Lebanese Special Forces Training To Fight Al Qaeda

October 4th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


Pay close attention to the military news revolving around Lebanon, connect the dots. This is where it all started for me (1983) personally with these radical Islamic pukes.

BROUMANA SPECIAL FORCES CAMP — Nestled here deep in the mountains beyond east Beirut — between the summer village of Broumana and Mar Shaaya, a Maronite Christian monastery — is a rugged tract of land where the Lebanese Army is training to fight Al Qaeda.

Lebanese special forces — including a Ranger regiment, a Marine Commando regiment, and an air-assault regiment — all come under the Lebanese Army (that will soon change, and I’ll explain it in greater detail here at NRO).

As I watch the young commandos battling their way from room to room in a roofless killing-house constructed of stacks of old tires, their commander, Lt. Col. Marwan Issa tells me, “Our soldiers — because they come from the mountains — are tougher in many ways than other countries’ special forces soldiers.”

They have to be.

Training here is severe: Each volunteer — whether for the Rangers or the Marines — must go through a three-week test to determine if they have what it takes to endure the three-and-a-half months of special forces training (air-assault training is only six weeks). There is no sleep for the first week. During the next two weeks, only one hour of sleep is permitted per night, maybe.

Once the men get through the three-week test, they are told to go home for 24 hours. Then they return here to Broumana and the real training begins.

Issa tells me only 30 men out of 300 will become Lebanese Rangers or Marine Commandos. But of those 30, every man will fight to the death if necessary. “Without a doubt, even if he knows he will probably die, he will fight,” says1st Lt. Nizam Bou Fakereddine, who fought against Fatah al Islam at Nahr al-Bared.

At one point, I stood with a group of these young men and asked them if they were afraid to fight Al Qaeda.
“No!” they shouted in unison.

“Never,” another said, “We want to fight Al Qaeda!”


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2 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    Bashman - Your on it!!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    If you want to connect the dots, then begin your search at the mosques where these losers come from. That’s where this new Jihadis are recruited. As to Lebanaon. No the modern jihadi movement began in the 1920’s in Eqypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. It was accelerated by the 1979 Iranian revolution. It was encouraged by the 1983 Marine Corps and French embassy bombings, The Cole, the 1st World Trad Center Bombing, Somalia, The embassy bombings in Tanzania, where the US did almost nothing to fight back.

    It was further exacerbated by the perceptions of AQ and OBL who came to the conclusion that if they could defeat an atheist nation like the old USSR in a war…then God must be on their side and that they can now take on the US…This is the dicussion that went on in the big AQ meeting in Yemen during the 90’s.

    So now here we are. The long war has only just begun. And in the Islamofacists mind this is 1683, and they are picking up where they left off.

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