Liberals Slam Hillary

October 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Washington Times:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been criticized this past week for her evasiveness, dodginess, weasel words and shady connections — not only by her conservative critics but by liberal columnists and reporters.

In pointed political broadsides from some of the major liberal-leaning publications — including the New York Times and The Washington Post — the New York senator has been the target of surprisingly sharp criticism about her refusal to answer policy questions, investigative reporting about her husband’s business dealings and unsavory fundraisers, and even assertions that her candidacy was solely beholden to her husband’s political influence.

When asked by NBC’s Tim Russert in last week’s Democratic presidential debate about whether following in her husband Bill Clinton’s presidential footsteps was creating a dynasty, Mrs. Clinton said, “I’m running on my own. I’m going to the people on my own.”

But that answer didn’t wash with Maureen Dowd, the liberal columnist for the New York Times.

“Without nepotism, Hillary would be running for the president of Vassar,” she said in her column Sunday. “Of course, Hillary is never on her own. From the beginning, her campaign has relied on her husband’s donors, network, strategies and strong-arming.”

Other columnists and reporters similarly piled on Mrs. Clinton in the aftermath of the Dartmouth College debate that was seen by them as a litany of evasive answers.

In a post-debate analysis of Mrs. Clinton’s “evasiveness on issues,” such as troop withdrawals in Iraq, saving Social Security and whether Israel has the right to attack Iran, Associated Press writer Beth Fouhy said she “adopted the time-honored, front-runner strategy of dodging tough questions, contradicting the image of a strong leader.”

“Examples of Clinton’s evasiveness were manifest Wednesday night,” she wrote.

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9 Responses

  1. Ted B

    Yeah, and that is about as far as it will go, there are more kool aid drinkers on the left than anywhere. As far as being critical of her is concerned, that is tepid compared to how a conservative or a Republican would be treated.

  2. John Cunningham

    Yes, Ted B, she’ll be given a pass.

  3. Kipp

    I am left scratching my head. I am a liberal, albeit a moderate one, and most of my friends are liberals. With the exception of a couple older ladies no one I know is keen on Hillary. Maybe it is an east and west coast thing (since I live in the Midwest) but she seems so cold. Similar, I think, to Brownback on the Republican side.

  4. sully

    “Without nepotism, Hillary would be running for the president of Vassar,” she said in her column Sunday. “Of course, Hillary is never on her own. From the beginning, her campaign has relied on her husband’s donors, network, strategies and strong-arming.”

    That’s pretty rough stuff coming from Dowd about ‘one of her own’.

  5. Lamplighter

    OK, that sign is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. That KFC owner should be a comedy writer! :smile:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    That’s a great sign at that KFC. That’s clever as hell. Unlike the Hildabeast. I was talking to some liberal friends of mine the other day and I got bad news for the Shillmonster, none of them are going to be voting for her or for that matter any Dem candidate. All of them are looking at the Republican candidates and are the most concerned about only two issues: The war against the Islamofacists and border security. They see right through the Hildabeast and am convinced that she is too weak for POTUS. It ain’t just white people that don’t like the Hildabeast anymore. No matter what her buddies in the MSM or CodeFink or any of the other progressive fucktard groups or polls say, she’s got too many negatives to win in 2008.

  7. 89gted

    I wish that KFC was in my area. I would treat 30 friends to dinner there. :razz:

  8. Lampllighter

    I sent that pic to a few friends and it was the laugh of the day. :mrgreen:

  9. Jed Marlin

    here’s a Hillary satirical song for you
    a Guys and Dolls re-write

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