Medal Of Honor Recipient Col. Bud Day On The Liberal’s “War On America”
Medal Of Honor Recipient Colonel Bud Day
I am so damned proud of this guy. ~ Bash
My Dear Fellow Americans:
For the last few weeks, the “Liberal’s War on America” has gone badly.
* MoveOn, the New York Times, and Senators who accused Gen. Petraeus of being a traitor and a liar have been exposed and repudiated;
* The media’s attempted flim-flam to portray Iran’s Terrorist Dictator as a “Statesman,” tripped on Columbia University’s red carpet;
* The brave combat Marines whom Congressman Murtha and the press eagerly charged with “cold-blooded murders” in Iraq are being found innocent, acquitted one by one.
The “War” is not going well … the “War On America,” that is.
Those who claim they “Support the Troops” are finally being unmasked, shown for being the cowards they are. But, it won’t be long before they regroup, begin their own “Surge” in this decades-long “War On America.” We won’t stand by quietly when they do; nor, should you.
My fellow POWs and I have long known the contempt the extreme Left has for our military. We felt the crush of rifle butts in our faces, beatings and unspeakable torture in the Hanoi Hilton Prison when we refused to kowtow to American traitors who traveled to these countries for propaganda “photo-ops” with our Communist jailors.
The so-called “anti-war movement,” lead by the likes of Lt. John Kerry and his mentor, Sen. Ted Kennedy, also said they “supported the troops”. What they didn’t say is whose “troops.”
We knew the answer then, we were witnesses and victims. It’s the same today. They “support” America’s enemies, any Communist Regime, Dictator or Terrorists that vow to kill and maim American soldiers and innocent civilians.
American soldiers in Vietnam were falsely accused of being a “barbarian horde,” “rapists,” “murderers,” “drug addicts” and “baby killers.”
Today, their sons, daughters and grandchildren serving in uniform stand accused of being “terrorists,” “Nazis,” “cold-blooded murderers,” people who wantonly conduct “air raids on villages” bombing and killing civilians.
Every one of those spurious accusations were spewed from the Halls of Congress, most often by the same men and women who voted to send America’s youth to war, only to denounce, vilify and abandon them later, when the opportunity for personal, political advantage presented itself.
When I and my fellow veterans — POWs, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Navy Swift Boat combat veterans alike — attempted to warn America about one of the most notorious turncoats from the Vietnam era, we were initially ignored by the mainstream media.
When the press and TV networks could no longer cover-up for John Kerry’s very public treasonous conduct, we were accused of being “serial liars,” shouted down by Leftist political campaign operatives disguised as “journalists.” All the while the networks kept the film evidence of Lt. Kerry’s betrayal under lock and key, where it remains hidden from the American public even today.
The recent treatment accorded Gen. Petraeus by the same radicals in Congress and the media was strikingly similar to our experiences in 2004. Before he uttered a single word, this highly decorated combat veteran, a man of great honor who has risked his life many times in the defense of our country, stood accused, disparaged and berated by a pack of power-hungry shirkers and slackers unworthy to polish his combat medals. Contribute
Veterans who attempted to expose Sen. Kerry in 2004 were treated no better. But, Kerry and his band of Leftist comrades had something special in store for me and my fellow POWs and their wives. We were sued repeatedly for three long years, forced to spend $1 million just to defend ourselves in several frivolous lawsuits.
What did we do to cause such a prolonged, vindictive assault? We told the truth no Mainstream Media news operation wanted the American public to know, then or now.
Dozens of my fellow POWs and their wives participated in a documentary, “Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal.” In that film we said Kerry and his anti-war followers were liars and frauds working on behalf of our brutal Communists captors. Their collaboration with the enemy prolonged our captivity and the Vietnam War itself by years. Their vicious lies accusing us and all U.S. servicemen of being “war criminals” put our lives and the lives of Americans still fighting on the battlefield in grave danger.
Worse of all, Kerry’s self-aggrandizing, false accusations against American soldiers who had born the brunt of the bleeding and dying in Vietnam, spawned the myths our young men and women in Iraq today are forced to defend against, even as they fight for their lives on the battlefield each and every day.
