One in Five Dems Feels World Will Be Better Off If We Lose

October 4th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


NEW YORK — Nearly one out of every five Democrats thinks the world will be better off if America loses the war in Iraq, according to the FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll released Thursday.

The percentage of Democrats (19 percent) who believe that is nearly four times the number of Republicans (5 percent) who gave the same answer. Seven percent of independents said the world would be better off if the U.S. lost the war.

Overall, 11 percent of Americans think the world would be “better off” if the U.S. lost the war, and 73 percent disagree.

Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from Sept. 25 to Sept. 26. The poll has a 3-point margin of error.

Praying for Peace

Large majorities of Americans say they have said a prayer for soldiers serving in Iraq and for the war to end, while just over half say they have prayed for President Bush.

Most people — 87 percent — say they have said a prayer for the troops, and another 77 percent have prayed for the war in Iraq to end. A much smaller 54 percent majority of Americans say they have prayed for the president.

Among groups, Democrats (80 percent) and Republicans (76 percent) are about equally likely to say they have prayed for the war to end, and women (80 percent) are only slightly more likely than men (73 percent) to have done so.

Republicans (74 percent) are twice as likely as Democrats (37 percent) to have included the president in their prayers, while just over half (52 percent) of independents have prayed for Bush.

Appealing to a higher authority on behalf of the president does not appear to be influenced by gender, as about as many men (51 percent) as women (56 percent) say they have prayed for Bush.

“It’s interesting to see the parallel between overall voter sentiment toward the president and the relatively reduced likelihood to pray for him,” says Ernest Paicopolos, principal of Opinion Dynamics. “It’s also striking to see a more than 30-point gap between prayer for the troops and prayer for the commander-in-chief of those same troops.”

In general, more Republicans (64 percent) than Democrats (53 percent) and independents (48 percent) say they pray every day. Southerners (66 percent) are 20 percentage points more likely than those living in the Northeast (46 percent) to pray daily.

Overall, a 56 percent majority of Americans says they pray every day, including 64 percent of women and 47 percent of men.

Another 17 percent say they pray several times a week and 7 percent several times a month. Few Americans — 7 percent — say they never pray.


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24 Responses

  1. bd

    Wow. I’m stunned.

    Absolutely stunned.

    Better if terrorists win then America win.

    Please, someone help me out here. I’m speechless.

  2. boots

    the other 4 out of 5 lied…
    commi bastards..

  3. bd

    Screw it.

    Let’s just surrender and rescind the Constitution, and declare ourselves British subjects again.

    What in the hell has happened since WW2?

    I guess we’ve learned nothing.

    We are doomed to repeat the mistake of isolationism and appeasement. That way, the new Soviets (Dems) can take control of the US government and finally destroy the US Constitution and turn us into the Soviet States of Amerika.

    Let that sink in a bit.

    The Union of Soviet States of Amerika.

    The U.S.S.A.

    Comrade President Hillary Klinton of the Union of Soviet States of Amerika.

    Dasvidanya comrades.

  4. sully

    I would have expected the number to be a bit higher.
    Polls taken to ascertain how many complete dumbfucks there are in America run at around 22%.

  5. sully

    “We are doomed to repeat the mistake of isolationism and appeasement.”

    This is what happens when you start teaching the Progressive Revisionist History or just stop teaching history altogether. You doom yourself to repeating it.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Who cares about polls. I don’t. It’s no shit many Dems are cheering for the enemy. Too many of them are old useless hippies, young mush heads and libtard commies. Fuck them. They are going to get their asses kicked in ‘08 and we ain’t leaving Iraq until the job is finished.

    I’ll quote this again:

    “We are a little bit of a shellshocked political party. We somehow or another always figure out a way to blow it,” Democratic strategist James Carville said. “Democrats have to talk their way out of winning.” Carville was not exactly serious but not exactly kidding. Even as all the trends seem to be breaking their way, Democrats still sound a bit like a boy who has been beaten up too many times on the playground: certain another punch is coming. ”

    Again I say, fuck the polls.

  7. bd

    All I can say is if it is 1 in 5?

    Union of Soviet States of Amerika.

  8. Q_Mech

    This just in: 5 out of 5 Q_Mechs feel that the world would be better off with Dems tied in a sack and dumped in the river. Then nuked, and a big steaming turd pinched off over their smoldering grave.

  9. sully

    “Union of Soviet States of Amerika.”

    C’mon dude. Get a grip. Like Dan says, the Dems will pooch it up. I saw this bumper sticker a while ago:
    ‘It ain’t over till the fat lady sings Hail To The Chief’

  10. bd


    and if Comrade Hillary wins? (bumper sticker not-withstanding)

  11. cnchess

    That is about as it has always been. Except for WW II, America has never been particularily united. About 1/3 of us fought on the Redcoat’s side of the Revolution. Probably half of the Union side of the Civil War wanted to make piece and let the south go.

    We win wars because we ignore these pathetic, self-loathing morons. The brave men and women on the firing line win all wars, and they are going to win this one on the battlefield. It is up to us to win the war here by voting the democrats out of power on all fronts.

  12. bd


    Very good points! But, my fear is that now, we have a very determined effort by Communists, masquerading as Democrats who need us to lose the war, hence win the election, and then the Constitution and the American Republic will be destroyed.

  13. sully

    “and if Comrade Hillary wins?”

    WEll I assume you realize she is the “fat lady”?
    Given that, it’s gonna be a close election but I don’t think she will win. That assumes we all remain vigilant in our opposition. And whoever our candidate is completely and constantly hammers her on her Socialist ‘tendencies’ and reminds ALL corners of the Repub party how much really is at stake here.
    Hell, just the real possibility of 3 lib Sup Court judges along with a raise in capital gains rate from 15% back to 30% that would put the stock market in the tank prior to November might be enough by itself. We’ll see.
    She really doesn’t have as much going for her as she and her MSM fuckbuddies would have us believe. So far it’s mostly like psych-ops trying to get you to surrender before the battle.

