geraldo Rivera: “my God, if you can’t hit the Pentagon, what can you hit?”; and “[b]ut as it stands, it was absolutely necessary, and it was absolutely empowering, even if they get beat, that they actually drew blood where it counted.”

As you may know, Ward Churchill was fired by the University of Colorado in July, 2007, a little over a year after announcing its intention to do so. Since then, Churchill has taken what he must consider the best career move for someone in his position. He’s writing and lecturing on how Israel is like Nazi Germany.


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5 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    YAWN!!! Does anyone give a crap about Ward (Barfing Dog) Churchill? He’s a disgrace to the name Churchill and he does belong in a psycho WARD. :mad:

  2. Top Ward

    Watch it! :twisted:

    Honest, he’s no relative of mine! Thank GOD! :beer:

    This schmuck needs to crawl back into his hole and SHUT THE F*CK UP!

  3. TJ (The kafir)

    A liberal activist pretending to be of a race that fellow native americans reject, claiming to be an intellectual who unfortunately has the nasty habit of plagiarizing other peoples work. i recall another guy with a similar resume who claimed to be an african american while really being of european polynesian decent. he started a successful organization that is now famous in the US. That organization is the nation of Islam.

    to be a liberal and or a muslim is synonymous with being a liar. :evil:

  4. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Jihad Central 10-18-2007

    […] Fraud Ward Churchill Holding Anti-Semitic, Islamofascist Rally — Pat Dollard […]

  5. Ranger

    He should be executed for continuing to compare the US to Nazi Germany.

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