Iran Proposes Coalition With Syria To Replace U.S. Troops In Iraq

November 4th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Baghdad, Nov 4, (VOI) – An Iranian proposal for troops from Iran, Syria and other Arab states to replace U.S. forces in Iraq was swiftly rejected and ridiculed yesterday at a high-level gathering of Iraq’s neighbors and world powers, the U.S. newspaper The Washington Times said in a report on Sunday.

“As top diplomats from two dozen countries and international organizations took turns to discuss how to improve Iraq’s security, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki suggested that a coalition from neighboring Arab states take over from U.S. forces, conference participants said.”

“The Iranian delegation distinguished itself again today with the most extraordinary proposal,” said David Satterfield, the State Department’s top coordinator on Iraq, who accompanied U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the Istanbul meeting.

Ryan C. Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, who also attended the session, said “Mr. Mottaki specifically identified Iran and Syria as potential troop contributors.” Crocker called the Iranian idea a “fantasy” that should not be “dignified” with a response.

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal offered the most forceful rejection of Mottaki’s proposal, saying it would do nothing to stabilize Iraq, diplomats said. They noted that no one voiced support for the idea, and it was not clear whether it had at least Syria’s backing.

Rice met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, but they spent most of their time discussing the upcoming presidential election in Lebanon, Satterfield said. He added that Rice warned Damascus to refrain from interfering in the vote.

Crocker said he expects to hold more talks on Iraq’s security with Iranian diplomats in Baghdad in the near future, following two unproductive rounds earlier this year.

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6 Responses

  1. sully

    Yeah…. that’s happenin.

  2. cnchess

    It is interesting that this stupid idea ever occured to them. Have they learned nothing since the Trade Towers fell? How many of them do we have to kill before their “leaders” notice?

  3. Brian H

    I’m sure they can get the UN General Assembly to pass a resolution to that effect, with a large majority. :roll: :lol: :twisted:

    Hey, they had to try. There’s no other way they’re going to fulfill their dreams of dominating Iraq.

  4. DC


  5. CJWarner

    The way the criminal Persian crusaders are headed within their own country, they’ll be too busy there trying to restore order to their own country when their nuclear development sites are destroyed.

  6. Irish Gal

    ROTFLMAO :beer:

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