Video: Rush Rips The Dems’ Treason

October 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

No one has betrayed Amrican troops as much as Harry Reid and the entire Democrat Party since Benedict Arnold. The Dems have killed countless troops by encouraging the enemyt to keep fighting, for years now.

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12 Responses

  1. John "Howie" Howell

    Rush take what is being said as a compliment!! I mean to be called a traitor by those that are traitors, or unpatriotic by those that are unpatriotic is just like English class where we learned about double negatives.
    If Rush, Pat, Mike, or Matt are traitors to traitors it would only lead me to believe that they are the biggest supporters or our troops!!!
    Semper Fi Rush, Pat, Mike, and Matt!!!

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Rush is working the mike and tearing the libtards a new asshole. All the libtards have done is increase his audience numbers and turned him lose on them. That was a big mistake Dhimis. You’re going to get crushed like a bug.

    And Levin is doing a show tonight on the prosecutors who are prosecuting “phony soldiers”. Oh yeah libtards they do exist. There’s at least 8 of them so far.

    See libtards this game was played before by Kerry and his Winter Soldiers. Only back then the alternate media didn’t exist to call him on his lies. It does now. Enjoy your ass whooping Dhimis. You deserve it.

  3. ssgduke54

    :neutral: Its funny that Senator Reid and Murtha are allowed to say we lost the war or called our soldiers cold blooded killers and no one bats an eye. But now it seems that the far left wants to get rid of radio talk shows who hosts have different points of view. Rush and O’Reilly are now targeted by these groups because they might pose a threat to potential Democrats Presidential Runners. I am afraid that the Islamic Fascists are watching this closely and now thinking that if they can strike with a worse then 9-11 type attack then the United States political system will collapse! Instead this will only start a far terrible world war the likes we have never seen since the last world war. May God have mercy on our souls for not standing up to petty tyrants and dictators!

  4. sully

    “The Dems have killed countless troops by encouraging the enemy to keep fighting, for years now.”

    I’ve been saying that for years now.
    This war would have already been over if not for the treason of the Dhimmicrat Party breathing life into the enemy. They do not care about the troops and they’ll use ANYTHING for political gain. This trumped up attack on Rush is just more evidence.

  5. JJ Irons

    What and who the Demoncrap party is today leaves me basically speechless. What kind of morally bankrupt souls they do have.

    This is a serious question. When does a person divorce themselves from their conscience and become what these people have become? When is the time *right* to engage in lies and downright debauchery with a willing heart? I truly can not comprehend this type of behavior from the Demoncraps. Oh sure, I realize they are going to do it, I just can’t figure out what makes an human being step over the line and just decay like they do.

    All I can say is the Conservatives have more than enough ammo now to totally blow the ant-American liberals sky high in the upcoming elections. IF, and I say IF the Conservatives will start ACTING like Conservatives and kick their lying little girlie asses. I say grab the miserable lying Libs by the neck at every opportunity and shove their faces in it every chance we get. Do not let up, do not back down. You KNOW they can’t take it.

  6. PhilNBlanx

    Well said JJ.
    We owe it to the REAL troops to get rid of these PHONY DEFEATIST so-called Americans. I’m going to be doing all I can to make that happen in 08′. Far past time for sitting back stunned in amazement by the carney tricks of the Soros circus. Time to run their asses out of town.

    Don’t think the demedia is covering for the leftist defeatists? Show me this story anywhere in the demedia; Returning marines and soldiers from Iraq denide access to Oaklnd Airport Terminal (again) -

  7. jam

    Rush rocks! Go get ‘em big guy. The traitors have stepped on their weiners this time.

  8. osmoothie» Blog Archive » Rush challenges Reid

    […] Pat Dollard, “Video: Rush Rips The Dems’ Treason” […]

  9. Jarhead68

    Media Matters is over there lying about their lies and trying to say that Rush left out important parts of the transcript of his show but the part that they claim he left out has no relevence to the story…it was just filler yet they tried to make it seem as if he edited “the smoking gun” out of the transcript. They are grasping at straws big time over there. But the Kosasses and koolaid drinkers can’t see through the morass because they are intellectually and morally bankrupt.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    The DailyKos kooks fail to make their non-points because many of us actually HEARD the show in question. What they and Media Matters say is laughable to anyone who heard the show. It’s not even a good attempt at lying on their parts.
    I keep comming back to it: It’s all about 2000 and 2004. That’s what’s driving their agendas. And they keep losing the argument…over and over again. And this is their tactic for taking the WH in ‘08? Now I’m really laughing.

    Good points. And I’m stealing the “Kosasses and koolaid drinkers” line. Have a beer :beer:

  11. Egfrow

    The comments on this video are infested with complete lefy retards.

  12. Egfrow

    I mean on You tube. Not here.

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