  14. Dan (The Infidel)


    “So far it’s mostly like psych-ops trying to get you to surrender before the battle.” You nailed it dude. That’s exactly what it is. The LMSM has her back. So does her butt buddies in Congress. As does the quisling Soros.

    Who fucking cares. Talk radio is tearing her and the rest of the lying ass media, and Congress a new asshole every day.

    The stars of talk radio are increasing their audiences every day. And Dhimis are turning against their wicked witch from NY every day.

    The media is one big Joseph Goebels production number. They ain’t shit. They proved that in 2000 and 2004. No matter how many lies and non-investigations that they do George Orwell will not be the POTUS in 2008.

    Are you interested in taking my bet bd?

  15. drillanwr

    During the 2004 Presidential campaign Pres. George W. Bush came to our Valley and made an appearance at our little Muni airport that also serves as an Air Force Reserve Base. My second daughter, who was a high school junior, was so thrilled. The local GOP had called and said we could get free tickets to attend the rally. I took her out of school for the day.

    We were so far in the back of the huge gathering inside and outside the hanger. My daughter made her way to the security railing along the path back to AF One in hopes of shaking the President’s hand. As he passed he took her out stretched hand for a brief moment. She told him quickly, “I pray for you …” and he stopped, backed up and shook her hand again … just simply saying, “Thank you.” He gave her that nod and a sincere smile before moving on.

  16. sully

    :lol: :beer:
    “The LMSM has her back.”

    Let’s not be shy and go leavin’ out Junior Sulzberger of the NYT.
    The Hillabeast’s very own version of Baghdad Bob.

  17. Lamplighter

    Does this prove the MSM has brainwashed the masses? Does this mean they have defective thought processes? Probably. Well listen up, you lowlife surrenderers: we’re winning, and we are going to win. Yes, and winning means: we significantly draw down our presence in the next 18 months, Iraq stands up its own security forces and a government that actually runs the country. Have you noticed the progress since we changed strategies (i.e., the “Surge)? Have you noticed the business activity in Iraq: auction of cell phone spectrum, contracts for oil drilling (yes, even the French are drilling in N. Iraq). So, sorry, it ain’t going to happen. You Dems “who want us to lose” will have to go find something else to cheer for. Sick losers! :evil:

  18. Ted B

    I pray for the troops, and I pray for the war to end. But I want it to end in victory, so far my prayers are better than the jihadis and their western blaspheming supporters. Just because I pray for the war to end doesn’t give the MSM or some pollster the right to interpret the meaning of my prayers. A perfect example of the imperfection of polls.

    As was said earlier, fuck the polls.

  19. Mr. Standfast

    Ok I admit it. I pray for the war to end. End in victory!!!!!! :mrgreen:

  20. frenchi (se)

    (yes, even the French are drilling in N. Iraq).

    still a bit optimistic though ;

    I think, in the meanwhile we were showing on which side we lean, part of Kouchner visit in Irak was ment to retie with the Iraki, in case if opportunities would surge so that France could recover her loss in oil investments there

    do you think we are dreamers ? :lol:

  21. sully

    “I think, in the meanwhile we were showing on which side we lean”

    As always, how FAR you “lean” depends on what you’re getting out of it.
    That’s OK… business is business.

  22. franchi (se)

    why “as always” ? it rather depends if we think it’s the right think to make ; in the occurence, going into the war in 2003, no !

    but support you now to get out of a precipice, yes ; it’s none interest your failing there.

    and yes, business is business ; you teach us this at least !

  23. sully

    “why “as always” ? it rather depends if we think it’s the right think to make ;”

    “the right think to make”? Would that be morally right or just right for business? Like you say yourself: “and yes, business is business ; you teach us this at least !”… and there’s nothing wrong with that until you try to steal the moral high ground as you do when you say….

    “in the occurence, going into the war in 2003, no !”

    France’s economic loss from the ouster of Saddam was substantial…. no? It was in no way a moral disagreement.

    “..but support you now to get out of a precipice, yes ; it’s none interest your failing there.”

    Don’t read the news Frenchi? France would in no way touch (”support”) Iraq until it started to look like we might actually win.
    Hmmm…. reminiscent of 1781 in Yorktown, VA.
    At least back then the French had the fortitude to acknowledge the true victor when the English attempted to surrender to Rochambeau’s aide rather than Washington:
    “Vous vous trompez, le général en chef de notre armée est à la droite.”

  24. franchi (se)

    “Vous vous trompez”

    I wasn’t trying to steal the moral high ground as you say, I ment that we know the artab world, and could predict how this happening would occured : kind of experience knoledge : Algeria war (I made some remarks upon that war on my place)

    “justement”, the moral high ground was there, more than you may think, a kind of culpability (guiltiness) feeling that has paralized us till the war of Irak. May-be the evenements of Irak, are kinda helping us to feel liberated from our hurtful past : memories begin to open.

    France’s economic loss from the ouster of Saddam was substantial…. no? It was in no way a moral disagreement.

    do you count the other oil cies there ?

    I think if I make a gogoole research I ‘ll find out some surprises ; anyways I did it already on other places, we were not alone there ;

    Don’t read the news Frenchi? France would in no way touch (”support”) Iraq until it started to look like we might actually win.

    euh, if Segolene Royal, or any other candidate had won our presidential elections, I doubt that they would have turned publically on your side

    as far as Yorktown is on the board, I nead more enlightementsof your side, I know our part of it, and I have seen some youtube videos celebrating the vitor :

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