Hamas Whines That Israel Doesn’t Stock Palestinian Hospital Adequately

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Bash.


Hamas in Gaza.

WTF is wrong with these people?

Every day Hamas fires rockets into Israel in the hopes of killing innocent people, and yet they have the audacity to complain that Israeli suppliers are stocking Palestininan hospitals in Gaza adequately…

Let me get this straight, it goes like this: “We will launch rockets at your people everyday and try to kill you. We want to completely annihilate your state. We don’t believe in your right to exist. We spit on you. We hate you. We want to kill every last one of you. But dagnabit, why won’t you people help us heal our wonded?”

I am fucking speechless, here’s the JP article.

Hamas is unnecessarily endangering Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by generating phony humanitarian crises, head of the Gaza Coordination Liaison Administration (CLA) Col. Nir Press said Monday.

On Sunday night, Gaza’s Shifa Hospital claimed that due to tight Israeli restrictions on imports into Gaza, it had run out of anesthetic for surgeries, and as a result had canceled all but the most critical procedures.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Monday, Press dismissed the claims and said that in a meeting he held Sunday afternoon with Palestinian Health Ministry officials he was informed that the hospitals were running “low” on the anesthetic. On Monday morning, less than 24 hours after making the request, Israel transferred 151 nitrous oxide gas balloons to Shifa Hospital.

“It is the Palestinians’ responsibility to order the supplies,” Press said, noting that despite the daily rocket attacks on Israeli towns - on Monday 10 rockets and shells pounded the western Negev - Israel continued to transfer medical goods and supplies into Gaza whenever they were ordered.

Press said that orders were usually placed by the Palestinians days in advance and that Sunday’s sudden announcement “was a spin by Hamas and an attempt to put pressure on Israel by creating a humanitarian crisis.”

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7 Responses

  1. ViperDriver

    :mad: Emotional triage - these people can’t be helped - let’s move on to some who can. That is all!

  2. GF

    Two words : Survivor-Palastine.
    It’s as funky as reality TV is real.

  3. 0311inOhio

    Stupid, retarded dick heads. The poor fucks have no clue, they are that stupid. I say put them all out of their misery by bombing the fuck out of them.

  4. JWalk

    There’s an answer to their shortage problems. A-10. Pose for the “camera”.Click.
    Nice shot(s).

  5. Ranger


    Emotional triage…I like that…

  6. TJ (The kafir)

    Hey bash,

    this is nothing new! For years the palestinians have accepted welfare from the US through the UN despite us being their sworn enemy. They have always had the welfare attitude: “because I am oppressed, you are obligated to pay for my lifestyle while I do every thing I can to try to kill you.”

    that situation will end when israel says enough with trying to appease the media and the do-gooders and issues a final ultimatum before going on a final bombing campaign. :!:

  7. Joanie

    More flimflam from Hamas? It must be Tuesday. I guess blaming broken fingers & busted tail lights on Israeli Hellfire Missiles wasn’t getting them the Global Pity Party they wanted.

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