Russian Bombers Buzz NATO Meeting In Norway

October 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Tupolev 160 Bomber.

OSLO, Norway - The Norwegian military says two Russian bombers went on an unusual practice run near the Netherlands, where NATO defence ministers are meeting.

Spokesman Lt.-Col. John Espen Lien says that another set of bombers earlier today flew unusually close to far northern Norwegian territory, but remained in international air space.

Lien says that the later flight - by two Tupolev 160 strategic bombers - followed a course near the Norwegian coast and between Britain and Denmark, before turning back some 190 kilometres northwest of the Netherlands, where NATO defence ministers were meeting in the city of Noordwijk.

Russia has routinely sent up bomber flights from its northern bases in recent months in what is broadly seen as a demonstration that its military is again potent, 16 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union left it with few resources.

(Canadian Press)

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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    “what is broadly seen as a demonstration that its military is again potent”

    Me: I dont think their military is potent again, I think their stupidity is rising though. Just wait until one nation scrambles jets and is given the green light to fire.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    And on a side note: what is this anyways? a way to drive fear into the hearts of the entire world to fear Russia? Sorry Komrade Putin but you cant take on all of us

  3. WarBicycle

    They did the same thing over Canada a few months ago.


    I’m sure its just faulty gyros, or something. You know, 1960’s technology and all :lol:

  5. Steve in NC

    just some rusty saber rattling

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    What was that comment that McCain made: “I looked into Komrade Putin’s eyes and saw three letters…K…G…B..”
    Yeap, that about sums it up for me. Hope Komrade Putin has alot of Rustolium on hand, if he plans on moving any more of his military junk around the globe.

  7. CPLViper

    We should put a Raptor on the tail of one of those Tupolevs and follow it to their edge of international airspace and then let them know we are there. You know a nice friendly wave … or maybe … make them shit their pants with a missle lock warning. :twisted:

  8. Q_Mech

    CPLViper, that’s a pretty sweet idea. Give ‘em no warning at all, but suddenly every warning light in their cockpit goes apeshit. Then leave them with a flight-suit cleanup job to perform and disappear without ever letting them see their tormentor.

    I’m diggin’ it. Takes all the bravado right out of the whole exercise.

  9. Jim

    …They were from 317th Bomber Squadron..”The flying Rusty Rednecks”

  10. Dean Wormer

    I don’t think Putin really thinks about what’s good for Russia anymore. I think he just filters everything through “What would we do if we were the old Soviet Union?”. That doesn’t always add up to what’s in his country’s best interests.

    And he too often just looks foolish instead of strong. It’s like watching a kid play adult. Buzzing NATO headquarters. Gay. Very Gay.

  11. sully

    “It’s like watching a kid play adult.”

    Exactly. A provocative little fuck that Putin is I’ll give him that. He knows it won’t scare anybody but the Libs like Eric and Kipp who will be shittin their pants.

  12. Corey Wayne

    Another plan they copied our design on, the B-1B bomber. The fulcrum and the f-15. Our space shuttle and theirs which only flew once. Everytime we have ever gone up against their weapons we go thru them like a knife thru butter.

    Israel went thru their best air defense like butter!

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