“Congress Is Behaving As If America Is Not At War”

November 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


WASHINGTON - President Bush compared Congress’ Democratic leaders Thursday with people who ignored the rise of Lenin and Hitler early in the last century, saying “the world paid a terrible price” then and risks similar consequences for inaction today.

Bush accused Congress of stalling important pieces of the fight to prevent new terrorist attacks by: dragging out and possibly jeopardizing confirmation of Michael Mukasey as attorney general, a key part of his national security team; failing to act on a bill governing eavesdropping on terrorist suspects; and moving too slowly to approve spending measures for the Iraq war, Pentagon and veterans programs.

“Unfortunately, on too many issues, some in Congress are behaving as if America is not at war,” Bush said during a speech at the Heritage Foundation. “This is no time for Congress to weaken the Department of Justice by denying it a strong and effective leader. … It’s no time for Congress to weaken our ability to intercept information from terrorists about potential attacks on the United States of America. And this is no time for Congress to hold back vital funding for our troops as they fight al-Qaida terrorists and radicals in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Bush’s remarks were his second in two days alleging inaction on Capitol Hill, which has been led by Democrats since January. This speech focused on measures related to the war on terror, while Wednesday’s emphasized disputes between the White House and Congress over domestic issues.

He argued that the current debate over the Iraq war and the Bush administration’s anti-terror methods harkens back to debates decades ago in Washington when Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin first talked about launching a communist revolution, when Adolf Hitler began moves to establish an “Aryan superstate” in Germany, and when some argued that Cold War accommodation of the Soviet Union was wiser than competition.

“Now we’re at the start of a new century, and the same debate is once again unfolding, this time regarding my policy in the Middle East,” Bush said. “Once again, voices in Washington are arguing that the watchword of the policy should be stability.”

Bush said denial that “we are at war” is dangerous.

“History teaches us that underestimating the words of evil, ambitious men is a terrible mistake,” Bush said. “Bin Laden and his terrorist allies have made their intentions as clear as Lenin and Hitler before them. And the question is, will we listen?”

Congress earned Bush’s scorn even while he offered praise because a key Senate committee has passed a new eavesdropping bill containing many provisions the president wants. “It’s an important step in the right direction,” he said.

He repeated earlier criticisms of a move to combine spending bills for the Defense Department and veterans programs with one for labor, health and education matters that Republicans consider bloated. Bush also lamented that his emergency spending request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan still languishes.

“When it comes to funding our troops, some in Washington should spend more time responding to the warnings of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and the requests of our commanders on the ground,” Bush said, “and less time responding to the demands of MoveOn.org bloggers and Code Pink protesters.”


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2 Responses

  1. Lamplighter

    Senators like Biden and Dodd are really the lowest scum in the pond. They have held up and politicized the new attorney general nominee (even though he was selected with approval of Dem leadership) because they are trying to appease radical lefties re: “waterboarding.” Congress refused to define the term and address it when it came up to them, yet they are putting AG nominee on the spot, while putting our national policy and US personnel in the field in peril. This AG nominee knows more about wire tapping/spying and terrorism policy than any of these senators, having presided as a federal judge over many of the prominent trials. What a bunch of disgusting losers, playing politics with this nomination while we are left with no AG while at war, while these issues are coming up and being worked out. They are embarassing the country, not just the president, with their crap about “waterboarding.” They all need to be waterboarded. :evil:

  2. Lenore

    It’s about time. Every soldier I have corresponded with gets it and has shown me the reality of what we face. The truth is we can bring the battle to them or let them bring the battle to us. Be the hunter or the hunted. The president was right to fight the Islamic terrorists in two lands they call theirs on either side of Iran. We were still at war with Iraq and Afghanistan’s leaders brought war upon themselves. Both were given options to avoid war, both refused.

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