You can draw a straight line from the deceitful Leftist tactics used to bring America’s defeat and dishonor in Vietnam to Iraq today.
America’s military didn’t lose the Vietnam War. Congress declared defeat, voted to abandon South Vietnam nearly two years after our last combat troops left. That sell-out, not only of our South Vietnam ally, but the nearly 60,000 Americans who gave their lives on the battlefield, ignited a genocidal holocaust throughout Southeast Asia that can still only be measured in the millions, an estimated three to five million innocent civilians brutally murdered.
We cannot let that happen again. We will not let that happen. You can stand shoulder to shoulder with us to prevent that from happening.
Three years ago, I and my fellow POWs and Vietnam combat veterans created a non-profit organization, ” The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation”. Our mission was simple, to set the record straight about the Vietnam War and those who served and fought there. Little did we know then we’d be slapped with multiple lawsuits for daring to uncover the layer upon layer of lies that constitute the false Vietnam History.
Nor, could we know then the Left’s plans to use the same Vietnam blueprint for defeat in Iraq. Little wonder Kerry and his followers wanted to sue us into silence! But, we prevailed. We successfully defended against each of those lawsuits, all have now been withdrawn. And, we will not remain silent any longer.
Our research into the Vietnam War, most especially, those individuals and organizations responsible for creating the completely false history of Vietnam, is voluminous, factual and compelling. We have amassed a virtual library of records, documents and eyewitness testimony that proves, conclusively, the popular history of Vietnam is pure bunk, propaganda.
Once we get the truth out to the American people, there will be winners. Those winners will be every man and woman who has served in our Armed Forces. To them and their families, this is a war we cannot lose.
The “War On America” is just heating up again. What we do now will dictate America’s future, whether it is one of victory over terrorism, or, decades more of defeat, humiliation in a lost, but noble cause.
God Bless You and America,
Col. Bud Day
Gathering Of Eagles.Org
“We felt the crush of rifle butts in our faces, beatings and unspeakable torture in the Hanoi Hilton Prison when we refused to kowtow to American traitors who traveled to these countries for propaganda “photo-ops” with our Communist jailors.”
Makes my blood boil every time I think of it.
Especially the traitorous bitch.
Thank you for your letter and your (continuing) service Colonel.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:00 pmI have said it before and I say it again; If I out live the bitch, fonda, I will find her grave and piss on it. Ah, that goes for scary kerry too.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:08 pmIs this a great country or what?
He makes me proud to be an American.
As per the earlier post, we cannot be passive in this election cycle.
The greatest enemy we face is not a gang of thugs bent toward mecca, but those within our borders that want to deny our freedoms for their own gain.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:08 pmNuff Said
October 4th, 2007 at 7:15 pmI’m sorry, guys.
I’m heartbroken that this fine man and wonderful warrior has to come out of quiet retirement and peace to volunteer for service in this politically bloody battle.
I don’t know … I’ve always said the abuse and suffering of our Vietnam Veterans were somehow meant to remind us of our selfish disregard for all the bodies and souls sacrificed for our mindless and careless appreciation for our liberty and freedom … some of the ONLY things in this world that demand payment with blood and lives. They are not just words. They are the ultimate results man can achieve in this world. They ARE that elusive “Holy Grail”.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:25 pm*discontented sigh* Why do certain politicians insist on sucking so much? I swear, it makes me want to start a riot.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:30 pm
Let’s tip it over!
Look at the roaches scurry now… Rush took so much heat because he put a spot light on all the fake soldiers.
I suspect the left had BIG plans with groups of fake soldiers. Now that plan is blown to hell.
October 4th, 2007 at 7:51 pm“We cannot let that happen again. We will not let that happen. You can stand shoulder to shoulder with us to prevent that from happening.” Amen
October 4th, 2007 at 7:57 pmEnemies from outside and from within …. is there enough backbone in enough of us to fight them both? I pray each day that the answer is a resounding YES!
October 4th, 2007 at 7:57 pmIf I could, I’d have his baby.
But seriously, his message must be heard. I’m sending the link to this page to everyone I know, especially democRats I know.
October 4th, 2007 at 8:29 pmI’m 59 and have been going through it all with eye wide open. Something has to be done. Their sickness is out of control.
