Mystery Underwear Stymies Guantanamo Investigators

October 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Standard issue seen in this photo does not include a Speedo.

GUANTANAMO BAY U.S. NAVAL BASE, Cuba (Reuters) - The U.S. military has ended an inquiry into who smuggled unauthorized underwear and a bathing suit to two prisoners at Guantanamo Bay without learning the source of the contraband skivvies, an attorney said on Wednesday.

The investigators concluded more vigilance was needed to prevent contraband from entering the camp that holds 330 suspected al Qaeda operatives, said Capt. Pat McCarthy, the military’s chief lawyer for the detention operation at Guantanamo.

Media reports of underwear smuggling prompted snickers when it came to light last month and McCarthy admitted, “We laughed too.”

But he said it was a serious breach because the Speedo bathing suit and the athletic-style briefs were made of very strong fabric that could enable them to be used as nooses, as could the cord that cinched the waist of the bathing suit.

“(It) sounds funny until a guy is hanging at the end of a Speedo drawstring,” McCarthy told journalists visiting the base.

Reuters Jane Sutton article HERE.

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5 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    “(It) sounds funny until a guy is hanging at the end of a Speedo drawstring,” McCarthy told journalists visiting the base.

    Me: Oh no a terrorist hanging himself with a speedo. I would certainly cry myself to sleep after hearing about that :beer:

  2. One Shot

    That would make my heart bleed panther piss alright :mrgreen:

    I say we furnish each cell with all of the rope they care to have. Those that choose not to use the rope can be float-tested in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. NickD

    “(It) sounds funny until a guy is hanging at the end of a Speedo drawstring,” McCarthy told journalists visiting the base.

    It only sounds funny til it happens - then it’s hilarious. :lol:

  4. C.L.Lucas

    Speedo is not a “seven day shitter”

    I hear there was some strange sect in Turkey where dudes wear a “seven day shitter” thobe / dish-dashe where they can crap in it for 7 days, no change.

    Sounds like bull, but these guys have been on the ground in the field longer than I.

    Speedos–kinda hard to hide a turd.

  5. EZ Rider

    Actually, I think that sounds very funny. Hahahah

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