Iggy Video: Shedding Some Light on PTSD

October 22nd, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

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6 Responses

  1. Jim

    I have it the other way around Iggy .. John McCain/Rudy G.
    at least at this point :beer:

  2. Gaige Mosher

    Iggy, we love you, despite your political leanings.

    Hell, I want yo BE you, I’m thinking about enlisting in the Corps. Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


  3. John Cunningham

    Let’s crunch some PTSD figures. We tend to have about twelve in the support areas of the theatre to every one in the actual slog. That’s one-twelth of the population in the AO. Of that one-twelth that’s further broken down to equal thirds. One-third totally unaffected, one-third moderately affected and one-third that is going to need some help. Certainly not an amount to panic over. Now, after one has been removed from the area of trauma it takes about two years for most in that third to start to display symptoms. The VA, because they had the Vietnam veterans to study they have learned a lot on how to treat it. And it is treatable. There is something to it, it is real, but it takes a bit of counseling and time to connect feelings felt from events of the past. When those dots are connected it can be described as not unlike a puddle of PTSD could be observed as draining out on the floor. “Oh, is that what’s been bugging me?” Now, you don’t forget the traumatic event but seem to not be as affected by it. A better understanding of yourself makes it easier to deal with yourself. One feels as though they are not being controlled by “something”. A loss of control can be frightening. Some have felt as though they are losing their mind. This may be why substance abuse comes into play so much with those affected because the alcohol or drugs give one the false feeling as though they are now in control. But, we all know that isn’t the way to go, but, the hell with it, it cuts to the chase, make me feel the way I want to feel, now. One thing to keep in mind, all the veteran is doing is reacting the way many human beings react. Not everyone reacts the same way but with some help those that are having problems can be brought back to center, remembering, but not forgetting. I’m not going to go into detail, as I very well could because I wouldn’t want those that are looking for a hand out to take their cue from me. I don’t want anyone to jump on the bus after it has crashed.

    There is a Harvard professor that by accident has found that a drug called propanolol has a secondary use. Those that have been traumatized can have the intensity of this surge of feelings lowered thereby making the traumatic event causing the problem, and no one is denying that some combat veterans have a number of traumatic events to individually work through. If you were there for a year you may have a year of counseling to work through them. Be a patient patient soldier. You can do it. With what you’ve been through the year of putting it back together will be a no-brainer. The Army as we speak is doing a study with a university in Virginia trying out this propanolol. If anyone saw that Boston Legal show last season where they touched on this drug I can assure they mis-represented the drug. They presented it as something that erased memory of the event. Couldn’t be further from the truth, it just re-wires the brain’s reaction to the event. Typical leftist’s attempt to mis-represent. Just as they will try to do to the Iraqi vet what they did to the Vietnam vet in an effort to present all veterans returning as though they are ticking time bombs. They will try to present you as homicide bombers. They are vile desperate creatures and we’ve been watching their tactics since ‘75 and are well prepared for them to trot out the same playbook for this one. I just hope that the VA doesn’t drag its feet getting its shit together. Though they’ve always been good to me and I’ve been in the system since ‘81. Some of the administration people can be frustrating to deal with, don’t you be the one that reaches over and grabs them by the throat, let someone else do that. Unfortunately there will always be someone that will do that and they’ll lead him away, but, for a while service in that department will improve. Once you get with the professional staff you’ll see things will roll right along. There’s two sides to the House of VA. Get in touch with your VFWs, they know the system and can shepherd you through if you encounter any problems. They have contacts in the system.

    Remember, it’s one-third of one-twelth, the rest of you get back to work.

  4. iggy

    John, awesome note there. I really like your comments with using the veterans (VFW) to help with the system. The only problem is, most politicians can’t hear them over their own awesomeness.

    Gaige - drink plenty of water and learn to make pain your best freind. Get Some!


  5. LadyAngler

    Interesting video, Iggy. All except Rudy G… I’m not sure Rudy could win. Jury is still out for me. I dig on Mitt, but I’m not casting any ballots yet.

  6. Marius

    Great explanation of PTS and PTSD :cool:

    Thanks for your service and dedication man :beer:

    All the best from me here in Norway :smile:

    Semper Fi !!!!


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