October 4th, 2007 at 8:35 pmThat’s what I’m talking about.
October 4th, 2007 at 8:37 pm[…] Recipient Bud Day over at Pat Dollard: Those who claim they “Support the Troops” are finally being unmasked, shown for being the […]
October 4th, 2007 at 8:54 pmI’ll never forgive the bastards for what they did to my dad and all the others that fought in Southeast Asia, only to come back home to so-called “peace activists” (who interestingly enough, never seriously condemned the the Soviet offensives of the 1970s). I would like to think that when the Kerries, Fondas, and all the other scum of that generation die off, this nation will finally heal from the damage done. Unfortunately, I see on my campus everyday, the next wave of pinkos and anarchist pieces of shit. Every time they try to give me some indoctrination material, I tell ‘em to fuck off. Every time I see a goddam Che or Hammer & Sickle t-shirt (many times the fucking idiot has no idea what they really represent), I gotta walk away, lest I be tempted to break some jaws, and bash some heads. But alas, I know that anger will better serve my country and myself being used against the rug pilots. Okay, before I blow a gasket, I must sign off!
October 4th, 2007 at 10:04 pmI just read Jane Fonda’s radio transcripts on the website, and omg, what a horrible woman.
October 4th, 2007 at 10:52 pmI want to comment here, but I get so pissed off at the thought of these commies and cowards I really don’t know what to say without completely sounding homicidal.
October 4th, 2007 at 11:20 pmBill Ayers, a Weather Underground leader, along with his wife Bernadine Dohrn advocated the extermination of 25 million Americans in concentration camps if the revolution they worked toward came to be. Bill Ayers teaches young bowls of mush at Northwestern in Chicago. Bill Ayers orchestrated the rape of Donna Alder in 1965. ({9E8CD8A7-E90B-4311-8AA9-AEFD014A14B2}
They had orgies in Catholic churches, smashed monogamous relationships with AC/DC orgies in their communes, skinned and ate cats as sort of a “feat of strength?” Kinda like the rabbit in SERE, and planned a bomb for the Soldiers at Ft. Dix. (See Destructive Generation, Collier/Horowitz)…after the bomb went off, the survivors ran across the Street to Susan Wager’s house (Fonda’s step-mom)….coincidence only but it makes for great fiction.
Fonda and her ilk were scum for politics from their public position–but those asses in the Weather Underground were some of the worst.
October 5th, 2007 at 12:39 amGrathwohl: I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government. You know, we become responsible for administrating, you know, 250 million people. And there was no answer. No one had given any thought to economics. How are you going to clothe and feed these people? The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans, the North Vietnamese, the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States. They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter-revolution. And they felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education in the Southwest where we would take all of the people who needed to be re‑educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be. I asked, “Well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t re‑educate, that are die-hard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated and when I pursued this further, they estimated that they’d have to eliminate 25 million people in these re‑education centers. And when I say eliminate, I mean kill 25 million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of whom have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.
This is why I respect vets so much-they have seen things we have not. I like what he is saying.
October 5th, 2007 at 2:51 amI’ve had a picture of Bud Day sitting on my vanity table for over a year now. Next time someone asks me who it is & why his picture is there, I’m gonna hand them a print-out of his words above. “‘Cuz he’s Bud Effin Day, that’s why!”
October 5th, 2007 at 6:14 am“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
James Madison
October 5th, 2007 at 7:38 amWhat can you say about Bud Day…that hasn’t already been said? Hero, warrior, a patriot without peer. He’s still one of my heroes. Whenever Bud Day steps up to the plate he always hits a home run.
October 5th, 2007 at 9:44 amGive him another medal. Liberals need to be defeated once and for all! They are killing America and getting Americans killed! Stop them now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 5th, 2007 at 10:42 amWell for anyone who is interested, I live in Cali and when I get back from Iraq, I plan on making a trip up to Berkely, my e-mail is , lemme know if you’d be interested, cause nobody pisses on my Corp without a word uttered in its defense.
