Released Gitmo Puke: “I’ll Continue Jihad As Long As I Live.”

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Bash.

Goat missing, little boys smile
Saeed said that mostly he missed his goat, and the little boys next door.

SANA’A YEMEN-A Yemeni national who was released from the US Guantanamo Bay prison has vowed to continue jihad “as long as he lives”.

In his first interview after his release from prison on October 12, Sadeq Mohammad Saeed said he did not know why he was arrested in the first place, and why he was released.

Saeed was arrested along with his compatriots in Afghanistan from a hospital where he was undergoing treatment for injuries he suffered in a battle more than six years ago.


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8 Responses

  1. Indy

    This is a perfect example of why the ACLU and their minions are so hated. Released to fight another day. I wonder how the ACLU feels about this POS now.And who will pay for their mistakes, American soldiers.

  2. the_right_reverend

    continue jihad “as long as he lives”……..

    just let them all walk the plank…….

    from a C130…….

  3. tedders

    continue jihad “as long as he lives”……..

    Won’t stop the jihad. Algebraically the other component in the equation will have to be zero.

  4. One Shot

    “A Yemeni national who was released from the US Guantanamo Bay prison has vowed to continue jihad ‘as long as he lives’.”

    May his Jihad be short lived then :beer:

    This is why these psychopathic animals can NEVER be released. I have said it before and I will say it again…float test every last one of these sons of bitches in the middle of the Atlantic. If they can swim back to shore, they are free to continue their jihad.

  5. John Goodrow

    We are our own worst enemy!

    What the fuck is going on!?!

    They shouldn’t even get a chance to be prisoners.

    Just kill them. No handcuffs just 45 bullets to the back of the head. Pork bullets that is.

  6. kathy ozanne

    So why don’t we stop taking them prisoner and just shoot the sob’s? That would solve the problem quite well, I think. The ACLU would have to find another cause to bitch about.

    And when the horrible day comes that American soil is once again defaced by Muslim violence, we will have no one to blame but ourselves this time.

    It’s just insane.

  7. sully

    continue jihad as long as you live eh?

    me too

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :mad: The ACLU and Amnesty International are the two biggest enemies to The United States regarding the attempt to release Akbar and Habib from Club de Gitmo. When-ever possible, pressure should be applied directly to these scum-sucking traitors. Fire off some letters and let these traitors know that there are Americans that will battle them to the gates of hell. For that is certainly where the likes of these people will go.

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