U.S. Airbase In Lebanon? First Permanent U.S. Presence Since Beirut ‘83

October 9th, 2007 Posted By Bash.


The air base, according to DEBKAfile’s military sources, will be located at Kleiat in northern Lebanon roughly 75 air miles from Damascus, which these days doubles as a shared Syrian-Iranian military hub and Tehran’s eastern Mediterranean forward base. The American air installation will also lie 22 air miles from Tartous, Syria’s main naval base and the Russian Mediterranean fleet’s command center. And the aircraft posted there will be minutes away from the joint Syrian-Iranian arms and missiles industries at Homs and Hamma.

DEBKAfile’s source report the Bush administration’s drastic change of policy on Lebanon was settled in consultations at the Pentagon and National Security Council after the talks the chief of the US Central Command Adm. William Fallon held with Lebanese government heads on July 29.

This new direction was confirmed after the Israeli air raid over Syria of Sept. 6.

It brings the American military back to Lebanon after a 25-year absence. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan pulled US troops out of the country after Syrian military intelligence orchestrated terrorist bombing attacks on the US embassy and Marines headquarters in Beirut, which left more than 300 soldiers, diplomats and CIA agents dead.

The first stage of construction will reactivate the small defunct air base at Kleiat as a joint US-Lebanese venture. Prime minister Fouad Siniora will explain that the four months of bloody fighting to crush the Fatah al-Islam revolt in the northern Nahar al-Bared camp demonstrated how badly the Lebanese army needs an operational air base in the region. US Air Force engineers and technicians have begun work on the new air field. At a later stage, it will be expanded for American military use.


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8 Responses

  1. Gaige Mosher

    Damn, that close? That’d be some pretty righteous turn-over time for the flyboys, wouldn’t it?

  2. C.L.Lucas

    Sounds like a lot of Patriot’s, a lot of alert, and a lot of ass kicking if Half-assad gets randy. Good for Lebanon though, they have had enough of Syria meddling in their seeking democracy.

  3. Bob

    I think it’s about time we all give Pres. Bush due credit for being a courageous warrior despite constant criticism and derision. This base in Lebanon shows our enemies that we will confront them where ever they are! The caveman of Pakistan has failed again! Another American base on his sacred soil!

  4. JTS

    Who says we can’t be diplomatic? This is an awesome opprotunity for us to really put pressure on those assholes in the region. I can’t wait to see how tehran and ASSad react.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    That air base will be a prime target for the hizzies. It’ll be a bitch to secure it. And it will get a ton of VBIED’s and human IED’s thrown at it. It’s a great idea, but how many troops will be needed to secure it? I’d rather such a base be in Israel. The Israelis are trustworthy and can do security like no other. In Lebanaon, this is just another jihadi target to hit.

  6. Brian H

    “In Syria”? Near, against, vs. But hardly “in”.

  7. Jim

    The “strategery” is an A

  8. CJWarner

    My buddy in Lebanon has given me this information on that air base during the last twelve hours:

    The Airbase is in Lebanon. I did many touch and goes there. Very nice airport and all green around it and close to the beach. One time I was on my landing approach, and two syrians were barbequeing right on the numbers of the runway and the tower asked me to land after the second intersection.

    It is 2 miles away from Syria. Once we take off if not into the sea, we have to turn left right away to avoid flying close to Syria.

    It’s a long runway about 9,000 ft. My friend and ex-MEA pilot landed B707s and B720s there during the war when Beirut Airport was under seige.

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