Jimmy Carter Making Iranian Headlines Calling Bush “Torturer”
Arafat asks: “Did ya nut!? Did ya nut!? Well, did ya?”
The Blitzer interview with Jimmy “I’ll do what I can to kill this nation” Carter is making headlines all over Iran, and the Iranian spin doctors are taking Carter’s claims that the Bush Administration tortures prisoners to the big bold top fold of the front pages.
Traitor Bastard
October 12th, 2007 at 2:07 pmThat Arafat to quote Arnold was “One ugly motherfucker”
October 12th, 2007 at 2:08 pmWell he always did hope to be a friend of the Iranians, shocked as he was that they held hostages during his failed administration. Maybe it does pay to wish upon a crescent moon. I’m happy he’s received his dying wish.
October 12th, 2007 at 2:15 pmThe old anti-semite peanut farmer still trying to “Nagin” President Bush. LOL. Mr Koh-tair just can’t live down the fact that he put the current murdering regime in Iran in power in the first place.
And Jimm-ah has failed to observe the protocol that previous Presidents have used regarding undermining serving Presidents.
You’re a small man Jimm-ah.Go on back to the Peanut farm. Maybe brother Billy left some of his stash there. Or you can pop open a can of “Billy Beer” for old time sake?
Get off the stage you old fart. You build nice houses for the poor. You should stick to what you know…Cause that’s all you were ever good at Br’er Jimm-ah.
October 12th, 2007 at 2:15 pmChina & Russia, have got something up their sleeve. Something that they are sharing with their middle east pals; Iran, Syria, etc. I would not put it past the Saudi’s to also be in the know. Let’s not forget our six, with Venezuela so strategically located on our southern flank
Something’s up alright.
- Last summer Chinese develop/successfully test capability to destroy low earth orbit satellites (could US_GPS be next target, potentially blinding our aircraft and other defense systems?)
- This summer Pentagon servers recently hacked, Chinese military = prime suspects (Power grid said to be true primary target)
- North Korea agrees to stand down their Nuke capability (a mere distraction prior to the ‘real’ event?)
- Putin thumbing his nose at our offer to protect/place anti-missile missiles in eastern europe…..going so far as recently stating that such a move would be an act of war???
- U.S. nuts are in a vice, due to accelerated foreign purchases and ownership of U.S. debt. If they call in our chits all at once, our economy would collapse in the very short term.
On and on it goes.
A web is being quietly woven around us by our enemies and perceived friends, while our Washington politicians distract themselves with ‘more important matters’.
Hold on to your jockstraps…it could get mighty rough real soon…..
October 12th, 2007 at 2:40 pmisn’t it time for a stroke? would love to have him spend the remaining days on earth sounding like larry flynt and with half his face in paralysis
October 12th, 2007 at 2:41 pmJimmy Carter was an embarrassment to us as President, he’s even more than that now - he’s, in my view, done his best to undermine the policies of the U.S. in regards to terrorism and terrorist-enabling states.
Believe me, I have no love lost for this excuse of an American but at the same time, SteveinNC, i think your posting goes too far. I understand your resentments and anger with this man, I really do, but at the same time this is PatDollard.com and not DailyKOS and it’s just my humble opinion, that we don’t resort to the Tony Snow cancer cracks and the Dick Cheney heart attack cracks done by the Koskiddies in the past. We’re above that.
October 12th, 2007 at 3:12 pmOnce a traitor always a traitor..we shouldnt have to discuss this, although i realize why we do, but this old assholes words speak for themselves. When did Americans stop being for this country? I mean sure we have a few minor problems to work out, but during a time of war whatever happened to just shutting the fuck up and rooting for our team, our country to win. But they sit around and magnify any problem they find until the point that the whole world starts to believe we are totally flawed. Its time to take it everybody, time to remind the world why we are the best.
October 12th, 2007 at 3:29 pmBoogeyman may have something there, or it may be my paranoia. Russia stuck a finger in our eye today, North Korea sends nuclear material to Syria and Burma has a military crackdown, China sends us crappy lead filled goods(think the Democraps have been consuming it for a long time, lead that is) and we have three assholes in our hemisphere trying to muck things up.
October 12th, 2007 at 4:06 pmDave,
To make things worse, these bastards don’t fear us any longer. My son pulled two tours/Iraq so far (USMC_0311)and these guys are not the problem……when they confronted hadji, hadji either split/was killed/captured…no gray area or hesitation. The problem sits squarely within our society, here at home. Kinks in the collective armor are showing all over the place. It’s all the fault of the limp-wristed appeasing bedwetting peacniks and the conservative lack of response.
The enemy have seen this and I’m afraid the cats outta the bag. They know the left will never allow the needed show of might, regardless of casualties (civilian or otherwise). They also know that the conservatives in this country are too divided to take charge and lead.
In short….I think we may be screwed.
October 12th, 2007 at 4:38 pmBoogeyman:
I wouldn’t give up yet. Conservatism is alive, well and kicking. Let the debate go on until convention day. After that, it will end. But as far as Iran is concerned, I know of no conservative that is for allowing them to get nuclear weapons. And I know more than a few Democrats who feel the same way. At least in the part of the world that I’m from there is plenty of consensus on the Iran issue.
We’re not screwed. The only way we could get screwed is if the Hildabeast got elected President. And I’m betting that will not happen. Not with her 50% negatives it won’t.
October 12th, 2007 at 5:12 pmfight4theright - yea, I’m in a pretty ugly mood, my son is in a tent in camp victory and they just got hit again, I am sure from some iranian missle, so in light of his latest public announcements denouncing this country I have some pretty strong feelings.
BTY my son is due in next week from Iraq after 14 months. Two tours, one in the stan and one in iraq, 2 purple hearts.
October 12th, 2007 at 6:22 pmSteve in NC:
I agree that Jim-meh Koh-tair is a useless old man, who’s time has passed.
Glad to hear your son is comming home soon. We wish him the best.
October 12th, 2007 at 8:15 pmBoogeyman:
“If they call in our chits all at once, our economy would collapse in the very short term.”
Only if we decide to pay them. They do something like that? Fuck ‘em.
“In short….I think we may be screwed.”
C’mon dude. We need you to be UP for this fight. It starts in Feb/Mar. It ain’t over NOW.
October 12th, 2007 at 8:56 pmSteve in NC,
You’re right - you got every reason to be in an ugly mood. I unfortunately had the misfortune of watching a Larry King interview of Carter the other night and it was pathetic. Here’s an ex-president who is anti-Semitic, is an ally for terrorist groups in Gaza, who feeds intel to the Persians and Larry King is treating him like some kind of royalty. But it’s my observation that the people that shit on this Country, it usually comes back to them in spades and sooner or later, Carter’s shame from his Presidency will be nothing compared to the shame he will experience from his evil of the past 5 years.
I wish your son well, I cannot express fully enough my thanks for his service and for keeping us safe.
October 12th, 2007 at 9:39 pmOn more of a positive note. During the Carter years we did learned that the country could survive for at lease four years without a president.
October 12th, 2007 at 10:31 pmAccrding to Dictionary.com:
Treason / tree-zuhn /
“Violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one’s country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.”
Seems pretty clear to me.
October 13th, 2007 at 2:12 amYou know, the irony is that if America’s enemies did bring her down, it would send the world, including America’s enemies, into immediate economic ruin. The world completely depends on America.
Quite a “poison pill”, but I think America’s enemies are so blinded with hatred that they don’t even see it.
October 13th, 2007 at 2:45 am