Video: Men Sentenced To 7000 Lashes

October 4th, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Just like this!

TWO men in Saudi Arabia have been sentenced to 7000 lashes each after being convicted of sodomy and have received their first round of punishment in public, a newspaper said today.

The men, who were not identified, were meted out an unspecified number of lashes in public in the the southwestern city of Al-Bahah on Tuesday evening, the Al-Okaz daily reported.

They were then returned to prison where they are to be held until the full punishment is completed, the newspaper added, without saying how many sessions this would involve.

Homosexual acts are illegal in Saudi Arabia, which metes out strict punishment based on sharia, or Islamic law.

Rape, murder, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking can all carry the death penalty in the kingdom, with public beheading the common form of execution.

Bash Note: The attached video is not the lashing described in this story, but merely an example of how they do things there in the kingdom

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    They cut the guy in the vid some slack. Lashes on men are usually done on the bare back. In Iran, for women, you have to take your clothes off and take it from a man while naked.
    If she is sentenced to 100 lashes, the Iraniac fucktards will do the sentence in 50 lash incriments. 50 lashes one day, three days later, she comes back to Gestapo HQ and she gets 50 more unless she’s a political prisoner…in which case…no such mercy? (I’m being sarcastic here)

    For these guys, what’s 7000 divided by 50? 140? So figure these guys will be tortured for 140 to 420 days? before they are publicly beheaded.

    Just another day in the religion of peace huh?

  2. John Cunningham

    Sick fucks.

  3. Professor Bill

    Besides oil these countries contribute nothing worthwhile to the world. Without oil they would still be living in tents.

  4. Barb

    Hey, if he’s a homo. he enjoys being beaten…he’s probably got a big ol’ bump under that shirt.

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