Biden Tells Fourth Graders President Blamed And Attacked Wrong People For 9-11

November 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


And what context do they have to analyze what he says?

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - The words were a bit simpler but the answers none the shorter when Joe Biden, who has a reputation for being verbose, faced an audience of fourth-graders Thursday.

The Democratic presidential candidate encountered the group in the lobby of the New Hampshire statehouse on his way to filing his candidacy with the secretary of state’s office.

Asked how long he had been in the Senate, the Delaware senator, who was elected in 1972, started talking about the civil rights movement of the 1960s. He then detoured into an aside about how his sister was pushed to be a nurse or teacher while he was encouraged to pursue any career he wanted despite grades worse than hers.

He also gave a detailed answer to a question adults don’t often ask candidates: How did the war in Iraq start? Biden compared the war in Iraq with the invasion of Afghanistan.

“Osama bin Laden set up camps there, and he was getting a lot of help from folks running that country called Afghanistan. And that’s where he planned an attack on America to bring the World Trade Towers down and kill all those innocent Americans. We had a right to, and we should’ve gone, to Afghanistan to try to get bin Laden and those people who’ve done very bad things to America,” he said.

“But the president, I think, he got a little confused,” he continued. “I think he thought the folks in another country, way, way far away, far from here, it’s also far from Afghanistan, called Iraq. He said, ‘The guy in Iraq he helped bin Laden do bad things to us,’ and he didn’t. He wasn’t a good guy, but he didn’t help. So we used that kind of as an excuse to attack Iraq.”

Biden also asked the children a few questions, including the names of the past two presidents. He especially liked the answer he got when he asked them to predict the next president.


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14 Responses

  1. DC

    Well…What-da-ya-know? He finally got somebody to listen to him!

    What a greasy FUCK!

  2. Lil Mac

    Sit Down Before you Fall down Old Man
    Dont want ya to break a hip
    Does anyone really take this ol fart seriously ??
    Geeez shut up !

  3. sully

    Everything Biden needs to know he learned in kindergarten.
    He got somebody to listen to him cuz they speak the same ‘language’.

  4. Snarfybobo

    I’m convinced that he has a single digit IQ.

  5. Moe

    wait… arent those 4th graders smarter than him?

  6. PhilNBlanx

    …and then the evil ogre Bush went down into his dungeon where his cruel hunchbacked servant Cheney tortures children and started up his weather machine and sent a hurricane to drown all of the black children of New Orleans. Not satisfied, then the evil Bush took away all of the children in America’s money for medicine, then…oh, we’re out of time. Have a nice day kids.

  7. NickD

    Guess the Dems finally starting listening to their campaign managers’ advice to start talking to people on their intellectual level… :twisted:

  8. Lamplighter

    I think those hair implants Biden had years ago damaged his brain.

  9. Q_Mech

    Using fourth graders for his personal political porn. That’s just disgusting.

  10. Cridhe Saorsa

    Calling this jerk a weasel is offensive to weasels. But the name of democrat fits well.

  11. John Cunningham

    Maybe these new ways of these never ending campaigns is of benefit. Give them a couple years of rope and they’ll finally do themselves in.


    “Biden tells fourth graders President blamed and attacked wrong people for 9-11″ Proving beyond a doubt that he (Biden) is NOT smarter than a five year old. :mrgreen:

  13. Ted B

    I remember seeing him bum-rush to the cameras on 9/11 trying to politicize it and criticize the president. I will not forgive him politically for that, ever.

  14. Steven D

    Actually, I think Biden may be onto something.

    We should have blamed, and should have gone to war with…


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