Video: Brit Hume And Company Clear The BS On Blackwater

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Waxman sure is an ugly fucker. And he’s looking at Blackwater performnce? That’s a joke. Blackwater hasn’t lost a client yet…and Waxman is a waste of life and time.
    I question Waxman’s performance. I mean other than being another whore for Komrade Soros, what else has he done?

  2. kurt(the infidel)

    this might be the most no nonsense, all common sense panel on television right now. usually very well thought out with no bullshit. And im also happy that its fox and no goofy liberals on here

  3. kurt(the infidel)

    And i also want to say that even when a panel member disagrees i can still tolerate it because they usually have a legitimate reason and i can see why they feel that way :beer:

  4. cnchess

    Bret Hume was great but Charles Krauthammer kicks ass! The whiney whims on the left sounded pathetic after logic and facts obliterated their arguement.

  5. Axem

    Mara Liasson plays the reasonable sophisticate, but she’s always just interested in shilling for the left. She just tries to dress it up as intellectualy thoughtful

  6. The Jester

    I agree that these guys need to fall under some sort of jurisdiction, but what people seam to forget and Krauthammer points out, is that these are generally highly trained men, almost all of whom were former elite soliders, whether they are former delta, seal, recon, ranger, pj, ect ect. Its a job that must be done, Americas military is already stretched thin, and the thought of tapping into our special operating fields for “force protection” is not a plausible answer. If waxman made a trip to the green zone his security would be provided by Blackwater and I’m sure he would not be complaining. Set up some guidlines and leave the issue alone.


  7. sully

    Nope. Sorry but they give Waxman credibility by discussing his ‘investigation’. That’s all this asswipe Waxman has done this year is ‘investigate’ bogus shit and he is one of the 240 or so reasons the Congress has an 11% approval rating.

  8. Jim

    Like I said before…These are highly trained, disciplined, law abiding, former elite soldiers.

    Error prone, trigger happy, unethical behavior. NO F*CKING WAY.

    Sukdic Waxman, you soros fruit loop butt pirate.

    Ahhhhh yes, feeling much better…. :beer:

  9. Vaquero

    Britt and the Krauthammer sure do seem to get right to the truth on Waxman’s witch hunt….

  10. Ranger

    Ya gotta love the KrautHammer.

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