Video: Protest My Fist in Your Mouth

October 29th, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

A Generation Lost?

By James G. Zumwalt
Washington Times
October 28, 2007

Historically, in determining public support for America’s wars, university campuses across the country have served as the “canary in the mineshaft.”

During World Wars I and II, for example, many students dropped out of school to answer their nation’s call to duty to fight a war against an enemythreatening democracy. Those wars saw a level ofpatriotism that declined considerably during the Korean war and, during the Vietnam conflict, transitioned into student activism against U.S. involvement. In the late 1960s, we saw such activism, for the first time, undermine the war effort at home. A subtle indicator on campuses today as to whether student activism will move toward supporting or undermining America’s war against terrorism may turn on whom students identify — or fail to identify — as their “heroes.” While student activism has yet to surface as a factor in this war, there are signs, some over the past few weeks, a subtle undercurrent may beflowing.

One of these signs manifested itself Sept. 7 at the Rutgers University-Navy football game hosted by Rutgers. As the Midshipmen took to the field, they were hit by a chorus of “boos” and profanities. When Navy kick-returner Reggie Campbell was injured after a return, Rutgers chanted repeated obscenities. The verbal abuse continued, not only against Navy players, but their families and fans as well.

While some might dismiss this display by Rutgers’ fansas “boys being boys,” itis a sad commentary on the failure of Rutgers’ fans to recognize the selfless sacrifices soon to be made by young men like Mr. Campbell, and already being made by hundreds of thousands of others, in putting their lives at risk to protect those hurtling profanities at them. While the Rutgers chanters will be going off to the comfort of corporate America, the players they berated will be placed in harms’ way — some undoubtedly even paying the ultimate price to protect American values. One would have thought Rutgers students would have given the Middies a standing ovation as they took the field. In failing to recognize the Midshipman as heroes for their willingness to fight a war most Rutgers fans won’t, they clearly fail to understand the threat confronting America today.

Another college campus development suggests students embrace false heroes. Ward Churchill is the University of Colorado professor who caused a furor when he wrote an essay in 2005 describing the victims of September 11, 2001, as “little Eichmanns.”Hiding behind his constitutional right of freedom of speech to share his outrageous views with his students, the furor prompted an investigation into Mr. Churchill’s essay and other writings. A panel of academics found” patterns of deliberate, academic-misconduct violations, including plagiarism and fabrication,” resulting in his being fired.

In October, he was invited back to the university by some students, who rented a classroom, to give a series of classes that, undoubtedly, will be further critical ofAmerica. One student supporter coordinating Mr. Churchill’s return suggested, “We were deprived of his teaching.” Ironically, the man who so staunchly defended his “little Eichmanns” comment on the right to speak and be heard freely has denied access to his current class to reporters or students opposed to his views.

In probably the most high-profile college campus incident, Columbia University invited the Jew-hating, terrorist-supporting, human rights-violating, nuclear weapons-developing, U.S. soldier-murdering president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to speak. However, unlike the University of Colorado where the invitation for a controversial speaker was extended by students, the invitation for Mr. Ahmadinejad to speak was extendedby the president of Columbia.

How many students truly understandthis man’s fervent beliefs? How many understand he wants for them the same thing he wants for all non-Muslims — death? How many understand he believes in the return of the 12th Imam to lead the advancement of Islam to become the world’s only religion? How many understand he believes the 12th Imam’s return will only occur in the wake of world chaos? How many understand he believes such chaos can be triggered by Mr. Ahmadinejad himself, after which he will be rewarded by becoming heir to the Prophet Muhammad? (This, perhaps, explains the “vision” he had last year of himself engulfed in a “halo” while speaking at the U.N.)

This belief, coupled with his declaration Israel needs to be destroyed and his efforts to develop a nuclear weapon, should leave no doubt of his true intentions. Mr. Ahmadinejad has issued his version of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” only this time the entire non-Muslim world is the intended victim. Yet, at certain points during his discussion when Mr. Ahmadinejad demonstrated contentiousness, he was applauded by some students. Ironically, as non-believers in Islam, they applauded for a man who, left to his own devices, would not hesitate to be their executioner. It was sad to see this madman on steroids receive a more supportive response at Columbia than did Navy at Rutgers. A man responsible for killing our soldiers in Iraq received a common courtesy deniedto those in our military committed to protecting us.

