Pelosi’s Armenian Gambit

October 19th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


…So why has Pelosi been so committed to bringing this resolution to the floor? (At least until a revolt within her party and the prospect of defeat caused her to waver.) Because she is deeply unserious about foreign policy. This little stunt gets added to the ledger: first, her visit to Syria, which did nothing but give legitimacy to Bashar al-Assad, who continues to engage in the systematic murder of pro-Western Lebanese members of parliament; then, her letter to Costa Rica’s ambassador, just nine days before a national referendum, aiding and abetting opponents of a very important free-trade agreement with the United States…

Pelosi’s Armenian Gambit
By Charles Krauthammer

There are three relevant questions concerning the Armenian genocide.

(a) Did it happen?

(b) Should the U.S. House of Representatives be expressing itself on this now?

(c) Was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s determination to bring this to a vote, knowing that it risked provoking Turkey into withdrawing crucial assistance to American soldiers in Iraq, a conscious (columnist Thomas Sowell) or unconscious (blogger Mickey Kaus) attempt to sabotage the U.S. war effort?

The answers are:

(a) Yes, unequivocally.

(b) No, unequivocally.

(c) God only knows.

That between 1 million and 1.5 million Armenians were brutally and systematically massacred starting in 1915 in a deliberate genocidal campaign is a matter of simple historical record. If you really want to deepen and broaden awareness of that historical record, you should support the establishment of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial in Washington. But to pass a declarative resolution in the House of Representatives in the middle of a war in which we are inordinately dependent on Turkey would be the height of irresponsibility.

The atrocities happened 90 years ago. Not a single living Turk under the age of 102 is in any way culpable. Even Mesrob Mutafyan, patriarch of the Armenian community in Turkey, has stated that his community is opposed to the resolution, correctly calling it the result of domestic American politics.

Turkey is already massing troops near its border with Iraq, threatening a campaign against Kurdish rebels that could destabilize the one stable front in Iraq. The same House of Representatives that has been complaining loudly about the lack of armored vehicles for our troops is blithely jeopardizing relations with the country through which 95 percent of the new heavily armored vehicles are now transiting on the way to saving American lives in Iraq.

And for what? To feel morally clean?

Full WaPo Op-Ed piece by Charles Krauthammer HERE.

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5 Responses

  1. dad 3/7

    more proof nancy pelosi is an enemy of our military and is a hostile member of congress determined to over throw our military and cause the deaths of thousands of iraqi and U.S. mititary..

  2. Jim

    Absolutely impressed,

    General Peter Pace Leaves Stars At The Wall

  3. drillanwr

    @Jim -

    Thanks for the link … Now be a gentleman and pass me your hanky, please? …


    ABSOLUTELY!! Pelosi knew EXACTLY what she was doing. I have no doubts …

    IF she didn’t, she is too fucking dumb and dangerous to be in Congress …

    IF she DID, she’s a fucking traitor and should be brought up on charges.

  4. just posting

    i think krauthammer was bein a lil too nice on C

  5. Dave

    Jim, I need a hanky too!

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