Kucinich On Bush: “We Have To Start Asking Questions About His Mental Health”

October 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich questioned President Bush’s mental health in light of comments he made about a nuclear Iran precipitating World War III.

“I seriously believe we have to start asking questions about his mental health,” Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, said in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer’s editorial board on Tuesday. “There’s something wrong. He does not seem to understand his words have real impact.”

Kucinich, known for his liberal views, trails far behind the leading candidates in most Democratic polls. He was in Philadelphia for a debate at Drexel University.

Bush made the remarks at a news conference earlier this month.

He said: “I’ve told people that if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them (Iran) from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

Kucinich said he doesn’t believe his comments about the president’s mental health are irresponsible, according to a story posted on the newspaper’s Web site.

“You cannot be a president of the United States who’s wanton in his expression of violence,” Kucinich said. “There’s a lot of people who need care. He might be one of them. If there isn’t something wrong with him, then there’s something wrong with us. This, to me, is a very serious question.”

Related - Kucinich Feels “Deep Connection” To UFO:

Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has seen a UFO, writes Shirley MacLaine in her new book, “Sage-Ing While Age-Ing.”

Kucinich, she writes on page143-144 of the book, “had a close sighting over my home in Graham, Washington, when I lived there. Dennis found his encounter extremely moving. The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn’t comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind.”

Representatives of Kucinich’s presidential campaign and congressional office have not responded to calls and e-mail asking whether the Cleveland Democratic congressman in fact saw a UFO or if there is another explanation for MacLaine’s recollection.

MacLaine is a well-known believer of UFOs and reincarnation. And she’s been close to Kucinich for decades. MacLaine is the godmother of Kucinich’s daughter and attended Kucinich’s 2005 Cleveland wedding to third wife, Elizabeth, who’s often campaigning by his side.

MacLaine also recommended in the 1980s that Kucinich visit New Mexico spiritual adviser Chris Griscom, whom MacLaine featured in her then-best-selling book, “Dancing in the Light,” describing how Griscom helped her communicate with trees. (Kucinich has insisted that Griscom was not his spiritual adviser but a “teacher and a very good friend.”)

MacLaine, who shares Kucinich’s opposition to using weapons in space, doesn’t shed any more light in her book on Kucinich’s close encounter, including when it happened. But to read more about MacLaine’s beliefs, pick up a copy of the book. It goes on sale next month — on Election Day.

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21 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    Only in America

  2. LadyAngler

    Oh… the irony! :lol:

  3. Trindam

    If you ask me, it is Kucinich that needs the mental help. He is suffering from a severe case of denial.

  4. RJI


  5. john

    “had a close sighting over my home in Graham, Washington, when I lived there.” what an idiot

  6. political.fish

    Uh.. :beer: :beer: Uh… :beer: :beer: Uh.. :beer: :beer: Ah see lights.. :beer: :beer: are you talkin to me?

  7. Mike - libNOTSr

    What a useless twit.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Does this guy get up every morning and practice being stupid in front of the mirror? Or was he just another genetic anomoly of the gene pool he crawled out of? No way this pinhead evolved from an ape. The apes are much smarter than he is.

  9. Q_Mech

    Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot. :???:

  10. Richard Quinn

    I think Uranus - uh, I mean his anus must have been extremely bright that night. Must have his head WAY up it!

  11. drillanwr

    I’m trying real hard to say something witty and perhaps humorous here … But, holy shit … I’m at a loss … I’m speechless … I’m really enjoying watching the left-roid dhimmis self-destruct.

  12. Clyde

    “If there isn’t something wrong with him, then there’s something wrong with us.” Ku Ku means “with me”.

    The President should invite Kuku over to a closed room, no witnesses and punch his kidneys til he pisses his panties.

    Department of Peace, indeed!

  13. Future0311 (the infidel)

    That was the mothership, Kucinich. ALL ABOARD!!!

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    I heard that Ron Paul and Kucinich were gay lovers. I think they make a great couple. Both short, old, useless and crazy

  15. TJ (The kafir)

    Vote for gilligan!

  16. danielle

    Gee this guy is a huge jerk. He’s the crazy, CREEPY one.

  17. Die Easy

    Makes you wonder about the people who keep him in office.

  18. BoomBoom

    Can you imagined how F$#&D up the people who voted for Kucinich must be? I’m telling you, we are living in a Jerry Springer society!

  19. LftBhndAgn


    Check this out!!!

    This is total Bullshit! The Ron Paul idiots are pushing democrats to register as republicans JUST for the primary to vote for Ron Paul then to register back as Democrats to vote for their candidate.


  20. Boombop

    It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn’t comprehend.

    I’m believe that ten minutes was a WTF moment. :shock:

  21. Boombop

    I’m believe that the ten minutes for the aliens was a WTF moment. :shock: Just in case someone thought I meant Kucinich.

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