October 5th, 2007 at 12:07 pmWhat a great American..God Bless Col. Bud Day
October 5th, 2007 at 12:34 pmCol Day I Salute You
Semper Fi
October 15th, 2007 at 5:11 pmYou said enough sir. Two tour Vietnam vet and proud.. We are being taken over from within. I cant believe our US postal dept is going to put out a stamp honoring muslims holiday.
October 15th, 2007 at 6:04 pmAs a vet from the Korean War period who risked his neck flying for the U.S. Navy and as a multi-generation descendant of our Nation’s original European settlers/ founders, I share in the immense anger of Colonel Day and all these respondents to his letter.
October 20th, 2007 at 10:30 amHow long will we continue to let the far-left media, school teachers, college professors, Hollywood dreamers/scumbags, rappers,other persons of ill-gotten wealth AND POLITICIANS exercise their monopoly over the way we are taught to think.
One only has to look at the home page of Juno, my Internet Service provider, to see that “ENTERTAINMENT” is given 1ST PRIORITY, Headline news is secondary.
I have talked to Colonel Day quite a few times. He is the most honest, trustful, intelligent, wonderful person you could ever meet.
He is the hero of many of the people at the VA clinic I work at.
The world needs more heroes like Colonel Day.
October 22nd, 2007 at 4:32 pmGod Bless you Col. Day:
I am moved by your passion, patriotism and the sacrifices you have made and continue to make for this coutry! You are truly a great american and an inspiration. I, like you and my conservative friends are concerned about how the Liberals are selling this country down the river. If the likes of those you speak about get therir way, we will become a socialist country sometime within the next 25 years. Our children and grandchildren deserve better. Now more than any other time in our history it is important for our voices to be heard.
You are so right, the Leftist comrades of whom you speak are undermining our very way of life and in my opinion are “Traitors”.
As an aside, we shouold pull out of the UN and and have them remove their headquarters from US soil. The UN is not our friend!!!!!!!!!!!
What I am about to say is not about me; however I must lend some of my background to add credibility to my statements. I am a 59 year old Vietnam Vet having spent 2.5 years in VN and flown 1,995 combat hours. (I was an Army Helicopter Pilot). I spent all of my time in HI Corps, flew for the Americal Division, D Troop 1st of the 1st Cav, and was attached to the 11th Marine Regiment as a scout pilot for six months. Received the Distinguished Flying Cross, mumerous Airmedals, and more.
I have never been so insulted as when I got out of the Army and went to a Professional Recruiter and they insisted that I leave my military history off of my resume as it may reduce my chances of getting a good job. Suffice it to say I didn’t use that firm.
If the young americans want to know how we were treated when we came home, I recommend they see the movie Forest Gump, it brought back feelings that I had been suppressed for many years.
I have rambled on enough, but your letter moved me, God Bless You,
Mark Cobb, Tampa, FL.
October 30th, 2007 at 7:59 amI was too young for Vietnam, and too old for Desert Storm. But I want to point out a group of over 55,000 Americans that are just as proud to serve their country by being members of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol, the Auxillary of the USAF . These men women, and cadets from ages 12 to 18 are just as dedicated to the missions of C.A.P. (Emergency Services, Cadet Programs, and Aerospace Education)as much as those who serve in the military branches. I am proud to serve with them knowing that not all the youth in this country are going down the tubes with the brainwashing that is going on in the public schools in this country.
October 31st, 2007 at 9:54 pmI had the honor of attending a local college course taught by Colonel Bud Day in the 70s. I had no idea what an honor that was at the time. The Viet Nam War was a turning point in The United States. Cowards within this country began speaking out like never before because there was a large number of them. Thankfully we have true American’s such as Col Bud Day dealing with the Kerry’s of this country. Each of us should ask ourselves where do we think The United States would be without our great military?
How do we cure this illness within our country? By electing people into office that truly want to serve the people. By saying no to the greedy cowards seeking election!
Thank you Colonel Day for standing up.
Larry Houser
November 27th, 2007 at 1:47 amCrestview, Florida
We are involved in a war that is much more serious than WWII. If we let our traitorous so called leaders in Washington continue to try to be generals we will be speaking Arabic soon and will be ruled by radicals. We need to wake up and fight for our existence. God Bless The USA. Fight for freedom!
December 7th, 2007 at 7:15 am