Ayatollah: US Lying About Iran Killing Troops In Iraq

November 1st, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

Atomic Ayatollah

Yeah, right. And they want nukes for “peaceful purposes”…

Eeerily, this guy sounds like a left-wing 911 Troofer. ~Bash

TEHRAN - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised on Wednesday the scientific achievements made by Iran in different spheres especially the nuclear field.

The Leader said the main reason behind the great powers’ anger toward Iran is because of such scientific progresses.

“The main reason behind opposition by arrogant powers… is their opposition to the progress and the scientific power of the Iranian nation,” the Leader told thousands of Basiji pupils and university students.

Ayatollah Khamenei also dismissed as a “sheer lie” statements by the White House officials that Iran is behind the murder of U.S. forces in Iraq.

The Leader said the “stupid policies” by Washington are the reasons behind the death of U.S. troops in Iraq and since the U.S. citizens are questioning such policies the officials have no answer but to “wrongly accuse Iran.”

The Leader also blamed the U.S. for security woes in the Middle East.

“Today, the U.S. (policy) is the main factor behind insecurity in the Middle East region and the intervention of the U.S. in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine has caused instability.”

(Tehran Times)

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12 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    The main reason behind opposition by arrogant powers… is their opposition to the PROGRESS AND THE SCIENTIFIC POWER OF THE IRANIAN NATION,” the Leader told thousands.

    This is a funny statement

  2. sully

    Hmmm… the top mullah sounds just like Kipp and Eric

  3. 3-7dad

    iran is not in the quest for nukes..
    iran has no gays,,
    iran is a peacefull nation,,
    iran is not interfering in iraq,,
    iran is full of crap,,

  4. Scotty

    “The main reason behind opposition by arrogant powers… is their opposition to the progress and the scientific power of the Iranian nation,”

    Umm we discovered all this many many years ago, we dont care that they make scientific progress(progress that has already been made, and all they are doing is re learning what we already know lol) but that they will use it for evil…

  5. POD1

    If Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says so,
    it must be true. :roll:

  6. mess

    “Today, the U.S. (policy) is the main factor behind insecurity in the Middle East region and the intervention of the U.S. in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine has caused instability.”

    Right! And the fact that Iran is the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism has absolutely nothing to do with regional insecurity.

  7. Steve in NC

    I hear chrissy matthews wrote that statement for the super deluxe eyatoldya aye khanedhami.

  8. CJWarner

    As a Muslim, he cannot tell a lie. rofl

    More propaganda from the criminal Persian crusaders…

  9. Sandy K.


    Hmmm… the top mullah sounds just like Kipp and Eric


  10. Future0311 (the infidel)

    The dirty laundry on his head must be getting to him again.

  11. A.S. Wise- VA

    Yup and when we start bombing the hell outta them, the usual suspects in this nation will side with the enemy that is Iran (those that haven’t already).

  12. Boombop

    “…is their opposition to the progress and the scientific power of the Iranian nation,”

    When I look at these idiots the last thing I’m thinking is progress. Hell their wardrobe hasn’t changed in the last two thousand plus years so you know their scientific progress is about equal to Fred Flintstone. Yaba Daba Do!

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