Additionally, Columbia, while providing a soapbox to someone committed to our demise, extends no similar courtesy to those committed to our defense, such as ROTC and military recruiters — both of whom are denied access to the campus.

Tom Brokaw describes the generation that fought World War II as America’s greatest. We must hope he is wrong. For the tremendous challenges facing America today will, in fact, demand an even greater generation of Americans rise to the task. To meetsuch challenges, that generation must first understand the threat and appreciate those already confronting it. They must know the difference between true and false heroes. Should we fail to fully educate our young people to this, all hope for the coming of America’s greatest generation will have been lost.

James G. Zumwalt, a Marine veteran of the Persian Gulf and Vietnam wars, is a contributor to The Washington Times.

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9 Responses

  1. Rex (rbmsig04)

    excellent video!

  2. Sandy K.

    Excellent vid Iggy.

    Linda Tobin is an idiot. You nailed her and all the other jerks who just do not get it Iggy.

    Man, God help us all if all our soldiers were to refuse to fight. I am greatful to know they do not think like that and would not do that because they do know what is at stake for the U.S.A. and the world. They are in tune with reality. The idiot protesters and dems live in some utopian fantasyland.

    Good article too.
    … This belief, coupled with his declaration Israel needs to be destroyed and his efforts to develop a nuclear weapon, should leave no doubt of his true intentions. Mr. Ahmadinejad has issued his version of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” only this time the entire non-Muslim world is the intended victim. Yet, at certain points during his discussion when Mr. Ahmadinejad demonstrated contentiousness, he was applauded by some students. Ironically, as non-believers in Islam, they applauded for a man who, left to his own devices, would not hesitate to be their executioner. It was sad to see this madman on steroids receive a more supportive response at Columbia than did Navy at Rutgers. A man responsible for killing our soldiers in Iraq received a common courtesy denied to those in our military committed to protecting us.

    It is very upsetting to see this in the U.S.A. Sadly there are many here who take their freedom and rights for granted. They have never known true oppression or fear in its truest form. Their behavior clearly shows it. If they ever had they would have never applauded the despicable life form called Ahmadinejad. They would not have wanted to be in the same room with him or have him set foot in our country to begin with. They obviously do not see that the world does operate in a balance, as history has shown, and Ahmadinejad is hell bent on upsetting that balance at any cost along with his buddy Putin, the North Korean whacko, Chavez, et al.

    There just is no talking to people like that. To me the solutions of what needs to be done is as clear as day. It is mind numbing to me that there are many in this country who only seek to undermine our military and our security as a nation. If they keep it up they may live to regret it someday.

  3. Sandy K.

    Also, everytime I see the protesters and hear what they say I always remember one of our great heroes, SGT Eddie Jeffers, and a letter he wrote to his dad, Hope Rides Alone, prior to paying the ultimate sacrifice for us, I have had it on one of my web pages for a long time now:

    The protesters do not get it and I doubt they ever will.

  4. Jim

    They are the enemy’s propagandist…and they hate us. The more they scream means the better we are doing.

  5. Jim

    BTW, “Protest My Fist in Your Mouth” is great, Thats all heart and no filter. LMAO :beer:

  6. Steve in NC

    re the printed article, I am not sure our armed forces are acting in defense of those ignorant masses who booed the players or any their ilk.
    Those losers are just leeches, living off the bounty of our free nation without contributing to it’s continuance or defense, the fact they are still free and protected is because they are within our borders.

    >>BTY my son (fresh from Iraq) was wearing his jihadikiller shirt last week and had some loser say to him “he shouldn’t be wearing that man cause you guys are killing babies and stuff over there” while he was in a local store. He just turned and flinched at the shit and he then slinked away.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    I wonder how long these protesters would last, if everytime they opened up their commie-pinko mouths to spew their anti-American anarchist filth, if the rest of us would do just what the title suggests…

    Good vid…

  8. Phil

    It is tempting Dan. I’ve been giving that a lot of thought lately. My patience with useful idiots is wearing real thin. I’m thinking the gratification is worth a few hours in jail.

    Great vid by Iggy and great letter by Gen Zumwalt. Thanks for posting Pat.

    I’m not sure which Hanson article Iggy was referring to but this one will certainly do (if not please link);

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    Great video Iggy, as always :beer:

    Feels good being in the patriot crowd. something those communist left wingers will never get to experience. I am past the point of being ashamed of them. I am at the point now where i just wonder why the hell they are still here with the rest of us, they sure dont deserve it. like the old saying Love it Leave it

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