Bashage! UAV Vaporizes Madrasah In Pakistan

November 2nd, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

I told you this is part of what we need to do!

The Pentagon issued a swift denial the U.S. military had conducted a strike, though spokesman Bryan Whitman said he could not speak for U.S. intelligence agencies that also operate the pilotless aircraft.

ISLAMABAD- Pakistani villagers said a missile strike hit houses near a madrasa founded by an old friend of Osama bin Laden’s on Friday, killing at least five people.

They told Reuters a drone aircraft carried out the attack. The United States has carried out such operations in the past using drones, which Pakistan does not possess in its armory.

The Pentagon issued a swift denial the U.S. military had conducted a strike, though spokesman Bryan Whitman said he could not speak for U.S. intelligence agencies that also operate the pilotless aircraft.

A Pakistani military spokesman said he had heard there had been an explosion in a house but there had been no action by Pakistani forces.

The sprawling religious school or madrasa near Miranshah, the main town in the Waziristan tribal region, was founded by veteran mujahideen commander Jalaluddin Haqqani, whose ties to bin Laden go back to the 1980s jihad against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

“A drone was flying very low and fired the missile. It destroyed three houses,” a Dandi Darpakheil village resident told Reuters on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivities over U.S. operations in Pakistani territory.

Full reuters article by Simon Cameron-Moore here.

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6 Responses

  1. Howie

    Good bye bad guys!!
    God Bless the NSA, CIA or whoever did it.

  2. Reign in Blood

    If it was NSA or CIA there may have been some time sensitive, and serious actionable intelligence that a high value target may have been there. Especially considering it was on a madrasa. UBL possibly? :cool: Al-Zawahiri maybe? :cool: The fact that the pentagon denies involvement and that they allude to the possibility it may be an intelligence agency that acted certainly makes it sound interesting. We can only hope and only time will tell. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  3. Buck Hoff

    Say hello to the Raptor.

  4. Jarhead68

    It wasn’t the US. It was Iran. Remember, they trotted out a drone a few months ago. They did it to throw the blame on us. If Al Jazeera can play that game with regard to the Syrian reactor, we can play that game, too.

  5. sully

    “…It was Iran. Remember, they trotted out a drone a few months ago….”

    Everybody knows the rubber band doesn’t get it all the way to Pakiland.

  6. TJ(the Kafir)

    Ok i confess . I did it! :lol:

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